Book of Leviticus Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
Watch our overview video on the book of Leviticus, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Leviticus, Israel’s holy God invites them to live in His presence despite their sin, through a series of rituals and sacred institutions.
#Leviticus #BibleVideo #BibleProject
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This book is a tough read! I know that it’s teaching us about the holiness of God and how un holy we are as fallen people. It also shows us how important Jesus was in his sacrifice for our sins.
I’m new and this is crystal clear. It all makes sense. Thank you much!!!!❤❤❤❤
the pervert's book.
He is an incredible God always finding ways to bring sinners back to Him
This book relates to the gospel of Luke in the New Testament
Awesome explanation!
The goat being completely clueless as to what is going on🤣
Excellent explanation, thank you!
Who's here from Bible Recap 2025? 👋
Blessings from Taiwan 🇹🇼 🥳
This is one of the hardest books in the Bible. 😅😅😅
Thank you for your summary so we can understand it better. 🤓👍
Jesus loves everyone 😇 🥰
I wish i could download that drawing❤
How Foolish is this so called holy Book where you had to kill inocent Animals to pay for your Sins.
This helped me understand, thanks!!!
It’s rough listening to all the animal sacrifices! I’m so glad we don’t have to do that anymore.
Genius- creation trough Abraham
Exodus – Pharoah and Moses trough the parting of the sea
Leviticus – Moses, burning bush, ark of covernant, foot of the mountain, unladend bread, 10 commandment, Moses decent
Numbers –
"The book of Leviticus, it worked!"
I have a huge question mark over why Moses couldn't enter the tabernacle. It felt like to me that God had filled the tabernacle with his presence that Moses just couldn't go in…. no room, density of presence, cloud thick with his presence so he just couldn't fit. Does that seem right?…rather than it being because of Israel's sin . I struggle with that thinking as to why Moses didn't get to go into the tent. It's certainly not clear either way.
Thank you for making this video it really helped me understand this better.
Wow I love the way you guys break things down it helps me stay focused and hopeful and excited and engaged so I think y'all for you guys hard work
where arabic translation ??
This is an extremely important chapter. Thank you.
After reading this book I was so blessed to have found this video. Thank you 💯 this really helps to explain it so well 🙏🏼🙌🏼
I feel like this is spark notes for the bible. I can skip the book and take the test now. Lol JK😅
It’s really wonderful to hear your explanation and then reading the bible make us feel better understandable and deep dive into the written TRUTH – thank you
My 3rd time reading the Bible and I still come to understand the books much better ❤thank you and god bless you for all these amazing animated videos ❤🙏🙏🙏
Welcome to the family of God keep reading, the Spirit of God will illuminated. Your mind as you grow in him.
Thank You So Much! 🙏🏾
A couple years ago I did a Bible in 9 months reading plan which coupled a few chapters of Leviticus with a few chapters of Hebrews every day. It was eye opening and I understood so much more the beauty of what Christ did for us – no more levitical law – such freedom!
Jesus Christ is Lord! Repent (turn away from all sin) because Christ is coming back soon! I’m not saying this to control you but because God loves you so much he came down in human form and died for you so that you can have eternal life in him. It doesn’t matter where you came from or who you are or what happened to you in your life. Come to God as you are and he will heal you and work through you. Don’t enjoy what is temporary in this world and what is fleeting. But enjoy what is eternal which is God. Enjoy what he has for you because what he has is perfect and he will guide you. Even when there is no path, God will pave the way for you. And if you ever want to be saved all you have to do is believe in your heart and confess with your mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe that he died and rose again from the dead 3 days after his death and turn away from all sin and have a change in your heart and mind that you are a sinner and that you must come to Christ, turn your back on sin and come to God and turn your back on the world and what is temporary, and come to what truly matters in life. Having a relationship with God. And if you want to give your life to Christ and all that I explained then please pray this prayer (Father God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ I ask that you forgive me, of all my sins and all my faults and have mercy on me. Jesus, I accept you as my Lord and Savior. I turn to you God and put my back towards all sin and my past. I accept the Holy Spirit and I thank you for guiding me and helping me bare the fruits and gifts of the Spirit according to your will. Just as your Son my Lord said, “Let not my will, but your will be done”. Help me to follow you and live for you and nothing else. I give you my life and my everything and hold nothing back. I thank you for protecting me and all that I care about. I thank you for saving me and answering all of my prayers and helping me and all that I care about. In Jesus Christ mighty name amen.) Please share this prayer/message to everyone you know so that they may also be saved. So we can spread the Gospel to all nation as Christ commands us in Mark 16:15.
Thanks for sharing the word family
Living with,related to,working with,going to school with, i a relationship with, dealing with etc..we all need to read or listen to Leveticus because they are everywhere, in some areas they're increasing and in some areas decreasing..How's the wickedness in your everyday life are you seeing a decline🤔 I hope so we all need peace
Thank you for this video❤
Great video. You've kept the main thing the main thing.
I’m about to read this book but had never read it before and I needed a bit of a summary to see what it’s all about, thank you!
I’m reading through the Bible again this year, and before I begin the next book I look for a video by the Bible Project. It has been invaluable for gaining context and makes understanding some of the nuances that are hard to comprehend easier. Thank you!!
Thank you so much for all your helpful info. ❣
Dont ever stop doing what ur doing
These videos are phenomenal!
Amazing videos. Thank you for making them.
Who the hell is leviticus cornwall
Correction: The Day of atonement holy rite was to cleanse the sanctuary- transfer all sins that were placed there by the sprinkling of blood on the veil of seperation and ark of covenant/mercy seat. In this yearly rite, sins accumulated from the whole year was transferred (washed away and placed) onto the scapegoat- cleansing the sanctuary. The day of atonement is not something done in case someone’s sin was missed, as indicated in the cartoon narrative. Shalombrithers amd sisters🕊
My daily routine listening to and learning from the word of Our Lord saviour and salvation amen 🙏
Wow! This was so good! I'm grateful for these beautiful artistic animations "briefs"to summarize and time-line word. Thank you to whoever was involved in creating it. Beautiful art, fantastic narration. You hit all of the modalities with these videos.
Thank you soooo much for this, May THE MOST HIGH YAH bless you and all your loved ones🙏🫂🏞️💕
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