Black, Millennial, Female and… Conservative | 5 Minute Video
Antonia Okafor, a young, single, black woman, recently discovered that she’s a racist, sexist, misogynist. How in the world did this happen? None other than Antonia Okafor explains.
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I recently discovered something startling about myself. It turns out that I’m a racist, sexist, misogynist. This came as quite a shock to me. How did this happen? As a person of color, a single woman with a graduate degree who grew up poor in a home without a father, I had a clear political path to follow.
And I followed it.
I voted for Barack Obama…twice. After all, we share the same skin color. His father was from Africa. Mine was, too! What other reasons did I need?
I was inspired to see a black man rise to the highest office in the land. I believed his ascent would herald a new beginning, a new era of racial healing and harmony. We would finally have that frank discussion about race that everyone always talks about.
I was also inspired by his wife. I was thrilled to see such a strong, opinionated black woman take the national stage. But then something happened… actually, several somethings.
I realized there was a big contradiction in my own life. I considered myself a free-thinker, but I was thinking exactly what I was supposed to. I decided to start asking questions. I belonged to several campus feminist groups. I was even teaching feminism to inner-city girls. Part of that teaching involved making the case for abortion. These girls needed to know that they had the right to make decisions about their own bodies. Surely, I thought, that’s empowerment. But one day I asked myself: Isn’t it men who benefit most from consequence-free sex? Doesn’t that give them even more power over women? And, of course, abortion certainly doesn’t empower the women it prevents from ever being born.
When I began to ask my other feminist friends how they reconciled these issues, they just got angry. I was called anti-woman. Even by progressive men! “But I’m not anti-woman,” I thought. “I am a woman!” I just don’t want to be a weak one. I want to be strong – like Michelle.
At about the same time, while I was a student at the University of Texas at Dallas, the UT Austin Department of African Diaspora Studies released a statement in which they said, and I quote, “African Americans are disproportionately affected by the saturation of our society by firearms … We demand that firearms be banned in all spaces occupied by black people on our campus.”
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/black-millenial-female-and…-conservative

Republican party treats black Americans as "Americans" , equal to all Americans.
Democratic party treats black Americans as "African Americans", in their eyes a lower grade American
God bless her.
Wow what a video
The tolerant crowd doesn't have a lot of tolerance for people who think differently or even ask questions… almost like it's only about votes, and not about tolerance, diversity or inclusion.
Right on young lady, now hopefully your awakening continues and you realize the only difference between Dems and Reps is the flavor of BS they feed their mindless supporters.
Not to mention fascist white supremacist!😉
Wow. This is even more powerful than any of the speeches that Obama has given.
Powerful message
This lady is an intellegent brave person. More power to you!
First thing, she has absolutely ZERO knowledge of history if she believes democratic ran cities are the only ones black people are disproportionately poor and doing badly! Its EVERYWHERE there's a large number of black people where europeans had slavery and colonialism or affluence plus influence in countries economic, military, government around the world! Current conservatives structures are white nationalists way of maintaining power, domination and control over not just people of color but even lower income whites!(Middle Class income is now 200K + minimum 1 million in assets, just look at tax structure and deductibles available for those who are not at that level since 2017 tax changes giving permanent tax breaks to wealthy and corporations as well as the corporate pandemic stimulus! Which allowed corporations to convert their debt to U.S. bonds that current grand children's grand kids will STILL be paying on, while the descendants of the current wealthy will be the ones receiving the interest payments! Yeah, another thing they dont tell you about America's debt is most is owed to wealthy people and corporate entities identifying as American!
Listening to you lay it all out so eloquently puts the absurd behavior of the liberals in perspective. Sadly their mirrors are all broken. Thank you for sharing your journey. You are an inspiration. I doubt we will ever meet. If we did, I would be honored to call you a friend!
