Biden’s Border Crisis Is “Unprecedented” | Chad Wolf on Fox News
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News, Tuesday, May 18, to talk about the border crisis, how the crisis is hurting our border states and towns, and why the leaders in the Biden administration need to get serious about securing our border.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ct6msxiDqwc
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Now now, we all know Kim Jun Joetater is the most popular, qualified and best driving President ever to grace this planet.
Fox News Lies!!
No one is going to mention how attractive the anchar is?
"asylum seekers" my butt….many are fat, all have a phone, and some have sneakers I can't afford
PBS just did a show where the undocumented chef who worked at Trumps golf course wants to be legal. He said many were illegal and they knew who they were hiring. If true, how can you be HERE talking about this, not what Trump and his buddies were doing?
Border states representatives need to step up and protect their states from illegal aliens send them back. They do have the power they just need the courage.
The Democrats don't care, now you are seeing the reality of your own party. It's all about big government plus votes, no matter what the cost, to this great nation, the United States of America.
Don't you Folks Realize by now… This "Administration" is a PUPPET SHOW. The Only Question is,
"Who is Pulling the Strings?"
America's media sucks across-the-board
Biden Cabal needs to be stopped and these Democrats MUST push back!!!
Biden is pure evil and corrupt as he tries to destroy our great country. We Texans are MAD as HELL at the unduly elected regieme in DC. Action will be taken and then it is too late to mend bridges burned by greedy, egomaniacal, power-hungry psychopathic politicians. They are NOT leaders as no one willingly follows them.
Watch church militant with Michael Vorice instead of fox, you’ll find out the real truth and better perspective of all its happening.
Why don't you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT rather than just report on it ?????
Why doesn't this mayor scream at his President?
Stop it!! Stop calling it Biden's border problem!! It's OUR border problem! Biden Harris are just puppets for these nefarious malevolent oligarchs … THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT CHAOS! You can't keep shading this as a Biden thing , Biden is a empty suit, a broken puppet a perfect smoke screen, the perfect idiot, yes they found the perfect idiot, 47 years of nothing that these nefarious oligarchs put in the highest position in our country.. This empty head Biden has nothing to do with it..Fox you are no better than CNN to keep distracting us from what's going on and what should be done about it… Just remember who owns you Fox… The same oligarchs that own the rest of the mainstream media, you are part of them.. part of keeping us divided ..
You …. We should be talking about solutions, how to free ourselves from these oligarchs!! Put the blame where the blame should be..
Understand the problem! Understand the problem or you're never going to be part of the solution… You got to ask yourself are you part of the problem are you part of the solution? Just showing us every night what we already know is going on just makes people angry , make some crazy …make some feel like they don't have a chance, can't have a chance to change this trajectory that this country is on.. lift these damn people up with some answers, how we can all come together to defeat these malevolent nefarious oligarchs…. It's getting late in the game to be pussy footing around!
Thank you for all you guys do 🇺🇸🙏