Brett Schaefer: If China Hadn’t Lied to the World, U.S. Coronavirus Response Would Have Been Better
Brett Schaefer joined C-Span’s “Washington Journal,” Thursday, April 16, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, the W.H.O. accepting Chinese lying and propaganda on the virus, and the justification Americans have for being angry with the organization.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=751K7ncSC2U
Brett D. Schaefer is the Jay Kingham Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs at Heritage’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. Schaefer analyzes a range of foreign policy issues, focusing primarily on the United Nations and affiliated funds and programs. He frequently speaks and publishes on issues related to the world body and its activities.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/brett-d-schaefer
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FUCK YOU, Assbag. WE THE PEOPLE…will keep Our money and help Our People.
The World should black list China as endangered Humanity. The WHO Director General needs to be Questioned by Mi6,CiA to see if was bought off by China to down play Vius out break. Would Check off shore Banks or Property in China ect ect. Offer Millions for a Whistler Blower find truth faster. They dropped the ball all this money we pay and we die because they covered up am certain off it. Would Check books incase the people on the Ground don't exist but we get charged anyway.
WHO is finished.
Bullshit. Why do we have the “Intelligence Community” if we can’t figure out something like this? Short answer: they’re a bunch of scientifically illiterate liberal arts major just like you.
Can we also acknowledge that there is no accurate number as to how many cases China has had. Over the last week data online has shown China has only gotten a few hundred new cases. However in the united states and much of the EU thousands upon thousands of cases have erupted. China is lying there are sources out there that claim chinas situation is 10-15 times worse than what we are able to see which means the country has had over 1 million cases. China needs to stop lying or else I swear the world is going to turn on them and we’ll have no choice but to eradicate them. Eradication for crimes against humanity. I really wish China would just turn into a hole in the ground I really do. They’re lying scheming communists who care only about themselves and desire nothing more than total global dominance we must stand up against this oppression. The audacity that country has is beyond me they suck at everything but math and manufacturing plastic shit yet they believe they’d be better off without the rest of us shameful and disgraceful down with the CCP.
WHO, just another organization of theft, and money stolen from Americans and thrown away.
The "director" is not even American, who would want us Americans to pay other "families/nations" when our first responsibility is OUR OWN family/nation/America?
The “common threat” is the Chinese Communist Party and W.H.O.
The U.S. should no longer fund the W.H.O. and instead setup a new organization that is funded and controlled by the U.S. The U.S. organization would be more efficient and effective than the W.H.O.
Timeline of W.H.O. Deception and Inaction:
12/31/20 – Taiwan informs the W.H.O that there is evidence proving human to human transmission.
01/04/20 – W.HO. praises China for transparency.
01/14/20 – W.H.O. reaffirms Chinese propaganda that there is no human to human transmissions. “Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China.”
03/14/20 – W.H.O. finally declares that the Wuhan Virus is a global pandemic after over 100 countries had active cases.
The Chinese Communist Party and the W.H.O. are guiltily for destroying the lives and livelihoods of innocent people around the world. They must be held accountable for their crimes.
The US government blew the chance to prepare for the containment of the upcoming COVID 19 pandemic in the country while China was suffering from the disease in last December. Trump administration basically ignored the clear signal and information coming out of China regarding this pandemic.
WHO joined United Nations to bring countries into UN per 'Paris Climate and Green New Deal' propaganda for the Elites population control and NWO New World Order of which George Soros and Bill Gates and the likes of them are members of. THAT needs to be investigated and reported.
It's so important that there is an investigation as the messages coming from Tedros have been full of deception.
At the beginning he was telling us all that panic was worse than the disease and that even though Wuhan was locked down international travel should continue.
Then he comes out a few weeks later saying that he had been continually telling countries to act quickly and aggressively.
The man is obviously a very deceptive person and the world has seen what happens when someone like him is in power – power over the health of the world.
I encourage everyone to sign the change.org petition calling for his resignation, which at the time of writing this post has just under 1 million signatures.