My family is a very large Thai family. My branch of the Family ( the US branch )immigrated here illegally in the 70s. We are your typical Trump Populist Conservatives. There is the half Black Panamanian Part of the Family that is Democrat ( also happens be the richest and the not religious part of the family in the US, in Thailand the Family is filthy rich ) They only know that one part of the Family is conservative but we are all hiding from them that basically the entire US side of the family is Conservatives 😂
3:10 Very interesting Question
🤔 "Why were Blacks doing so poorly in cities that have been run by Democrats for decades " 🤓 My answer is, "SANCTUARY CITIES" . The creation of SANCTUARY CITIES is one of many back stabbing ideas to all Americans that the US Government has created.(not sure if SANCTUARY CITIES was a Democrat idea or Republican) If I'm not mistaken, it began in the early 1980's in California. Having SANCTUARY CITIES keeps employers from hiring US Citizen, the ones that suffer the must is the American Black Community. This is Unfair for American Black folks, something needs to be done regarding this SANCTUARY CITIES situation, because it not only affects American Black folks, but Anglo Americans, and American Hispanic folks as well.
I saw this woman on that Vice feminism panel.
There where also nazi jews, there is always a crazy ass in a group
You have been called "a racist, sexist, misogynist"?
Ok, heard that. Want to hear about the tactics right-wingers have been using?
Just because I slightly disagreed with conservative beliefs…
And just because I simply presented an alternative point of view that isn't "conservative"…
I have been name-called and falsely accused by the right of being "a communist, socialist, globalist, (cultural) Marxist, libtard, leftist, SJW, tankie, shill, sheeple, child groomer, pedophile, Zionist banker, godless babykiller, soyboy, femboy, beta male, Muslim lover, terrorist, feminazi, degenerate, anti-Christian, anti-Western, Satanist, etc…"
Do you have any idea of how many times have those words been thrown at me???
Conservatives are just as guilty as the "extremist" side they're criticizing. Don't deny it.
And now the left isn’t against guns anymore but are calling the right gun grabbers
Thank you. May your testimony incite other young people like yourself to think for themselves rather than simply follow manipulative leaders.
You go, girl!✊️
Calling Michelle Obama a strong woman HAS to be the joke of the century.
Antonia, if nothing else, I walk away fully confident that you ARE a woman. Welcome to the shining city on the top of the hill. 😊
Barrak Obama was the one that set the table for all this identity politics, which is extremly racist and sexist on its own.
Proud of you girl … welcome to the freethinking, freedom-loving, law-abiding, hard-working, honest Americans!!!
I'm a Hispanic,gen-z and conservative
Ate you Clayton bigsby sister
follow the money.
Racist, sexist, misogynist.
Ok, heard that. Want to know the name calling that conservatives use?
Like godless babykiller, beta male, soyboy, commie, muslim lover, traitor, terrorist?
Had that frequently thrown at me.
See here’s the thing, Conservatives aren’t racist like the media wants us to believe.
We shouldn’t be controlled by the government.
There is only 2 genders, even if you’re a transgender person that doesn’t mean your gender is changed like magic
And abortion is basically murdering babies
Very well spoken young lady. Welcome to the party that didn't have a k.k.k. member in it.And Barrack meant well when he gave a eulogy to a kkk senator of the democratic party.
Great job Antonia! You've got my vote!
so i see prager is using token minority’s again?
Truly intelligent women.
Idk who this wonderful woman is , but I wish I could meet her because she is so strong to go against what literally everyone wants her to be and stand up for her self
Yes Ma'am !!!!!
Beautiful intelligent young lady
You’ll change the world for the better
is being conservative just sticking your head in the sand and being an asshole about it?
Ma'am, it's excess welfare policies holding you back, not racism and sexism. Congrats on standing up for yourself. God bless.
“And that’s how I became a racist, sexist, misogynist” wow powerful
I hate to burst your bubble about "Michelle." Great video either way.
Welcome to the club
I'm glad she admitted to being racist sexist and misogynist. It's true, live with it.
My story is similar, but in Ukraine and without issue about skin color. And yes, without republic party)) We should read, think and think deeply. And, of course, be strong, active, and careful.