Bible Prophecy – Happening Now with Amir Tsarfati (September 2020)
Pastor Jack and Amir Tsarfati of @Behold Israel discuss the recent Israel & UAE Peace Agreement, the effectiveness of masks, the surge of West Coast fires, and more.
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Pastor Hibbs and Tsarfati are wicked, evil tares (Matthew 13:24-30, 13:36-43 ) who deceive others in the same manner in which they were deceived (2 Peter 2:19 ). I do not say this lightly as "he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord" (Proverbs 17:15). They spread the false doctrine that Christ does not know the day and the hour of the pretrib rapture, misinterpreting and misapplying Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32. These two verses were never meant to literally apply to Christ, as Christ knows all things (John 16:30, 21:17; Hebrews 4:13; ), making Hibbs/Tsarfati hypocrites, the leaven of the Pharisees. These two verses are idioms/colloquialism meant to bring His disciples' attention back to the Jewish wedding ceremony, as they were familiar with that. Always remember that there are three facets to learn any language and the Bible has all three. The trick is to identify where each of these are. The first facet is plain language as stated in John 11:4. The second facet are idioms/colloquialisms. And the third facet is story telling, like parables.
God the Father has given everything into His hands. Everything means everything. They each belong to the Church of Laodicea, the apostate church. They each must ask Christ to anoint their eyes such that they see Him again. Then, they must repent of their heresies. Then, they must say a new salvation statement unto the Lord (Revelation 3:18-20). Christ abundantly pardons those who ask Him (Isaiah 55:7). The reason that Hibbs and Tsarfati are false strong men is because of all the biblical facts:
– God the Father gave everything into His hands (John 13:3)
– No darkness found in Christ (1 John 1:5-7, James 1:17)
– No veiling of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:16, 3:18; 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 [But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing]). How can one who accepts the Lord is like a veil being taken away. Does it makes sense that Christ would be veiled when He is removing veils on all His children.
– All Things in Subjection Under His Feet/Him (Psalm 8:5-6, Hebrews 2:7-8)
– Spirit of Prophecy (Revelation 19:10). The pretrib rapture is prophecy and yet the Spirit of Prophecy is supposedly not able to know the day/hour of the pretrib rapture. How insane is this false doctrine that Christ is unaware of the day/hour of the pretribulation rapture.
– “I and My Father are one (No adversarial relationship between Christ and his Father)." The movie, Before the Wrath, whereby its said that Christ wants to go get His Bride and God the Father is telling Christ to cool His jets])
– Heaven Receives Christ Until All Necessary Pre-Pretribulation Rapture and Second Coming Prophecies Have Been Fulfilled (Christ's return is not imminent until such time that all pre-pretrib rapture prophecies have been fulfilled, one of which is 3 days/nights of darkness and blackness [Matt 12:39-40])
– Two principals orchestrate the pretribulation rapture: Christ and His holy angels (Parable of the Wheat and the Tares [Matthew 13:24-30, 13:36-43] and the Dragnet [Matt 13:47-50])
Other false doctrine espoused by Hibbs and Tsarfati:
– One's salvation cannot be lost. This is false as all have gone astray (Isaiah 53:6, Micah 7:2, Psalm 12:1, Psalm 14:2-3, Psalm 53:1-3, ).
– Adam and Eve lost their salvation when they upheld Satan's false doctrine over the Word of God (Genesis 2:15-17).
– The Scribes and Pharisees lost their salvation when they upheld Satan's traditions over the Word of God, making God's word of no effect ().
– End-times believer lost their salvation when
– Christ can take the Holy Spirit away from a believer who espouses a lie against His Word on at least three Occasions (Matthew 26:69-75, John 21:15-23, ).
Christ reaches down and rewards those who diligently seek Him, saving them from the Pit. (Psalm 79:11-12)
Hibbs and Tsarfati say that we should test everything. Now, they should test what I have written. Their eternal salvation and those of their congregations are at stake as the mighty men or strong men have been bound and now Satan is plundering their houses or congregations (Matthew 12:29, Mark 3:27). Just read Isaiah 24 about these treacherous strong men who deal treacherously (Isaiah 24:16).
