Bible Prophecy – Happening Now Live from Israel with Amir Tsarfati (April 2019)
Pastor Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati from Behold Israel ministries discuss bible prophecy and the latest developments in the Middle East live from Israel in the Valley of Armageddon.
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Thank you Lord for these two Brothers in Christ 🙏thank you Pastor Jack and Brother Amir
Wow Pastor! I feel like I'm right there with you, and Amir in Isreal! This is So very Awesome!! Thank You Pastor!! I Love Isreal! And the Jewish people! Praise God! It's been great to Hear from You so Much today Pastor! Thank you so Much! Love, and God bless you Pastor!!
Watching from Alabama!! 🙏
God Bless watching from N.J.
Simply awesome, Pastor Jack!! God bless you!
God bless you and your family Pastor Jack Hibbs and Preacher Amir Tsarfati. Iam from Cebu City, Philippines. I am so excited every time you will update us with the current events of Israel and Middle East countries in the light of Bible Prophecy.
The 'Living Bible' is Israel. I am in total awe of the most important, inspiring and prophetic events happening each and every day throughout this vast World. Race, creed, colour or religion, Israel touches each and everyone of Us with 100% Truth of Jesus's/Yahshua's Word and given Prophecies. We should all pray for 'Israel and it's People giving love, kindness and protection to this beautiful Country, The Birth Place of Our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ/Yahshua and HIS many blessed Prophet's. Now with complete and total understanding 'Israel' is the World's sacred Time Piece on Earth. Now I personally know why I have alway's yearned to be there, with the Return of Jesus/Yahshua Our Messiah I shall be. Thank you, all praise to Our Heavenly Father.
PEACE TREATY NOV 16, 2020, RAPTURE APRIL 29, 2024, 2ND COMING OCT 11, 2027
I love that…A Jew Anew! May God Bless you and Amir!
I've just found this channel …Wow I love it…from Down Under to all Christians around the world may God Bless us All, In Jesus name
hi watching from India
Pray for us in South Africa, that the Body may be Salt and Light, that the LORD may Glorify HIS Name
How come you took yr last 2 new video's down?
Watching from UK on my night shift. Fantastic!
Thank you from Ontario Canada .
Watching from Nagaland…. I'm afraid if Google will show up Nagaland haaaaaa.
Watching from Nagaland…. I'm afraid if Google will show up Nagaland haaaaaa.
prays the Lord Jesus Christ from California
I believe that we are in what is being shared on the internet as: "The Babylon Whirlwind Prophecy"
If President Trump had only moved the US embassy to Jerusalem… Dayenu
If President Trump had only recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan… Dayenu
If President Trump had only appointed Nikki Haley as Ambassador to the UN… Dayenu
If President Trump had only closed the PLO office in Washington DC… Dayenu
If President Trump had only stopped giving US tax dollars to the PLO… Dayenu
If President Trump had only been the first sitting US President to pray at the Western Wall… Dayenu
If President Trump had only cancelled the disastrous Obama Iran nuclear deal… Dayenu
If President Trump had only placed crushing sanctions on Iran… Dayenu
If President Trump had only insisted that the ICC not target Israeli soldiers and diplomats… Dayenu
If President Trump has only banned the BDS founder from entering the US… Dayenu
For all of these blessings, we thank President Trump- the most pro-Israel president in American history. 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
Chag Kosher Sameach to everyone! 😊🍷
pray for me … Antonio Joe Ochoa. I am a sinner and i am weak to sin. I am to weak to fight it. I feel like i am unable to fight sin. I am afraid of the fire. I love my lord but sin is so dominating my life. People. plz. ask the lord to protect me from sin. i am weak to it. T.T.!
The cloud behind them was awesome thank you lord Jesus for Israel
God bless you Amir Tsarfati,Jack Hibbs& Israel & all the people of Israel!
Awe. Ot live
God Bless Israel!!!!! Blessings to you both! Amazing pastors. God Bless PRESIDENT Trump and PRESIDENT Netanyahu!!! In the twinkle of an eye!!!! We go up!! Maranatha! Can’t wait to meet my church family! Blessings!
My favorite pastor's ☺🙏💒 Trump resigned the noahide laws 🙁
Love you Israel from Salinas California
Shalom Pastor Jack and Amir ….Greetings from Cyprus ! God bless you both and looking forward to the next update 🙂
Shalom and God Bless! Watching from Georgia 🙂
Praise our God YHWH! Watching from yap Micronesia…God bless you both!
Some of the Embasseys of the nations have been moved to Jerusalem – NOT the CAPITALS !!!!!
I believe I was told yesterday morning, yesterday and today: Tell them I am coming soon!
God bless you both. Looking forward to that great day but sad for so many who are lost and don't believe.
Could you tell me where and when you are coming to Auckland NZ Amir
Millions not sinless. No hope.
Can't see any of you guys because you choose to use a grainy low resolution video choice. I'm deaf and you've made lip reading very difficult.
THUMBS DOWN – The Bible IS NOT GODS WORD. It is a book of somewhat fictitious Jewish and Hebrew stories with dates that don't work, events and people WHO NEVER EXISTED whose identities were placed over other other figures that did exist. This fictitious version of Jewish history became the Hebrew Bible that was much later added to the Roman Bible. The Jews did not worship Our Heavenly Father nor to they recognize Jesus as the son of their god because HE WASN'T. The Jews were and are correct. Jesus was not the sun of Yahweh Ildabaoth the Demiurge YHWH.
If you put your Bibles down and study history and then compare REAL HISTORY with the Sumerian Legends which were also fabricated history what you find is that Jesus was not endorsing anyone or anything in the Hebrew Bible when he used the names of these factious ancient Jewish figures or their lore. He was simply using examples the Jews might understand because they trafficked in spreading and worshipping according to this fictions Jewish lore.
I may talk about that old bridge that is fore sale to illustrate my point but we all know the bridge never existed.
Jesus said to 'Come up out of her." That the JROCCC was the false religion Jesus warned us would be created that did not teach, preach or believe what Jesus really taught.
Watching and waiting…soon we shall see our King. What a glorious time to be alive. Evangelize and keep oil in your lamp. Enjoy life but don't love the world. Pray for persecuted church. Be the David in your generation. Don't compromise for the sake of tolerance. Johnstown PA sending prayers for apostate church. May deception not prevail.
Hello Pastor Jack and Amir! Prayers and blessings from Reno NV.
CNN: Chicken Noodle News ..Jack should just go to Israel and claim citizenship.
From Philippines… Shalom..!