Biology Isn’t Bigotry: Why Sex Matters in the Age of Gender Identity
As gender identity ordinances and bathroom battles sweep the nation, ordinary Americans have had to confront the question of whether their long-standing beliefs about the sexes are based on biology or bigotry.
While the debate has polarized many, it has also served to unite exceptionally unlikely allies. In something of an historical first, self-professed radical feminists and conservative women are tabling their ideological differences and standing in solidarity against gender identity legislation, which they have come to recognize as threatening the civil rights of women. The Hands Across the Aisle Coalition is a bi-partisan group of women who have committed to working together and leveraging their collective resources and platforms to oppose aspects of the transgender movement.
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This is all a Marxist push to create the perfect unisex man. How do you get rid of sexism forever; create one sex.
All this because Simone de Beauvoir said, without any medical or scientific knowledge at all, or any evidence to support her statement, that gender and biological sex are separate.
The true dark side of transgendrism:
Male Violence is the Real Issue, exactly!!!!!
And women's sports
That was SIX years ago? Now look where we are. These violent, hateful, misogynistic MEN and their cohort of perverts are PUNCHING NCAA swimmer and violently rioting to kill Posey Parker. WAKE UP! ENOUGH DIVISION
16:48 we had an anonymous survey of parental concerns, open ended questions, then people could vote any agreement of public but anonymous comments. I expressed concerns with national trends in teaching gender ideology to children and the comment was removed from public view. This was the first alarm bell. The second was that our principal, while likeable in general, takes to cross dressing in his free time, and has chosen to do so at school events including Halloween on campus during the day with students, including a large, attention directing performance. I’m very conflicted. I don’t think his intentions are to cause harm, but exposure to these concepts, is problematic at best when we know the slippery slope and over stepping of schools in regards to children transition.
45:23 The gentleman who asked why feminists are not fighting harder against the TRAs may be forgetting that many women (myself included) have been physically attacked and badly injured by men. The TRAs are men’s rights activists, and many of them truly hate women. They threaten us with rape, death and dismemberment. We are much more vulnerable to violence than men.
Even when they aren’t brutal and threatening, the TRAs are men, and women are, by nature and socialization, more “agreeable” than men. We often hate ourselves for it, but we are more likely to submit just for our safety.
The word is safeguarding
And the right also is not antisemitic.
“ it’s a terror campaign “
i was raised to cut some slack for F**ked up individuals …. and I will for the trans men. but the transexuals who try to hijack womanhood are not going to get that pass. men are verboten in womens private spaces and womens sports. period
I notice that there always seems to be a reluctance to talk about the chief drivers of trans and that is the male, trans, heterosexual cross-dressers w/ a fetish-the autogynephiles— the male fetishists who get sexually aroused imagining themselves as women. Men who do 'womanface' and insist on invading women's spaces and appropriating womanhood itself. Women's sex-based rights based on the material reality of sex are in conflict w/ rights based on the incoherent and invented 'gender identity' based on no material reality and that reifies old stereotypes. Women were not historically denied rights based on whether they 'identified' as women but b/c they were women. Women's hard fought for sex-based rights will not be supplanted by some pervy men's made up category of gender– 'gender identity' is a fiction.
Horrible about the women's festival. I am so hurt that the festival has ended because of this, as it is something that is so deeply needed (by me and all women). A space of our own to be together without men.
This isn't about why "sex matters" this is just hate speech against trans people, and no you should not consider other people's gender an "issue", it does not concern you.
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but only if you look, think, talk and act exactly like us."
The thought of an 8th grade female potentially being forced to share a hotel room with an 8th grade female claiming to be a girl on an overnight field trip is horrifying and is a parents’ worst nightmare.
" has also served to unite exceptionally unlikely allies." You mean the far right fundamentalist Christians who border on fascism , and transphobic people .
Yes, we women are used and abused day in and day out, but not by transwomen, but by cis-gender men and other women who support the Patriarchal Dominance Hierarchy and it's attendant rape-culture and gender binary. The same patriarchy that you are actively defending and supporting in this video.
