BTS: The Shema Series Comments Section
In this video, Tim and Jon read through our supporters’ comments on our Shema series! To explore this series, click here: https://thebibleproject.com/explore/shema-listen/
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Have all your videos been transcribed into books? I ask this because my wife likes me to take her to the beach (huge waste of time), and I would like to read, in book form, what you teach in your videos. Laptops and I phones are impractical. I am 74, so large print……
More vids lile this!
This is a great project, but me I have this in spanish language?
Last year for several weeks as I was praying in the Spirit a particular word kept coming up in my spirit. I was praying at a ladies life group and my best friend who is learning Hebrew said I was saying a Hebrew word, turns out it was the word Shema. I had no idea it was Hebrew or what it meant! It has been so fun learning about the Shema prayer and your videos breaking down the keys words in the Shema prayer. Thank you for all the work you and your team do for the Kingdom! I am so glad I found you through the YouVersion Bible devotional! My family and I are going through the Bible together. I pray Holy Spirit will continue to bring Kingdom revelation, blessings and every need you and the company have will always be met!
Tim saying that he wants to make the study on khesed and now there it is in the BibleProject channel.
The discussion about Jesus's cruxifixction as God's confrontation with cosmic forces (evil?) clarified the reason for Jesus's death. He came to live the difference between God's way of love and the world's way of violence. The Romans (representing cosmic forces) murdered him and thought that's the end of that, but he (God's love) COULD NOT BE KILLED. Death has no dominion to quote John Donne and now we have conquered death too through God's grace. Ir was the recognition of evil as a cosmic force that was the necessary link. I have not reckoned with that, but the state of global suffering makes it undeniable.
dc talk 1:35
Bible project. Com😱 13+16 video and the is it for god for me and nautre day I hope god is god and the best for the kids and god for the best ever for
What is the. Me,I’d. OK guys I really like this said girl 👧🏿 was my mom
What are your views on homosexuality?
Ha you guys should do more of these vids I really enjoy you guys having fun replying to these comments especially since you guys get some good ones ahava nice day lol good pun;)
Nephesh is called Nafas in Bahasa Indonesia
More videos like this!!! They’re so fun!🙌🏻
I love the video! “Ahava” question 🙂 – is there any relation between the words Shimei and Shema..? Thanks and God bless
These guys have to be Messianic! Right?!?! Love them.
You forgot my comment/question. The Shema is called by Dr. Heiser a verbless clause. How can this be if "Shema" is a verb…
Are you referring to the ancient Hebrew? Or the Yiddish that has a Germanic root?
Hey Guys! You don't look young, you don't look old, you DO look like the quintessential great guys!!!!! Thanks for the vidz!
I make a Skele-TON of puns
Is there anyway that 'The read scripture series' can have multi-lingual audio?
I LOVE this word study series! Touched so many of me and my friends. God will bless you both profoundly!❤️🙌🏽
other way around listening is not HEARING he who has an ear to hear
how do you distinguish a creature that has a soul from one that doesn't
I really appreciate what both of you do. A person like me who has no idea about what the Bible means really needs this. Especially if someone is new to Christianity. Being a Christian is really hard in today's world and videos like this are needed to keep us close to God.
I know you are probably not very busy, so I have a word study request: Mitzvot. TY .
Great in deed !!!
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