Brett Schaefer: Trump Can’t Let China Use W.H.O. Cuts for Propaganda
Brett Schaefer joined C-Span’s “Washington Journal,” Thursday, April 16, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, the W.H.O. accepting Chinese lying and propaganda on the virus, and the justification Americans have for being angry with the organization.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=751K7ncSC2U
Brett D. Schaefer is the Jay Kingham Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs at Heritage’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. Schaefer analyzes a range of foreign policy issues, focusing primarily on the United Nations and affiliated funds and programs. He frequently speaks and publishes on issues related to the world body and its activities.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/brett-d-schaefer
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Anyone with common sense, make sure to dislike this video.
What horse crap. We keep trying tactics from “don’t rock the boat” people like you and it has not worked for decades! It has not worked, but still you want to persist; that is the definition of insanity. Time to let the expert negotiator do use his “art of the deal”. Come on Heritage, this really makes me not want to take you seriously.
I see A, The entire world is infected. B, The W.H.O. Helped it to happen. C, You want us to keep paying for this. An D, THEY DO NOT DO THE JOB THEY ARE PAID FOR.
China could easily fill the fiscal gap, as could Bill Gates, who has publicly condemned our temporary withholding of funding to that CCP sock puppet. We don't funnel lots of our international aid through globalist bureaucracies, why should medical aid be different? In fact, it we cut the WHO out of the chain, couldn't we provide more aid more efficiently to those in need?
We paid $848,000,000 in two years.
All the dead could be alive if w.h.o. would have done the job thay were created for whey pay them for such failure the only place that should have been impacted is were it started and that should have been minimal instead they sat on there hands and let a scared government lie like children that got caught playing with fire and didn't bother to get up and look till world was in flames
The WHO, a CCP corrupted organisation, is in no position to comment on US government decisions, they have blood on their hands and heads must roll in that organisation. The World must disband this organisation and build one that is not biased . I am afraid that would only be temporary, so , bottom line, it’s all about nation v nation and China will be a totally different country in 5 years from now. Or …… WW3 has been started by the CCP and hell on Earth is on the way. I would not like to be Chinese in any form right now because the World is about to persecute them, unfortunately, as the CCP is the World Pariah. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
See this is why I can't fully support 100% the Heritage Foundation! You're wrong Brett and I'll tell you why, we have tried what you have suggested for decades go in and try and hold them accountable and yada yada yada yada yada it doesn't work! The only thing that they respond to is the lack of money! It's about time that someone stood up to the International globalist Community and said we're not going to take this anymore and we're going to take our purse and go home! We do not need the World Health Organization because it's nothing but a propaganda machine and if you can't figure that out you don't deserve my support or anyone else's support
A pet rock with a 6 ft comb-over will do a better job than trump has. 3 years in and 28,579 dead in two months, 20+ million unemployed and we are all locked in our houses for multiple months as the economy he inherited falls apart from his own selfish choices and denial. If this is Trump perfection, it has still killed 25,162 people so far …simply not good enough to re-elect. Remember how the republicans screamed about 3 Americans being killed in Benghazi and now Silence when its thousands of dead Americans! As of today, Covid-19 cases are now 644,188 and 28,579 deaths in the United States and the fragile ego and incompetence compels Trump to insist he is doing a great job. Remember when he said the numbers "would drop to zero". Trump supporters that found community in their hatred of everyone else are now themselves afraid because of trump's selfish choices. Your anger nor your Qrazy conspiracies will ever win the minority elected Trump a single new vote. Remember the majority of Americans didn't vote for trump the last time. The families, the friends and the co-workers of the deceased and the 23+ million unemployed will have a very hard time voting for the denier and chump trump.
You have turned your back to God and embraced corruption, dishonesty, greed, lust, anger, jealousy, envy, gluttony and the biggest sin Trumps Pride in only himself " Unmatched Genius". You have disagreed with the teachings of Christ- You might as well melt your gold down and make a Trump statue to worship.
Another organization that's completely corrupt and and working against the best interests of the world.