Book of Acts Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 2)
Watch our overview video on the book of Acts, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Acts, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to empower his disciples as they carry the good news of his kingdom to the nations of the world.
#Acts #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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Thank God For Saving me 💯 Team God Now I know instead of Belief ‼️🗣🙏
Amazing! I'm crying with emotions. This is so good! Thank you from a new, old, born anew, Christian!
Broken water her? Labe?!..
S to y, 2?
5:25, 6:27? Day? 9!
41 + DA = ?, 2?
17 & 34? The next 2?
Bullets matter?!
Mad matter?
Rachel & Leah vs. Eve?, Ruth?
13th – 24th months?
8 vs. 4?
Cable TV?, Gold & Jewel?
Super Job. Thanks.
Thanks to the Bible project I have been able to read 9 chapters of the New Testament in 29 days and the word is becoming alive
Look at = 2?
B & rain & Outside?
M.L.A. & 23ing W.?
7 o'clock, Good (& Perfect?)
$150 down, to $?
Comet vs. Come?
1 & 10?
Cut how many?
You missed out an awful lot…
I think you could make a time line on Video, it could be a nice Idea but your Explanation is similar.
Very Nice Guys! GOD BLESS U
I read the whole book of acts, praise to the lord, because I am nothing front of him.
Fudge + Chocolate?
Acceptablely cool.. maybe🏀🧦👟
Popcorn as, a snack?
Knowing of apology?
Who are you? & Who told you?
cs, e?
Love it. ✝️=👑
A quick question, just hope you’ll see this comment, the question is, if Christianity is no longer based on the “Torah” which is the Ten Commandments then is it still relevant
Leaving? & Expressing?
Be yourself.?
The 1's?.. are
Graduate!, 18 – 41?
Subtraction, Even?
Bark, Branch?
6 & 7:43?
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