Biblical Law
Have you ever wondered why there are so many ancient biblical laws in the first books of the Bible? What are modern readers supposed to do with them, and why are some of them so odd? In this video, we explore why the laws were given to ancient Israel and how they fit into the overall storyline of the Bible.
#Law #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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I love the Picasso-like art!!!!!
The two fabrics give off different frequencies. They counter each other. And since our body (Gods design) operates on frequencies, it will work against us instead of for us. There is a reason behind every instruction
Eve with corn rows? 1 huge breast? Art is horrible.😢.
sound keep coming and going
wonderful teaching–thank you for helping understand the laws
With Jesus substituting himself in obedience right to death, he draws my heart to cherishing him. I no longer am persuaded by the enemy to disobey the law. I do not HAVE TO have other gods before God since I have Jesus. I no longer HAVE to steal because I have generous Jesus (and his followers). I no longer HAVE to covet since there is a new heaven and a new earth coming. That is how I see the law today, not as bootstrapsa. I just no longer have a motivation to disobey.
Best of alllll your videos
Well, the Bible predicts that anti christ will come and the third temple will be built and a 7 yr tribulation will come to earth then Jesus will come and PEOPLE NEED TO DECODE THE BIBLE, really, to know the way to heaven BECAUSE I BELIEVE THERE IS A VERY IMPORTANT “PROCESS” in getting there. If we will not look and do nothing, this means we don’t care of getting saved or lazy to search the true religion because we’re busy doing our thing on this world.. THERE IS “One” out there, a group of people, who’s doing the RIGHT and TRUE worshipping because God loves the world and since then, HE DIDNT STOP RECUING His people from LIES made by the devil. All we need is look for the truth! And in evry age and time, GOD ALWAYS SEND A MESSENGER who holds a relationship to God, then that messenger has given the knowledge to know the truth from GOD. A messenger must come out in a poor place or state of being just like the Jacob or any other prophets of God 1 Corinthians 1:27 Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful.
1 Corinthians 1:28 God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.
1 Corinthians 1:29 As a result, no one can ever boast in the presence of God. So please look at every group of religion that are present in this world and study them, just to know the truth and get no regrets when the time of punishment come.
Bible endorses beating slaves
This so cool…okay the reason God says not to mix wool and linen is because they have healing frequencies, but when they are combined they cancel each other out.
Wow, so good and so much ASMR 😅❤
Why is Eve so fat….?
I actually just finished reading the Torah/first 5 books of the Old Testament and honestly I think you hit a lot of the major points. I too especially noticed a lot of the laws and how a lot of them do seem to specifically apply to different cultures and times. You mentioned a few of them like the slavery laws and the fabric laws, but I also noticed it in laws like in Deuteronomy where they say if someone assaults a virgin they have to marry them or even in Leviticus the classic “no man shall lie with a man as one does with a woman”. These were laws that existed to either discourage immorality or even just to resist elements of idol worship but nowadays they seem somewhat archaic. But as you said the laws were made for an ancient people who just got their freedom, didn’t know what to do with it, and were basically starting from scratch, to the point where the people requested more laws after the 10 which apparently wasn’t enough for them. Not to mention how God, while he’s often not shy to use his power to punish sin is also not shy about creating ways for us to be redeemed like the iconic scapegoat ritual or even the Bronze snake staff or the lamb’s blood on the post during Passover. And if you read closely some laws are less strict then at first glance. Like it’s often repeated by Moses not to make covenants with Canaanites, not to allow them into their land, or not to intermarry with them. But one book later after Moses dies in the story of Joshua, they seem to forego the rule in the case of Rahab, a Canaanite Prostitute, a person who was both a sexual deviant and part of a culture that worships pagan gods. And even stranger is that God never punishes her and there’s no long lasting consequences like with other similar cases mentioned in Judges, and in fact Rahab brings about the family tree that later produces King David and Jesus. So here we see that what God values is not always strict adherence to The Law but exactly the most important Law mentioned by Jesus which is to Love your God and Love your neighbor as yourself. I really love your videos and I hope you guys make more of them
When Sunday Christianity finds out the ten commandments didn't come from, nor through Moses, they will realize, they are the law that cannot pass away until heaven and earth pass. Then they should understand the savior is not a liar ,and to keep them. Do they?
The vast majority of professing Christianity is the subject of 1John 2:3-4.
It's not really a problem, because, worship in truth, is sainthood. Worship by a man made Lord's day, is just salvation.