Alright. You've made your opinion known. Many other people don't share your opinion. That's life. You don't always get your way. You don't get to impose your phobias on others.
Get used to it.
What I see in this video is a petulant temper-tantrum. A restrained hissy fit, but a hissy fit, nevertheless.
The late Magdalen Berns our legendary "TERF queen" belongs in this panel. Your intelligence and wit are sorely missed in a much needed times like this. Thank you for starting the ball rolling for the rest of us.
I a normal dude. Biologically a dude. Always gonna be a dude. I don’t think I would want a biological female coming into the same bathroom as me. That’s kinda weird.
The LGB Alliance U.S. and U.K. was formed specifically to separate from the trans activist agenda–stop conflating transgenderism w/ LGB b/c we do not want to change our sex or our bodies. LGB is about who you love not what sex you think you are–we know what sex we are–LGB and trans are two different things. The T was force-teamed onto the LGB to gain greater acceptance for the T, that was part of the strategy so trans glommed onto LGB as though it was just another civil rights issue–it is not. Trangenderism is misogynist and homophobic and most self-respecting LGBs want nothing to do w/ it andthere are some pervy characters under the trans umbrella.
As a gay man, I want to say I strongly echo Miriam's views about the "T" and how it fits in the LGBT community. And she is absolutely and wholly correct that a great deal of us feel this way, and our politics range the gamut. But we are all fearful to speak out. I'm 30, ie a millennial. I have a career I need to maintain and grow, and my industry is a very progressive one, so speaking my mind about trans issues isn't exactly something I can risk doing. I have my older parents to take care of as they age, and their wellbeing comes first. If I win the lottery or inherit someone wealthy, I plan to make this issue my life's mission. It's so beyond odd that I was taunted as a kid for liking boys/men and now I'm being told that if I'm not interested in sleeping with transmen (ie biological females with female genitalia who "identify" as men) that I'm somehow bigoted. It's so bizarre. Was my fight and struggle to come out as gay all for nothing? Did I risk losing my family and loved ones when I told them I was gay all for nothing? Because somehow I'm now being told that I must be okay with being with biological females who identify as men. It's beyond mind boggling to me. No. So Miriam is 100% right about this. And though I'm by no means a conservative, I urge conservatives not to make this mistake and confuse all LGB people with T, because we're not the same. In doing so, you're actually hurting the cause of restoring sanity to biology. I might be gay, but I believe in biology. Heck, it's the biology that I'm most interested in when it comes to me being gay, let me be explicit. We may disagree on what constitutes good and appropriate relationships (ie. heterosexual only, or hetero- and homosexual), but we don't disagree about what makes those people the way they are (ie. their biology). Let's find our common ground and fight together.
Honestly this all just really irritates me to hear this. Small percentage of the population or not, people have rights. Bad people will get caught, let the rest be and do as they please.
@40:42 two main answers. 1) the news can't create fear porn from trans men using male spaces. 2) i think we all can agree that cis males, not teans women are the issue. Cis males are more of a threat to trans men, especially pre-op, then cis women are. That's why. I realize some people are uncomfortable with that, but honestly if you have been a trans human shoes u would know that it is so uncomfortable to use both spaces, and the female one is perceived as safer.
How brave of these transphobes to speak up against issues that no one has whilst also having no one from the opposing side to give their opinion on the matter
As a Transgender female I have to say that we get raped twice as much as cis gendered women and the law enforcement actually protect the rapists over those that actually got raped. On top of that us transgender women loose our jobs and homes just for being transgender and are sold off as sex slaves and no one in law enforcement does anything about it.
Oh, no opposing arguments from trans people, then? That seems like a fair discussion!