Finally, for the sake of argument – Let’s say that Christ does not know the day/hour for the sake of argument. However, He knows everything else. He’s aware of when the last convert that accepts Him—the day, the hour and even the minute. This would give Him the day and hour right there as new converts are accepting Christ every minute around the world. This shows the truth that Hibbs and Tsarfati are liars, spreading false doctrine against the Word of God. This is a cancer–the leaven of the Pharisees (Luke 12:1)–and all cancer (2 Timothy 2:14-26) must be purged (1 Corinthians 5:7) from those who say "Lord, Lord."
As a watchman I have given the truth to these two plundered mighty men of two congregations; my conscience is clear, having obeyed the Lord, as part of my ministry to warn those who are part of the great apostasy and who have lost sight of where they are at on God's prophetic timeline as they have stolen the Lord's prophecies from Him and denied His power, saying He is not God, not being all omniscient. For God is omniscient, knowing all things without exception.
I do not judge nor condemn you or anyone else. I merely declare the truth and expose the heretics. One's own words will either justify or condemn them on that day (Matt 12:37). For Christ will not come to judge the wicked (those who transgress His word), as the words He has spoken will judge them (John 12:47-48). I warn out of love, while contending for the faith, to those on the broad road leading to hell. Stop following these charlatans who justify the wicked (saying to respect those with differing views other than pretrib rapture) and follow the Lord. I am a watchman on the wall for the Lord Jesus Christ.
The US is mentioned in the Bible
“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.”
Revelation 13:11 KJV
I love these brothers.
But Jack stop interrupting Amir, he has important they to say.
Please stop talking over him. Amir quietly waits and listen to you.
Wish more people would have saw, listened and took this to heart.
This is 10/02/21 and I just listened to Jack & Amir discussing Trump & Biden. I am a firm believer God is in control at all times and I could not believe Biden won the election, be it with deception or otherwise. After many months, I have come to think he won because the world is working up to a one world government that includes socialism and all that goes with it and Biden will fall right in line with what all the world –and the antichrist–wants. But, I'm not worried because it only means we are closer the the Rapture, and that's why Biden won. Praise the Lord!! He is still in control no matter what we want or think.
I'm only here to re-watch because of all I have learned in the last couple years of your compromise.I still cannot believe it, but haven't watched either of you since then. Rick Warren, guys, really? Eccumenism? What a shame for and to the Body of Christ.
A person who refuse to hear, is worst than a deaf person. A person who don't want to see, is worst than a blind men. Can a man be heal, if he don't wanted?
You all are a dynamic duo! God bless and keep you both and bring you peace.
God bless Israel the land of our Lord and Jerusalem his beautiful bride .
Thank you ,I praise our Father that we all were baptised in the blood of the Blood of Yahshua and we are all covered with His Israeli blood , so we all stand with Israel in Yahshua,s Name !!!
After listening to this message … it’s obvious why foreign interference stole our election…they and the globalist had much to lose under a Trump administration.
Rapture explained in 10 minutes at The Lord's Day Ministry.
We are in the time of the fig tree , a lot of false prophets read the Bible that’s the truth,
Pastors have died of covid for refusing to follow guidelines. The arrogance of people is unbelievable. We can worship our lord without smelling each other’s breath….the temple of God is in you…some of these pastors refuse to close churches because it affects their income.
God bless you and yours front close to God's will draw close to you in Jesus all that matters today is Jesus and saving souls God bless everybody keep locking up our redemption draws near
No, you are right on!!!!!!! I can't believe it, finally two people who see what I see. A THIRD TERM. YOU ARE SO RIGHT! THE EVIL BEHIND IT ALL!
January 24, 21
Revelation 13 says to calculate the number OF THE BEAST NOT the mark. "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 is the beast" equals 666. The original translation of the New Testament was Greek, "NCOVID2" + "beast" equals 666. There are many detailed examples that prove Covid is the beast. The vaccine and the MASK are the images of the beast, Covid, and are the marks of the beast. "No one can buy or sell" in 99% of the world, WITHOUT A MASK. The MASK is also a mark of the beast, Covid.
In Revelation 14, God marks on the forehead the righteous, so the people who worship the beast, Covid, and its images, the vaccine and MASK, have the mark of hell on their forehead. Christian and pagan, anyone who follows and worships the beast, Covid, will go to hell, Revelation 14.
The best talk I've heard on all subjects. Very sound and clear. I came to the Lord in 1966 and was saved two months ago through watching Behold Israel. Such a miracle.