Contrary to your claim, the Bible IS a behavior manual. The philosophy of the Eurocentric Theological Model does its best to undermine the value of the Torah and its purpose. That is why Paul warned against it. From Creation there has been a distinction between that which is set apart and that which isn't. Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden because they chose to let philosophy guide them into disobedience. They chose that which is not set apart. The behaviors taught in the Torah are what distinguish a set apart people from those who are not. Every time Israel embraced the behaviors of the people around them, they brought a curse upon themselves.
The "mixed fabrics" issue is a perfect example. The Bible does NOT say not to "mix fabrics." It says to not mix linen and wool. Wool is for everyday wear. Linen was reserved for the priestly garments. The issue is the mixing of that which is set apart with that which isn't.
The 10 Commandments serve as an outline for all the Torah. The details of those Commandments are revealed over time. We are given the details of HOW Elohim wants to be worshiped. The days one observes, and the associated rituals, reveal which god is being served. (Romans 6:15-16) For example, we are told to not put other gods in the face of YHVH. Not erecting a tree and decorating it is a specific instruction that teaches one how to avoid that forbidden behavior. Modern Christian philosophy tries to justify this kind of disobedience.
At Mount Sinai, and throughout the Bible, YHVH defines loving him as obedience to the Torah. So, when people talk about "loving God," anything but obedience to the Torah is manmade. Exodus 20:6, 1 John 5:2-3.
In the 4th chapter of his letter to them, Paul told the Galatians that before they came to know YHVH they served false gods. After they have come to know him they now want to return to the observance of the days that honor those gods. The days that Jesus observed and instructed His followers to observe are feasts of YHVH. The days of false gods would be Saturnalia and Ishtar and Sunday. Renaming those feasts does not diminish the honor bestowed to those false gods. Observing them is disobeying Jesus' Father. It is, by definition, a sin.
1 John 3:4, Jeremiah 16:19
Close But No Cigar. It would be an exercise in futility to explain your error, so I'll simply say – DO TORAH; IT'S NOT JUST A GOOD IDEA; IT'S THE LAW.
Bad teaching of the Law!
Eve is black and obese? 🤦♂
These Bible shorts are really an awesome blessing for us all… All who would seek after The Righteous Water!
What is giving me trouble even after this video is V.Mose 20 (especially 20:14-16) and 21:10-14.
A lot of atheists leave christianity because of their misunderstanding of the old testament,
Hopefully more people see this video.
this is false doctrine you are saved by fath no works of law grace not law least any man boast read paul romans
would really want to see the comic version of the Bible! very cute🤣
Yes but God doesn't share goodness..
I struggle to understand the writing of the Bible at all I’m trying to figure out what biblical laws I’m supposed to live by like I know don’t cheat on your partner and don’t assault people but beyond the most extremely obvious things can someone please help
i love this ministry.. found them 13 hours ago been diving in these vids for hours… God enlarge your boundaries to touch the entire creation.. in Jesus name
what does an animal have to do with someone else???
Tell them about WHAT and WHO the animal sacrifices POINT To
I don’t understand some of this stuff.. like , if god knows everything, he knew that putting the bad tree in the garden would go bad. Why did he put it there? Why did he even make it in the first place?
Why did we need to kill something so god isn’t mad at us? How does killing an animal put us on gods good side? Why did god wait so long with us killing animals as a sacrifice before sending his son to take the place of that? How does the act of killing a god take the place of an animal? How was it so easy to kill a god?
I have so many questions on this stuff.
Very educational, although partially explained.
Repent because Jesus loves you! ❤
Pretty cool…a 5/yr old could understand this. Okay, maybe 6…definately 7. Probably.
what a lame excuse to justify owning slaves
You guys would make a good Joseph story series da id guzik produced one I really enjoyed you would probably dive abit deeper into the strange things that happen in that story
Sounds very superstitious to me, of which the Bible condemns. Therefore people's idea of God in relation to the history of man as opposed to the being itself should definitely be questioned and interrogated more. This is because the Bible explains the idea of God in the limited capacity of man to express that in word alone as well as possess the understanding within his age based upon the limited knowledge they had available.
You will not find God in a book, though you may reflect on hints of the higher power through the wisdom of the ages. Therefore be careful when using the Bible as your guide, because all people are flawed in their capacity to interpret the meaning as well as express the meaning in the first place.
Also God is always living and doesn't need the dead letters of man to speak for him, therefore don't get stuck in the past and left behind it's meant to lead you to the promised land today of which God's presence resides always. Man is God's limitation in the world for communicating his message to you beyond your own capacity to see the truth for yourself and interpret his word today. The word is inside you, but it only becomes a word through you it's a signal before you and a sign that comes after of which is a greater being overall and higher intelligence that develops within.
I hope this helps.
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