Biden’s Border Crisis is Exploding to a “Historic High” | Chad Wolf on Sinclair’s “National Desk”
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Sinclair Broadcasting Network, Friday, March 26, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, Pres. Biden’s false claims about the crisis, and why the administration needs to be honest with the American people about the crisis.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u77W2KZ465c
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Does the TND have an app
400% worse then usual and not this bad in 20 years….. Do you watch any real news at all?
I'm glad to see we took care of all the American's in severe distress, paid off our 30 Trillion Dollars in debt and are now able to do "feel good" outreach pet programs like this.
How many of those 13-17 year olds have been recruited into MS13 or the cartels? They are both extremely infamous for training teenagers to kill and sling drugs.