Biden Already Hit Record Number of Executive Orders | Lora Ries
Lora Ries joined the Lars Larson Show on February 2, 2021, to discuss Biden’s immigration agenda and executive orders.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/immigration/commentary/america-may-soon-face-unlimited-illegal-immigration
Lora Ries is a senior research fellow for homeland security at The Heritage Foundation. She has over 23 years’ experience in the immigration and homeland security arena. Ries twice worked at the Department of Homeland Security on management and immigration policy and operations issues, most recently as the Acting Deputy Chief of Staff.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/lora-ries
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If you don't like Joe Biden bash down the Whitehouse
And he doesn't even know what he's signing.
Biden and his lawyers know what’s lawful. They chose to violate the law in order to implement his policies. Republicans need to challenge these executive orders in court.
This Executive Order power has been corrupted. Remember when Obama was interviewed with regards to immigration and DACA and he responded he does not have the power to do anything? And he came from Harvard so it must have been discussed there. Then a few months later he issued a EO with regards to the same thing he said he did not have the power to do. I think it was discussed with the damcrats in the House, including a possible deal with the RINOs, and they told him to go ahead. Since no-one has standing but the House to appeal his EO, they are the one's who allowed these unconstitutional EOs to stand. Today Biden is telling his Immigration officers to totally ignore and not enforce the law as they took an oath to do. And not one member of the House is looking to rescind those unconstitutional EOs.
Dictator Joe
What president had the highest percentage of his executive orders rescinded?
Answer: Obama.
Note for trolls – I said "percentage".
Furthermore, And I wish we could include DACA in that percentage.
Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself… That's not how a democracy works."
The communist propaganda media. He is a thief, crook, liar and a COMMUNIST!
Biden doesn't even know what he is signing.
Is no one in the Senate and Congress standing up for the American people?
Is he ruling by fiat? Is he the new dictator of America?
Dictator Biden's only agenda is to gut America. His agenda is to continue Obama's destructive policies. They are both Communists and want nothing more than to destroy the United States, so China will be the world's superpower. That is their goal. All you have to do is look at the results of all of the EOs Biden has signed so far.
Question is: Where is the House and the Senate? Why are they allowing the Executive Branch to rule and reign exclusively without them?
Bravo! Please continue to keep us informed.
I think it's time to impeach Biden
Some are more equal than others.
Everyone should read the book, Call It Conspiracy by Larry Abraham to fully understand what is taking place in America today.