Just today I had a argument with some kids on my bus I don’t remember how it started but it became a gender identity argument I said that I think that people should be called by their biological gender this way there is a more logical world this one girl sitting in front of me said “oh my god this bitch” a guy sitting to my left said “go on YouTube and find a 5 hour long video to shut this bitch up”
One: my search lead me here
Two: according to my school the phrases they were using is bullying not just that but everyone else within three to five feet from me (except all those behind) were “bullying” me (according to the schools term). They think I hate trans people (which is false) and they think their fighting for equality by yelling at me but this video proves that they could care less about the women and their privacy who go to the bathroom with a biological male and they ignore the thoughts of the women “could it just be a rapist trying to get his way by lying of his trans identity”
I think we need some female pop stars that represent different kinds of women By that I mean. I grew up with The Spice Girls, they showed an entire generation of girls that there were different kinds of women, all of whom were proud to be strong women: Tomboy, loud, outspoken, sophisticated, girly. Singing about all kinds of things including friendship, with a message of "Girl Power". What have girls had the past ten years?? Nothing but overly oversexualised girly girls singing about boys in the club 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
WOW. I am no fan of the Heritage Foundation but this was a stellar panel, and I was pleased to hear a conservative Q&A that didn't sound as wacked-out as the last YouTube conservative panel on gender ideology I watched…also a great panel discussion but…where the Q&A audience members began dragging nutty conspiracy theories and Satanism into their questions. On this one, I liked that one self-identified conservative asked the important question, "How can we support gender non-conforming children better?" The sort of confused non-responses weren't the best–perhaps conservatives need to think and debate this more, you should have a better answer than, "I dunno…" I'm left-of-centre myself but I have come in the last few years to embrace intelligent conservative thought as opposed to the nutty far right crap that's become the face of the GOP. I think it says a farkava lot about the left that The Heritage Foundation is offering more rational thinking on human rights than the left is on this topic. The eugenics comparison is quite though-provoking too. I'd never thought of it that way.
I came out of my MOTHERS VAGINA with a VAGINA. I am a FEMALE and I NATURALLY EVOLVED into WOMANHOOD. There isn’t a MALE/MAN on this planet that can tell me anything about being a FEMALE/WOMAN. I applaud these WOMEN 🚺
M have always and will always be jealous and envious of w.
No one is saying biology isn’t real and sex isn’t real. We are just saying sex and gender are different.
biology isn't bigotry, bigotry is bigotry lmao wtf
you can't use biology as an excuse to be transphobic
Dismiss progressives from any and every conversation.
I'm a straight man. As such I am by definition a heterosexual biological male. I must logically relate to straight women who are themselves, by definition, heterosexual biological females.
With the claim that "trans women ARE women" means that I would have to, logically, relate to women who are in fact biological males.
THAT contradicts the fact of our sexual dimorphism as a species. It doesn't hold up to defined reality.
I have said for a long time if we the people, left or right don't come together to fight the obvious destruction of family unit we will die as a society. We are being intentionally divided to fight garbage while the people in power who push this shit are gathering more wealth and power.
It's so weird how biology doesn't actually support transphobic views, but transphobes definitely pretend it does 🤷🏻♀️
It's, also pretty weird how the heritage foundation is labeled as a hate group by a bunch of equal rights organizations.
Some of this seems like parents who wanted the other sex with the kids. Given what the surgery does, they will not reproduce.
You people know that some people intersex
Lol biology is descriptive not prescriptive. It's crazy how much of a bubble all these panelists live in. Yes, dysphoria is complicated, but trans men are not confused butch women, just look at how low the detransition percentages are. And, most importantly, as long as we're talking about biology, intersex people have existed as long as our species has been a thing. Just because people choose to ignore reality, call them 'defective' and literally perform life-changing surgery on babies because their bodies don't conform to whatever ideological 'two sex' purity these self described 'ordinary Americans' have in mind. Just because you keep arguing against an imaginary left wing position that ignores biology it doesn't make your straw man real. Why would trans people medically transition if all they all think biology isn't real? How many actual real life trans people have these speakers interacted with in order to understand transition? I'm willing to bet trans people understand their biology and medical history better than people who outright disagree with the scientific consensus and use a second grade understanding of genetics. Even then though, non-XX and XY pairings have been included in the curriculum for ages, so they don't even have that excuse. But they'll continue to keep ignoring actual biological facts to spew nonsense based on a completely ideological world view.
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