Build the Science to Accelerate Vaccine & Therapeutic Production: Rob Bluey
Rob Bluey joined America First with Sebastian Gorka on May 6, 2020 to share highlights from the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission’s recommendations to build the science to combat COVID-19 and establish U.S. leadership to drive the free world in economic recovery.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.coronaviruscommission.com/
Rob Bluey, an accomplished journalist, is vice president of communications at The Heritage Foundation and the executive editor of The Daily Signal.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/robert-b-bluey
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The Daily Signal suppresses comments.
SO many issues around vaccines. So piss off.
Vaccines industry MUST end it's crony relationship with government agencies like the CDC & FDA
Vaxxed documentary exposed how they colluded to hide results of harm in children. Raw data destroyed, whistleblower status, promoting of conspirators to manipulate results of the largest study ever on vaccines & autism
They lied to us. No one wants to take this up not even Republicans. Dr William Thompson (lead statistician of the study) came forward. His case is open but no one wants this litigation grenade in govt.
Vaccines, unlike any other medication class have full legal indemnity provided by the GOVERNMENT.
Ronald Raegan passed that indemnity clause because vaccine manufacturers threatened the govt essentially that should they go bankrupt (from all the adverse reaction lawsuits they were getting) they would not be in position or infrastructure to manufacture vaccines should a epidemic run through the country.
Now it's a litigation issue for the govt & only empowers the vaccine industry to, for example be exempt from normal safety testing of rigorous FDA standards. Why ?
Why the lack of transparency on vaccine results, failure rates, vaccine courts payouts ($3B), proper use of true inert placebos in trials, lack of double blinding
That level of cronyism is unacceptable in a free economy.
Conservatives have a massive blindspot with how medical industry has been corrupted or hindered by big govt over decades
Truth fears no investigation
Just watch this introduction to mass govt corruption with our health & lives at stake
It's not science anymore when they massage uncomfortable data & destroy the evidence.
That's fraud.
Should be an international scandal