Bible Prophecy – Happening Now with Don Stewart (March 2019)
Pastor Jack Hibbs and Don Stewart discuss bible prophecy and the latest developments in the Middle East, including Israel, Russia and Iran. They also discuss Artificial Intelligence, Brexit and the EU.
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Pastor Jack, this was a blessing! You and Don sharing your immeasurable knowledge and wisdom of the Bible and Jesus Christ is always a treasure to watch and listen to. God Bless you Pastor Jack and Don Stewart.
who wants a micro chip inside them Mr Hibbs ?? stop normalising the MOTB smh
what a wolf Jack Hibbs is…" the chip has nothing to do with the anti Christ " obviously has not read Revelation 13:16 – 18, smh
It’s crazy watching this today three years later and I see everything these Godly men are preaching. God Bless each and everyone that they may find you! Amen!
Pray for DON STEWART he had a heart attack earlier today
I have a question about the Temple Mount. I know some vague theories about it and want to ask if it’s even close to being true…. I have heard that the Temple Mount isn’t the truest site of the old temple because the measurements don’t align with the measurements that are laid out in the OT. They are more lined up with the measurements of the Roman facilities (I can’t remember what they’re called, but it was where they would house officers and soldiers. And was possibly big enough for an army of 10k I think is what I’ve heard?). And in AD 70 the temple was completely destroyed and Jesus said that not one stone would be left standing, but the Western Wall still stands. Maybe I’m confusing two different things, but I’ve heard that the third temple should actually be built just outside the city walls across from the mount of olives. So should the temple be built on the Temple Mount (which might be confused with old Roman Empire army facilities) or outside the walls across from the Mount of olives? I hope I’m getting the geographical locations correct! Maybe I can be corrected in the theory I’m talking about 😊
I’ve truly learned so much by watching all of these videos, I’m so thankful 🙌🏻
A cashless society will not stop human sinfulness✝️
Past Jack please look at the dates of you presenting a program. I just watch this program dated 2019 and we are already in 2021 and we are still waiting for the Lord anytime now. You guys are so good. Will you help.
artic belongs to Russia? China is working its way in Antartica…
Second Coming is so near
Our Enemies are No Stronger then us … why even go there … .. ..
Wow this is even old we have and are developing Hypersonic Rockets , you like put the fear into people do you all …
Thanking God for pastors telling us the hard truths that no one wants to discuss when going to church. We live in the last church age folks. They're coming for YOUR children. I lived under a socialist government for 3 years; it is NOT something that you want. Young people embracing this are deluded.
Love HN .Gos bless U all.India.Aizawl.Mizoram.
Pastor Jack please let your quests speak more
A Chip implant is not the mark of the beast. the mark of God and the mark of the beast are going to be a mark upon your soul, your forehead, and your hand. It will be a seal, a noticeable seal, a mark, something of that will resemble a tattoo upon your body your hand and your soul. God doesn't use micro chips. he uses a glorified seal upon the body. No microchip is a mark of the beast you have microchips in your Visa cards with master card's your bank cards everything. So if it was because of that then you've already committed a sin.
Do not forget the Rapture that will be involved during this time. It could happen anytime, but perhaps after the destruction of Damascus Syria spoken of in Isaiah 17, or just prior to Ezekiel 38 invasion of Israel. There seems to be concern about America’s participation in protecting Israel during this invasion, however America could be having difficulty replacing millions missing from all facets of the workforce from pilots to street cleaners. Additionally, President Trump and the vice-President could be called out in the rapture which could render our ability to decision making in the government, etc. nothing such a a Third World War must happen to render America less than effective during this time.
Abortion became legal in 1973 in Canada I had a child in 1972 at the age of 15 My son was only 6 months old who my Father wanted me to go to New York to have an abortion but my Mom said She ll die I was 6 months pregnant My father was very angry that I was pregnant At 16 I was raped and became pregnant again I had an abortion I don t know about other women but after the abortion all I did was cry I could nt eat just cry and cry Lucky for my Mothe because I think I would have literally have died of a broken heart Being 16 and naively believing society knew best I had the abortion It was the worst thing that ever happened to me I have repented and named my baby and pray for the babies soul all the time Abortion is wrong on so many levels How would these abortionist and all involve feel about their mother opting for an abortion at the time of their birth
Vaccines are killing kids just as much as abortion, the difference is these kids are wanted and parents are misinformed. Immune compromised kids are dying from vaccines forced on them regardless of what you have been told about protecting immune compromised people. Kids going into hospitals for organ damage needing transplant are forced vaccinated regardless of medical exemptions from their doctor because of “hospital policy” parents are told they will report them to CPS if they don’t vaccinate their immune compromised child. Many of these kids are immune compromised and need organ transplant because of the damage of vaccines. Preemies on deaths doorstop are still vaccinated and its procedure now to have crash carts ready right after vaccination of these preemies, against the recommendation of the vaccine manufacturers info.
