Brian Riedl debates economic stimulus on C-SPAN
Brian Riedl debates James Kvaal from the Center for American Progress on President-elect Barack Obama’s economic stimulus plan.
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Brian is very intelligent
"Too many people want to save money" This "progressive" is extremely arrogant and lacks common sense. People SHOULD save their money! That's how you prepare for the future, for your children's needs, for your old age, for a future layoff or medical crisis… The fact that the government and "progressives" think too much saving is a bad thing proves they are not the ones to trust with our money. It's hard to believe that these "progressives" really believe the crap coming out of their mouths.
70% of the US economy is consumtion / retail based. A dollar earned and saved has greater purchasing power than a dollar borrowed. If the American people are going to be truly free and prosperous, the American people must be allowed to retain more of their individual wealth for themselves. Cutting consumption, paying down debt, and making personal investments while establishing a safety net nest egg is the smartest thing the American people can do.