Biden’s Open Border Policy Is Driving Inhumanity at Border | Mark Morgan on Newsmax
Mark Morgan joined Newsmax on June 2, 2021, to discuss the border crisis and the Biden administration ending Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLlJD12QyvY
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Trump said Mexico was to pay for the wall
Mexico Is Not Paying For That Wall
Trump finally got his wall by build a fence around the White House
Trump calls Puerto Rico ‘one of the most corrupt places on Earth
Trump criticizes Puerto Rico's officials over corruption
Dear God help us!
These People Are Not Dreamers They’re Moochers Come Legally And Teach Them Law Rules Trump 2024 Stronger Than Ever For 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Biden should be impeached along with no show Harris. Who is running our country? The cartels? This is disgusting to all Americans. We didn't want this. This is a runaway elite running over and not respecting our laws.
Under this Administration, we are Witnessing the systematic Destruction of the Ecomony and
The United States of America.
I think Biden is Absolutely DETERMINED to Destroy
EVERY Good Thing that Trump
did for The USA!
TDS is REAL Folks!
Impeach him
They came for free stuff
These people are flat out child abusers and should never see their children again!
Since when does Potato get to ruin the entire country
Impeach Mayorkas now! Tell, don’t ask, Biden to restore the Remain in Mexico policies. People, send emails or call the White House and make your voices heard. This Admin is Obama all over again, what we don’t want and didn’t vote for. We knew this would happen and our votes were suppressed by vote flipping machines, fractional voting, illegals voting, deceased people voting, mass mail ballots made in China. America is not safe with all this BS going on.
They released 3 terrorists from Gitmo according to Judicial Watch. What happened to the KSM trial that was supposed to start on 1/11?
So what are you doing about this INHUMANE TREATMENT?
Mark Morgan clearly speaks from his heart. What an amazing person.
Democrats make this seem as if it is a race thing as if conservatives don't want brown people in our country LOL. I don't care if the person is whiter than flower. There is a legal immigration measure that you're supposed to take for a reason. It's no more complex than thinking about it as if the country is your home. You respect your home you work hard on it it is yours as our country is our home. And you might be well off and maybe you want to help some homeless people or poor people so you say some of them can move in. By doing so you're in full control of who because you do realize your family lives in this home and you don't have an endless amount of resources either so you will take in who you can afford and maybe make exceptions for people that can offer some use to your home and family Carpenters electricians etc so you'll take in people that can't contribute and then go above and beyond for people that can. Then these four people that you are helping get the word out that you were doing this and all of a sudden you have thousands of people lined up in front of your house all of them need help just as much as the people that you let in so you start to go through the list and let in the people that are desperate maybe they have children and they came from a place where they're not safe maybe they need somewhere just long enough to get on their feet but then as you're going through those list doing as much good as you can everyone in that line knocks down your fence and charges into your home. Now when you enter the house you can't tell which ones belong and which ones have invaded and now you have no way of knowing which ones are criminals which ones are coming from a home that they are not safe and need shelter and which ones are healthy and lazy and don't need help and while you try to sort this out more people find out and now another mob of people into your house eventually that house that had an abundance amount of resources is starting to become drained and now your own family is at risk of lowering their standard of life losing their financial benefits that you worked for. You work your whole life and so did your ancestors to build that home and to have whatever business that brings you revenue and these people that do need help that are just hoping to get a foot up don't really care about that because they're just worried about their own kids so when they come into your home they're not trying to be evil they're just trying to live but that does not change the fact that you are also not required to put yourself in a position to live away you don't want to or you can't afford to help others. We are not required to put herself in a position of bankruptcy and lack of security and safety because others need help. We have made a community we built it up our country has resources we can help but we have a process in order to help people and it's been working great for years and that is why so many want to come. It's not racist to be conservative with what you can do for others it is being a realist and it is putting your own families needs ahead of others which is what a father would do. Into the country when our country economically feels as if they can handle it and not one more than that whatever that number may be. I think we need to put our own children and our friend's children's future ahead of the rest of the world you can't help everybody it is a sad reality and America's legal immigration is very generous compared to other countries. With that being said if you are the type of person that thinks we should let the entire world's population of poor people come into our country uninhibited and that is what you think is right then have Joe Biden do it honorably. Seal up the border so that way our enemies and terrorists and cartel members can't use it as a way to get into our country and cause harm or bring drugs across and to end sex trafficking in the idea of kidnapping children so you have a free ticket into the country. Once all that sealed up then expand your immigration for legal immigration have the entire world's population of poor people come through legitimately. I don't see the compromise here you think you're helping people by allowing them to flood into our country but in the process trillions of pounds of drugs over years poor into our country we're giving boat loads of money to the cartels because of giving them a prosperous business of drug smuggling and human trafficking and we're also missing the occasional terrorist or foreign spy that could cause devastation to our country. So when these people come across the border many of them are raped to the point where a lot of these women take pregnancy pills before crossing. So you're not being humane you're putting people in the position that they feel like they have a chance of a better life but they must first cross a treacherous road where their children may be kidnapped and sold into sex trafficking their daughter and wife may be raped in front of them and they may even be killed and if they're one of the lucky ones they'll eventually make it into America afterwards. We need to find a middle ground Republicans and Democrats need to sit at a table and say what exactly is the number of legal immigrants that you were fine with and then bring in economics professionals from the left and right and have themDiscuss what is too much to impact our job market our economy and etc. And then make it known once that number is filled we will not take another person until next year and the only way you're getting in here is if you legally apply and if you need asylum and your life is in jeopardy. It's not that hard. Some reason this new generation has nothing to fight for there is no wars our country has been so great that they are going out and destroying it now. It's kind of like the equivalent of a child building a block tower in the process they're intrigued they're excited to make it once they make it they have a moment where they are proud of themselves and appreciate their hard work and then after that. Goes away they ultimately knock it down or start pulling blocks from the bottom to see how many it takes for it to tumble because now that is their new focus and they have lost interest now that the building is over and all they can do is look at it. That is what is happening in this country in a nutshell the children of our country and adults that have not moved past a childish mentality and have no wisdom are growing up in the period where the block tower has already been built generations before put the effort in they built it up and these new generations stood around and watched it for a while and were intrigued and now they're pulling blocks from the bottom for something to do for something new because they have grown complacent
WE ARE WATCHING BLATANT HUMAN TRAFFICKING. THE MILITARY is flying them in directly from Honduras to the USA..bypassing the borders.