Biblical Scholarship: Process Series
A lot of research goes into each of our videos, and in the latest video from our Process series, Tim shares one of the most fascinating aspects of the research─the history of biblical scholarship. For thousands of years, scholars and readers from all over the world have been trying to understand the Bible, and now we get to benefit from generations of illuminating thought and conversation as we too try to make sense of the biblical story. Learn more about this important step in our process from our latest Process video, Biblical Scholarship.
#BibleProject #BibleVideos #Process
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Tim's passion understanding God's word is contagious.
I would love to meet Tim someday and tour his library ❤
Can we get a list top 100 books or something? I’ll love to consider Dr. Mackies suggestion.
This is fantastic! I am bridging the gap, or rather, reconnecting STEM with the Bible:) Can't wait to gain your insights on this topic… and gain some additional direction.
Love you guys
BibleProject creates free resources to help you experience the Bible. Everything we make is funded by generous supporters around the world. You can see our entire video library, check out our other resources, and give at bibleproject.com.
Amazing. Just Amazing.
Your talent and creativity is a gift to the world. May the Lord sustain and provide for you always 🙋♂️
I would love a reading list please please please xxxx🙏
How do i work for U?
Ooooiokkookoookokoyko lo okyoyyoyoyoyokkok kick okokkk poop okok Ku ok I’ll oone Yokohama I’ll kkooook ok okokkkkkkkkkkkkkkökkkökokoo I’ll kookioooo oil iöookkkkkk like okoky poop okokk you łookoooo poop I kilo lookikkkkko
Outstanding. Thank you for the Bible Project! Thank you Thank you!
Please don't grow tired of making videos ^_^. We desperately need it in this generation. Thank you so much and God bless you !!
Man those bookshelves are glorious looking. Full of deep and meaningful books
For those of us who would like to dive in deep on the details, it would be fun to have series on resources and some discussion and background on the resources in question. Learning about new or different resources that are out there would be fun and valuable to helping all of us find and see more resources from different perspectives. It would be interesting to learn of older resources as well as various more modern ones as well. Even an annual or Bi-annual survey of resources would be an invaluable discussion! My only ask would be a listing in the description of the discussed resource(s) so I am not pausing and replaying to get the name of the book!
I have noticed a definitive lack of African Biblical Scholarship. Is that intentional? The scripture were also written in Syriac? Just a question from a fellow bible nerd
Could you please do a video recommending books? Would be great to understand more about Jewish people in Bible times etc
Do you know where to find The
dead sea scrolls charlesworth at an affordable price?
I know one thing I had straight A’s ninth and 10th grade got a little wild 11th and 12th barely graduated ha ha I joined the Army after that got a pretty decent job had a brain injury hit the bottom of the bottom but always had a passion for Christ and my granddaddy was a true man of God between the military a brain injury and a divorce from my wife who cheated I found God and would do it all over again To experience the salvation in a new birth that I have been blessed with I rarely comment but I happened to stumble across this channel you have a new subscriber God bless you all
Jon and Tim! Quite a pair! Prayers for their continued pursuit of spirit and truth! They have blessed so many, and have an astonishing team helping them do it 🔥
Thank you for all you do! God bless you and your team!
I'm back in Bible School at forty. Looking forward to this community of biblical scholarship.
You guys really do a great job making all of this accessible to everyone, and creating a hunger to learn more. Praising God for Bible Project!
What modern Israeli Bible scholars?
I sincerely appreciate that you are the one reading and I'm the one appreciating you both
Despite all the cool and wonderful advantages I got from being born in this age (Millenials, u call it?)
The ONE thing I hate is the lack of reading interest, which really makes reading a hell for me (even with the spark interest I have for the knowledge it possess after reading the cover)
Amazing work. Thank you! I love and enjoy all of your videos that I’ve watched so far. I’m in my first year of grad school so I know first hand how much research goes into condensing such enormous topics. I can imagine simplifying topics from the Bible is an immense pressure. God is surly leading your work. Love, love, love your work!
God bless you
Bookshelf tour? 😅
I think it would be cool if Tim Mackie went on the Joe Rogan podcast