Boris Johnson Doing Best He Can to Handle Coronavirus | Nile Gardiner on Fox Business
Nile Gardiner joined Fox Business, Tuesday, September 22, to talk about the latest from Britain, the measures Boris Johnson’s government is taking to address the coronavirus pandemic, and why these measures might be necessary.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/research-coronavirus
Nile Gardiner is Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. His key areas of specialization include: the Anglo-American “special relationship,” the United Nations, post-war Iraq , and the role of Great Britain and Europe in the U.S.-led alliance against international terrorism and “rogue states,” including Iran.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/nile-gardiner-phd
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doing the best he can? I live in Scotland and these people are fucking stupid.
you can meet outside with your friends, but no more than 6
you can meet your friends for dinner, but no more than 6
however, you cannot meet your friends in your house.
It is absolutely a hoax. Hospitals have been given permission to put covid on death certificates for any and no reason, and they are paid to do so. I’ve been in the mortuary business for forty years. Covid appears as a secondary cause of death on motorcycle accidents, suicides, heart attacks and everything else. Every year a certain number of elderly die from pneumonia type conditions, the only plausible covid deaths fall well within this margin.
Worse yet, there are people receiving positive covid results after not getting tested. All over the world, leftist leadership has been getting voted out and this is how the world swamp is crawling back. Free loving people of the world must keep fighting for freedom and humanity.
Boris has made a mess and there’s hardly any deaths. He’s done okay??…Get the place opened up,we are under communism, businesses are dying. Why even mention lockdown , there are no deaths, China virus is the 24 th cause of death. Who is the bloke commentating??? He deserves 0 % credit. Get someone else on to commentate.
Lockdown no more
More people die from knives than the virus. Heavy fire from media like you.
Boris want people in lockdown wtf
We've hardly any deaths 😂😂😂 1% due to 'Covid'. A fooking scam!
Best he can? As a Brit I can tell you that this is all a scam, Comrade Boris is putting in these illegal restrictions as an attempt to stop the anti-lockdown protests. This is all about control over the population.