Brett Schaefer: W.H.O. Should Have Known Better than to Trust China
Brett Schaefer joined C-Span’s “Washington Journal,” Thursday, April 16, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, the W.H.O. accepting Chinese lying and propaganda on the virus, and the justification Americans have for being angry with the organization.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/global-politics/commentary/how-best-leverage-trumps-halt-who-funding-over-covid-19-missteps
Brett D. Schaefer is the Jay Kingham Fellow in International Regulatory Affairs at Heritage’s Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom. Schaefer analyzes a range of foreign policy issues, focusing primarily on the United Nations and affiliated funds and programs. He frequently speaks and publishes on issues related to the world body and its activities.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/brett-d-schaefer
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Look at who's running it, man!! This isn't incompetence; it's a Plan. The WHO Director just did his part of it.
By cutting funding now, Trump forces them to pick a side and hopefully fulfill the necessary duties to serve the people by design or… look foolish and make Trump correct for cutting funding. It’s brilliant
QueenCity SIP reppin "not any more" I hope you are right however, I don't think any Western country has followed USA's lead on withdrawing funding to who
And the W.H.O. Also has been abusing the money we were giving them to do first c l ass flights and acomidations etc.
American tax payer does not owe funding of who for the rest of the world. Get off my teet
They did know better! They are not independent, they are willing participants with the CCP in exporting the virus to the west. It was planned, internal flights from Hubei within China were banned, however international ones were not. The CCP also were buying up PSE & masks from around the world and shipping them to China. China is at war with the rest of the world and the west is still in denial!
It's not that they trust China, the UN and all their organizations are functional to the left and they promote leftism.
They're owned by China. It had nothing to do with 'trust'.