Biden’s Swampy Stimulus Package Fails Working Americans | Joel Griffith on Fox News
Joel Griffith joined Fox News on January 15, 2021 to break down Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/markets-and-finance/report/the-false-promise-stimulus-spending-lessons-the-great-recession
Joel Griffith is a research fellow in the Roe Institute at The Heritage Foundation. He is a research fellow for the Institute for Economic Freedom and Opportunity at The Heritage Foundation. Previously, he worked as a researcher for a former member of The Wall Street Journal editorial board. Joel also was Deputy Research Director at the National Association of Counties.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/joel-griffith
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For once i think America is beh8nd Australia.
We did stupid stimulus packages ages ago. Welcome to the party guys.
The one where we don't give a crap about the debts our kids inherit.
What's new in the zoo?!?! This was a foregone conclusion…commie tactics…catch a wake up people…it's gonna get worse……..
Uuummmm… Donald Trump was calling on them to give Americans $2,000. They gave them $600. So calling for $1,400 now would just equal what president Trump wanted to begin with for $2,000 each
Bidens Plan Bails out the Corrupt States of California & New York…. .making the rest of us pay for their MISTAKES …. insanity
Well Joe Biden just lied again he said you were going to get 2,000 looks like it's only 1400 and you probably aren't going to get it until just before the 2020 election
It's all an illusion the government prints money anytime they want Trump is bringing in nesara
But Trumps plan was a raving success despite being nearly the exact same thing? You guys have lost credibility having been Trump zealots for the last 4 years.
Oh boy i have grown from thinking they are st€pid to they are just €reedy.
Inflation coming soon…
The Heritage Foundation is the perfect example of the swampy swamp. An echo chamber of connected lobbyist pushing shadowy people's agenda.
And here we go with the criticism and blame lol
How does 15 min wage help our unemployment problem? Price floors create shortages. Every economist knows this
2020 online stock market is just difficult and unbelievable, I rather invest my money on crypto
Why should taxpayers who live in states that know how to manage money like n. Dakota have to bail out NY when they don't know how to manage mkney
What's not mentioned here is Nazi Biden said he's going to help small businesses except white owned businesses, these democrats have been using Nazi tactics against white people since odumbo was in office,, now white people are the new jews from the holocaust in Nazi Germany 😥
Mommie is that guy Biden a bald Santa clause? He’s gonna run out of ink!!! You and daddy have enough kids but there’s a lot of free money right there. Guess I’m going to bed early tonight. Mommie can we have a baby on or before Halloween and name him finger lakes Biden. He Shure is giving the American small business owners the finger? Lol
$15 min wage people think more money for low level employees wrong businesses just raise prices to keep their profit margin like Walmart who already operates on razor thin margins or other businesses will just hire the illegals waiting at border chanting Biden for less money & you will have no job
Open America we will stimulate our selves like we do foreigners every single year
Just print that money until it has NO value.
Biden grants $15 minimum wage, a much greater step towards growth and affordability! 😁😊🇺🇸
In future, let financial assets and profits pay a higher share!
That too will help grow the economy.
I'm Alone 😍😥
Enslaving us in Debt while Enslaving us in Life.
Putin probably can't believe that his investment in Trump would pay off so well.
Wow 😱
How big and easily the left spend somebody else's money is something to see!!!
I'm sure the $350 Billion is for the states like California and N.Y. that have run their economy into the ground. So the rest of America can bail them out and so those democrat run states can just do it again. 😡😡😡😡😡😡
Yes we need to reopen
But even the people that are working because of the schools being closed my food bill is almost $1500 a month and I have to pay $400 a month for a tutor for my kids I still make the same amount as before the pandemic
Very happy 😍💋 💝💖♥️❤️
… Dude, we're screwed … just like Nancy … https://youtu.be/WgRbqv36Q0Q … is screwing us …
biden already failed and hes not even president yet….
Open our economy, that’s how our country will come out of this mess. More stimulus is a bandage on the problem and a burden for future generations, but I digress the democrats don’t care if they devalue our dollar and bankrupt our country and robbing our future generations as long as they can get more power.
It’s not like you guys had or have any better ideas or ways of actually implementing them. You had your chance…..and you ALL blew it. 🤷🏾♂️
The Governor's have crushed their States hoping for Federal bail-out instead of taking hard working tax-payers money for businesses sales tax.
Their plan was noticed before everyone voted. What happened. Prepare for reparations. After a 55% tax increase . All the people not working are not saving money. But blue states are opening now that joe won
what normal moron do? run to closest walmart for cheap stuff, who producing all cheap stuff? oh so sweet
Democrat over-spending. Businesses as usual.
Fox News sucks!!! Watch OAN & Newsmax.