Biden Ignored Our Warnings About the Border — Now We’re in Crisis | Chad Wolf on Newsmax TV
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Newsmax TV, Friday, March 26, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, how the Biden administration’s policies got us here, and why we need to secure our border.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsoEUP-eA1w
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Belize speaks English. That’s why her English is good…
It is sickening to see this happening and then have to listen to all the lies coming from the democrats and the liberal "news media". How did our nation become so dumbed-down to enable them to get away with this?
The media don’t want you to see these Biden speeches…🤯🤦♂️ https://youtu.be/kQylUdogoDc
IF I MISS-LEAD YOU I PRAY I GO TO HELL WHEN I DIE SEARCH BETWEEN BRACKETS ON GOOGLE IMAGE. Search who you listen to with Right wing Watch (US Mexico border crossings a year graphics)
(us gun violence vs other developed countries)
(us homicides vs other developed countries) more guns more deaths.
(US ranks 26th for average life span)
( US ranked 34th in life expectancy at birth)
(Trump admits he lied)
(How Trump hurt betrayed Americans)
(us republican economy vs democrat economy)
(Trump failed )
(Trump Republicans lost over 50 voter fraud lawsuits) his hand picked judges threw them out for having NO EVIDENCE AT ALL)
They are getting what they wanted! This is not a mistake on bidens part, its what he has talkes about for years
No one’s going to impeach and remove buying from office. Because his replacement is a cognitively sound woman and her replacement is another cognitively sound person. Joe doesn’t know where he is half the time and he just agrees with what everyone else is handless tell him that’s easier to control you can’t control someone like Donald Trump I Kamala Harris who are free thinking independent people.
It’s what Obama and Biden want, it’s planned. They love this kind of thing.
if anyone thinks biden and harris don't know what is happening on the border, you are fooling yourselves. we are watching human and drug trafficking before our very eyes. now do you understand the real reason they fought Trump so hard on putting up a border wall? big business for these elites. they want their children as well. wake up, people.
Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive
Its an organized crisis and chaos that will benefit the left, making half of the country a Baltimore or Los Angeles means a permanent control for them.
Biden and Company should be removed from office for ordering Federal agents to ignore the law and NOT do their jobs – just like anyone else would.
I wish the UK had Trump, he promised gave more, Democrats should be ashamed, if they had a soul maybe
wake up America the Biden administration are intentionally causing this crisis.
All Good Patriots had better Fight for all that they are Worth;
"Democratic" Communists will take your Arms and rule the Earth.
Joe, Kamala, and Democrats open the Southern Border;
There go the Grand Republic, your Property, Law and Order.
Contra-Constitution, Dem's want to take over Elections;
"Communists" pick their "men", People "must" confirm their Selections.
States' Rights, and Bill of Rights, once Sacred, now are Denigrated;
People yearn for Days of Freedom, more and more Agitated. (© 2021 Jay Kent)
This is an IMPEACHABLE offense. They have Biden shirts on… where did the shirts come from?! They intentionally incentivized these LIVES… These are living, human beings being used as political pawns for Democrats — as usual. Why did a WH handler tell OUR SENATORS to delete the photos!!!? How can Pelosi continue to get away with her “smear campaigning” sound bites of propaganda!!!?? How can she stand there and say Biden loves the children and this is HUMANE.
This is a CRIME against humanity and a crime against the United States of America. Biden has put his interests before the safety of the American people and these people.