Book of Philemon Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
Watch our overview video on the book of Philemon, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this letter, Paul helps his friend Philemon to reconcile with his escaped former slave Onesimus and shows that they are equals because of Jesus.
#Philemon #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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(Gon'a) need light?, James vs. 5?, A c? vs. A b?
To $1 bills talking?
Thank you
It breaks and heals my heart to hear this story every single time.
I love this book because it shows us that none is better than the other you can be a house cleaner or the owner of a huge business in God's sight we are equal and it also shows us true forgiveness and brotherhood in Christ Jesus powerful text
Thank you Bible Project and All glory to God.
1317 x 2?
Bought 1! They had, how many/few?
may we have koinonia with You Lord and with each other!
Bye Family Dollar!🙁
Memorial =/& Remembering the lost? G aka DJD @+ 80😏☹️J?, 20?, Since then? My aunt..
God bless you and your ministry.
Jacinda 🌈🌈🌈🌈🕎🕎🕎🦋🦋✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️🦋🦋🦋🦋🌈🌈🌈🕎🕎🕎🕎🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💖💖💖☘️☘️
Love y’all’s work!
God bless yall
The parallel of Jesus taking on our sins and Paul taking on Onesimus's debt is a beautiful picture that I never realized. 😊
I think you're pronouncing Philemon wrong. 😏✝
Thanks! I’ve never actually heard of this book until I decided to pick a random book of the Bible to look into some moments ago lol
Thank you.
I love how they zoom out at the end so you can screenshot its really useful
Joint ventures and subtitutionary atonement
I really enjoyed this book. Very easy to pick up on the beauty unfolding—that is, human love from brother to the next through petition and camaraderie. ❤
We also must remember that slavery back then wasn't just hellish racial labor with no reward, but rather a mutual relationship between servant and master with bountiful reward. Amazing how the enemy has perverted slavery to how we refer to it today, resorting to empty excuses made by angry atheists, or any unbelievers in general.
I love this!! This is awesome?! Totally thank God for you and pray the HE continue to use you to break down the Word the God!!!
What a special book… it's written for a very specific situation involving only 2 people, whereas Paul's other letters are addressed to whole churches but of course Paul still manages to pack in the gospel truth and lays out why reconciliation is needed even though the law and societal hierarchy at that time mandated something else. Onesimus must have been very special to Paul but also it's awesome to see God's love in and attention to the details of our lives.
-Epaphras (probably)
I thank God for you brother to bring us with such amazing interpretations. All the glory to Lord Jesus Christ.
God bless you
came here from P2
I love the practical application of this: if I have beef with another, look to Jesus's example, make the decision to place the other's wellbeing above my own. And in the process, "charge it to Jesus's account."
When we feel slighted, taken advantage of, or wronged, we can choose to respond like Jesus, we can choose to love and forgive instead of demanding our pound of flesh.
This makes me think about the body and the mind. And how they are conflicted the body a slave for the mind. And through Christ our body can learn to forgive our minds for all the slavish sin we've done and the mind can look at the body not as a slave or tool or machine but as a brother. As a partner.
I think there is another embedded message in this letter. It’s a very loaded letter as you mentioned in the video. A revelation that was given to me while I was reading this one night in a Federal Prison in Safford AZ. It was one about freedom of choice. God is the original author of liberty after all. Paul says to Philemon, that he could be so bold as to command him to accept Onesemus back as a brother in Christ and as an equal, but it would be more “pleasing” to God if he were to just make the right “choice”. This brings me to the point of “choice”. I don’t put my faith in “man’s laws”. I really think abortion is a horrible thing, but as I stated before, I am not putting my faith in Man’s Laws. I think the choice should be there for the women to make the right choice. The right choice is obviously life but it is so much more pleasing to God when people make the right choice. We as a society need to do better. We spend so much money on wars and foreign policies, but we should be using that money to genuinely help mothers in need and we should be praising women for their sacrifice. It’s the most selfless thing a human can do aside from laying down their life for someone and it should be praised. If we focused on praising women for their selfless choice, I think we could save a lot more lives by encouraging women to make the right choice and not fearing the act of bringing new life into the world that’s directly tied to themselves.
A beautiful book❤
Amen God bless and forgive us all Amen
This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for taking the time to do this work.
I don't understand one of your conclusions. In Colossians Paul still maintains the structural relationship between masters and slaves (he doesn't call for it to be abolished) but does command them to relate to one another differently as far as their disposition and attitudes. Why do you say his letter to Philemon is calling for the abolition of his status as a slave? Isn't the point in this letter and in Colossians that no matter your status in life we still have a responsibility to God? Is there any evidence that Philemon understood Pauls letter to be an appeal to free his slaves? If everyone acts like a Christian in whatever structure is in society doesn't that solve the problem anyway?
Praise the LORD, Paul shows the character of Jesus amd filemon as well. Beautiful lesson
Your videos are very helpful. Thank you
Good stuff.
Superb. Thank you. Your resources, wisdom and insights have been a real blessing for me through my Ordination training. Thank you
I love the details. These videos are so fun to watch. Like Epaphras saying "Yo!" 😂 Bible Project makes my nightly reading time so enjoyable
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