Book of Isaiah Summary: A Complete Animated Overview (Part 1…
Enjoy our summary video on the extremely first 39 chapters of the book of Isaiah, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of idea. Isaiah reveals that God’s judgment will clean Israel and prepare his individuals for the coming messianic king and the new Jerusalem.
00:00 The prophet Isaiah’s message to Israel.
01:05 The literary style of the book of Isaiah.
01:39 Isaiah’s vision of judgment and hope for Jerusalem.
02:31 Isaiah’s temple vision.
03:42 Isaiah prophecies a coming king called “Immanuel”.
04:34 Isaiah sees Babylon ruining Israel.
04:54 Poems that explore God’s judgment and hope.
06:25 The fluctuate of Jerusalem.
07:41 Review of Isaiah 1-39.
#Isaiah #BibleProject #BibleVideo.