Brett Schaefer on Ben Shapiro Show: China Has A Clear Record of “Not Being Honest”
Brett Schaefer joined “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Thursday, April 9, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus outbreak, China’s corrupting influence on international organizations like the W.H.O. and the need for America and our partners to use our influence to reform these organizations and push back China.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk433cvxDuA
Brett D. Schaefer is the Jay Kingham Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs at Heritage’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. Schaefer analyzes a range of foreign policy issues, focusing primarily on the United Nations and affiliated funds and programs. He frequently speaks and publishes on issues related to the world body and its activities.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/brett-d-schaefer
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Illustration: Getty Images/The Heritage Foundation

Chai nah
…worst traitor of mankind….
Cover china infection,Let lot of ppl die cuz u want to save Communist china face!…
Does U.S. being honest? or any other country being honest?
Wake up America. Call your politicians to stop business with China. Leave UN and WHO. Save your country.
In this case it is not the money, it is idealogy. Marxist Socialist ideology.
Why do you so called intellectuals constantly ask stupid questions.Why does America keep paying the most money to crooked world organizations…… I am no intellectual but after a couple of seconds of thought I got it …. Answer the politicians insure that tax dollars fund these things so that they can get rich from lobbyists paying for their votes and influence but the public tax payers are supposed to be to stupid to work that out without you pointing a big red arrow at it for us. Oh mighty one thank you so much now sod off wanker we got it the President told us duh.
Do we need such an organization to harm people all over the world if WHO is not good at performing its duties?
Taiwan has issued a virus warning to WHO on December 31, 2019, but WHO ignores the warning from Taiwan and has caused people around the world to be at risk of contracting coronavirus.
Since the outbreak of coronavirus, we have not seen the World Health Organization respond well to this epidemic.
On the contrary, the World Health Organization and the Communist Party of China have jointly concealed the truth about the epidemic of coronavirus.
Do we really need WHO?
Does Taiwan really need to join the World Health Organization?
We should establish another international health organization that truly cares for the health of the people of the future.
I have always believed that justice will ultimately be on the side of Taiwan who likes to help people.
¿Necesitamos una organización así para dañar a las personas en todo el mundo si la OMS no es buena en el desempeño de sus funciones?
Taiwán emitió una advertencia de virus a la OMS el 31 de diciembre de 2019, pero la OMS ignora la advertencia de Taiwán y ha provocado que personas de todo el mundo corran el riesgo de contraer coronavirus.
Desde el brote de coronavirus, no hemos visto que la Organización Mundial de la Salud responda bien a esta epidemia.
Por el contrario, la Organización Mundial de la Salud y el Partido Comunista de China han ocultado conjuntamente la verdad sobre la epidemia de coronavirus.
¿Realmente necesitamos a la OMS?🙄
¿Taiwán realmente necesita unirse a la Organización Mundial de la Salud?
Deberíamos establecer otra organización internacional de salud que realmente se preocupe por la salud de las personas del futuro.
💪Siempre he creído que la justicia estará del lado de Taiwán, a quien le gusta ayudar a la gente.✊
What is the difference between a democrat and republican? About .5%
The republican and democrat have been in bed with communism, un Constitutionalism, fraud and waste.
Which party hated Trump more in 2016? George Washington rightly warned us to put country before party and not be a dull party liner. That's a message from our first president for all of us. 🇺🇸
This is a real example of how real mismanagement towards the pandemic works: https://youtu.be/GKoXPOU5xHc
Even President Trump said he wants the churches filled by Easter.
Has anyone truly seen where the WHO has been a noticable benefit in any health emergency? Unclear to me why it exists…
This is not Ben Shapiro speaking. It is Michael Knowles who also has a show on the Daily Wire.
This is the Michael Knowles Show, not Ben Shapiro. They both have podcasts on the Daily Wire.
Ummm…Pres. Trump recently terminated WHO funding. I thought that that was common knowledge, being I figuratively live under a rock and yet know that.
Mainstream media are not saying anything about WHO because they both have the same master..
Well said. China has world dominion plans. The WHO is a shill for Marxist. We shouldn’t give them a single thing