Atomic Energy: Abundant, Clean, and Safe
If you really wish to conserve the planet from worldwide warming, there’s one energy source that can do it. It’s not wind or solar. It’s not coal, oil or gas, either. So what is it? Michael Shellenberger, creator of Environmental Progress, has the response in this crucial video.
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France gets 70% of its power from one carbon-free source. Sweden 40%. Switzerland 36%. The United States 20%.
For those who wish to produce a world devoid of carbon emissions, France is plainly the role model..
That source of energy, by the method, is not solar or wind. It’s not coal, oil or gas, either.
It’s nuclear..
Atomic energy is not just cleaner than all other forms of energy. It’s also less expensive to develop, safe and plentiful..
Yes, safe.
So, if the world is going to end in a few years since of international warming due to rising CO2 levels, why aren’t we going all out to produce this plentiful, tidy and safe type of energy? Why aren’t there dozens of nuclear power plants in advancement all over the world?.
Well, we all know the response? Nuclear energy is simply too dangerous … too hazardous.
So, despite the fact that we’re informed we’re dealing with an “existential crisis”– which means people might cease to exist; even though we might all wither away in unbearable heat; or starve due to the fact that of global dry spells; or drown in increasing seas; or be killed in Mad Max-style riots– atomic energy is off the table … since … it’s too darn dangerous..
I want to be sure I have this. The goal is to save mankind … There’s a way to save humanity … And we won’t take it. Since we’re scared, there might be a bad accident … or something..
Does that make good sense to you? Due to the fact that it does not to me..
However maybe I’m not giving sufficient weight to the security argument, so let’s take a closer look at that given that nobody, not even the most radical environmentalist, conflicts that nuclear power produces enormous quantities of energy easily and efficiently..
Safety, like whatever else, refers context. So, here’s some context. 1.4 million people pass away around the world every year in traffic accidents, 2.3 million in work-related mishaps, 4.2 million from air pollution. Deaths straight associated to nuclear power? Under 200– not yearly but in the whole history of the nuclear power market..
But what about those popular nuclear catastrophes we’ve all heard a lot about? Didn’t they poison untold thousands? Three Mile Island in 1979, Chernobyl in 1986 and Fukushima in 2011..
Okay, let’s handle every one..
3 Mile Island:.
There was an accident at the plant, yes, however the amount of radiation that leaked was no more than one may get taking a chest x-ray. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission acknowledged as much 4 weeks after the initial media hysteria died down. “We goofed,” the commission told Congress. “There was no threat of any hydrogen explosion.” However that didn’t get the headings..
The accident developed into a disaster only due to the fact that of pitiful safety treatments distinct to the Soviet Union. Even so, initial reports of radiation leakage turned out to be grossly overstated.
In 2011, as an outcome of an earthquake and tsunami, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was destroyed, and nuclear radiation was released. Regardless of the media hysteria, not one individual at the power plant passed away because of radiation leakages. The deaths that happened in the area were the result of the tsunami..
Well, what about hazardous waste? Undoubtedly that’s awfully harmful..
Actually, no. All the nuclear waste ever created in the US can fit on a single football field stacked less than seventy feet high. It’s quickly and securely buried in steel containers encased in concrete..
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Deaths straight related to nuclear power? What about those popular nuclear disasters we’ve all heard so much about? The Nuclear Regulatory Commission acknowledged as much 4 weeks after the initial media hysteria died down. In 2011, as a result of an earthquake and tsunami, the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant was damaged, and nuclear radiation was launched. All the nuclear waste ever generated in the US can fit on a single football field stacked less than seventy feet high.