Jesus is coming very soon amen ! Thank you Jesus for saving a wretched sinner like me that through faith in Jesus Christ finished work on the cross amen and maranatha
🙏🏽's for Israel & America! I know Israel is the apple of God'd eye, I hope he has mercy for American's who try to live a righteous Life. We all our Sinners so please God hear our 🙏🏽's.
I think it's only fair to point out that Generation Z's age range is currently between 4-24! That tells me that what's REALLY to blame for over half of them thinking socialism is a good idea is what they are being taught in our schools, most of all our public schools (or, more accurately, what they are NOT being taught in our schools). Oh, and before we turn our anger & disbelief towards the teachers instead, many of whom are NOT socialistic in nature nor would they support it)…these teachers are DICTATED what their curriculum will be and what they can and cannot teach by the "state" and if they go against these policies they risk losing their jobs and/or job security! So, for most of these gen z'ers, it's what they WEREN'T taught about the devastating outcome of socialism and it's policies that has them believing it's more "humane" and/or more "fair". A literal "everything is free for those who need it to be" and no one needs to worry about HOW it's all going to made "free" for the growing unemployed U.S. populas and the soon to be overwhelming demand that is going to be placed on the system from all the baby boomers retiring soon who PAID into a system that now is nearly broke. No one has taught them these logical questions to ask because none of the teachers are ALLOWED to teach it. With all the attempts and actual erasing of Southern historically important figures and icons that were associated with the Civil War because it is now considered "racist" or "triggering" to speak of them or honor some of them in ANY way, I shudder to think about just HOW they are teaching the K-12 students about the people, places and events that surrounded the Civil War!!! I almost have to assume that they are wiping it off the American History lesson plans ALTOGETHER. HOW can you teach these events without speaking of Robert E. Lee or Jefferson Davis or showing photos of the Confederate Flag? You COULDN'T. My own son came home a couple years ago, when he was in 7th grade and asked me why America WASN'T a socialist country because it seems like the "right way to be". When I asked him if his teacher mentioned the fact that most socialistic countries end up being hopeless communistic countries and that communism has led to the deaths of hundreds of millions of innocent people. You can GUESS the answer. It was, ofc, "no"!!! I was BESIDE myself. But, I bet his teacher literally "could not" discuss this stunning fact and/or all the ways it's wrong or to brag even a smidge about what America, albeit imperfect, has done right by maintaining it's state of being a democratic republic under a capitalistic economy. THIS is all very SAD but true! I can't hold a generation whose median age is 12 accountable in this case) Our PUBLIC Schools are owned by the far left ideologies just like 99% of our state Universities and even most of the private Universities anymore. It's really awful! 😪☹️😕
" I don't even eat chips" haha
Im a comebirthed in a muslim ? Im follow all saying Jesus , i believed Jesus is come back again the time the judgement day Jesus come to the worlds ? The Father in heaven sending him , to bring the words of Salvation and preaching the holly words how served to our Father in heaven and the hollyghost who's believed him we recieved in paradise on earth . I prayed to our God the father in heaven to bring peace and joy happiness forever ? And also who's preaching the words good news and bring over the worlds any kinds of religions bring peace loved and harmony to the presense to our God almity AMEN.
Wonderful news from God he’s messages all accurate because they are with truthful message from God’s Word
We are so privileged to receive God’s Message trough Jesús
Our Saviour the only hope for the True Believers All True
Believers very thankful 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
I don't belive in the rapture doctrine.
The question I have is somebody could please answeris there a state in the Bible that all countries will come under one rule before the end that couldbe considered the United Nations since every country that is part of the United Nations cannot cannot change their own major rules without consulting the UN first and since the youwin is trying to tell every other country what rules they should follow
But during the tribulation people will be starving and they will do it to get food for their kids and babies so they don't cry or watching them get thinner.
I was at Calvary chapel that day about the credit card.
I wish u could have talked about the robotic insects watching us
Robot's (AI) will be possessed by demons and Quantum computers will open portals for these entities that exsist in other dimensions.
Most likely the antichrist and image will be presented in the form of an Artificial intelligence, but will actually be a Spirit. With control over the web and every electronic device it will be easy to demand worship of the image world wide. It's not an Artificial intelligence people, it's a demonic spirit.
People if you are not one to believe in The Ten Commandments, loving God and loving your neighbor as you love yourself… Then you are essentially saying… sign me up I'll take the mark!
Who are these people to decide who lives and who dies, this is satanic.
I understand the Biblical narrative regarding Israel but do not understand how you speak so highly of Trump and Netanyahu when it has been very obvious both have been speaking for equality among the LGBT community. How Can leaders of the two most important nations on earth be blessed when both are clearly going against Gods laws regarding Man and woman? Please someone explain this to me