Book of Exodus Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 2)
Watch our overview video on Exodus 19-40, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Exodus, God invites the Israelites into a covenant and comes to live among them in the Tabernacle, but Israel rebels and ruins the relationship.
#Exodus #BibleVideo #BibleProject
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Spine? Spine length?..
1 0/10!
Hair, Neck? Hack?, 4?
A rough time?; Jerk, Snap?
Love these videos
11 o 8?
Been too expensive?, Eli?
Not really long enough!, Animal-Friendly?
5:52 yeah and now Israel today is making the exact same mistakes magic cows included
Hear & Ms. Rhonda too?
Situation?, Annoy & Rickey?
I have to admit reading this book in the kJV confused the bojangles out of me. 😢 God just seems so hypocritical to me. For instance, he starts the ten commandments, saying he's a jealous God, Then later he commands humans to never be jealous. And never envy his neighbor or his neighbor's ass or his neighbors' wife, or anything else. He says thou shalt not kill. Then he has the sons of Levi kill thousands of confused, misguided people 😢 And all of the animal butcherings and blood rituals. It's so confusing, and It's hard to believe that this God is good after reading it.
wherever you stand, one thing is undeniable, the bible has some really cool stories.
Don't count?
o & p?
F & eel?
Fee? l?
Ain't? Haven't?, Never!
Is it possible to get these awesome bible comics?! I love them
Read your Bible!!
Watching these videos for my Bible Quiz! Video 4, completed!
Dollar General vs. Taco Bell, McDonald's, Burger King?
Run, Drive? Leg top?!..
Genesis & (Malachi) & Matthew & Revelation? Do?
12:00 & 7:15, and hunger, hungry + 2?
Lap thigh!, 2 hands & 2 eyes & 2 ears!, 2 she's?
Career/Profession? Choose?, Close 2?, Her today?, Still a Demetria thing?
17, 21? Parental/s,?
Lost some, The # after sign?
I was just helping, by paying her rent.
Video totally skips over the rebellion with the golden calf, Moses throwing down the tablets of stone, God ready to kill everyone and Moses (an archetype of Jesus) pleading for their lives, the ones who rebelled being made to drink from the cup of wrath ( a foreshadow of future eventS)– all this the archetype for many 9 Av tragedies to come (both temples destroyed… some still future as of Aug 2024), Moses going back up the mountain and getting the commandments again. That and more is skipped– totally. I understand this is an overview… but the things skipped are too important to skip.
3:40 should have never happened
Office cubical?
Fri, Fry..🤔, Not 2day?!👂🏽
Started my bible journey and just now doing additional research to further understand my readings. I will say that this YouTube video in particular has truly been helpful to connect what I have read. Thank you for the amazing visual depiction and storyline narrative explanation.
7154 ft. tall, Probably doesn't, like stones?
Drink word..
Describe, Explain, then Interpret?
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