Build the Wall | 5 Minute Video
Can America solve its illegal immigration problem both justly and humanely? Yes, but it requires first building a border wall. Washington Post columnist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Charles Krauthammer explains why.
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Every sensible immigration policy has two objectives: 1) to regain control of our borders so that we decide who enters; and 2) to find a humane way to deal with the 11 million illegal immigrants who now live among us.
Start with the second. For both practical and moral reasons, America cannot and will not and should not expel 11 million people. That leaves us with two choices: ignore them or figure out a way to legalize them. Ignoring them hasn’t worked. But there is also a huge problem with legalization: it creates an irresistible incentive for new illegal immigrants to come.
We say, of course, that this will be the very last, very final, never-again, we’re-not-kidding-this-time amnesty. And everyone knows it’s phony. That’s what was said in 1986, when we passed the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration reform. It turned out to be the largest legalization program in American history — nearly 3 million people got permanent residency. There was no enforcement. We now have 11 million new illegal immigrants in our midst.
The irony of this whole debate, which bitterly splits the country, is that there is a silver bullet that would not just solve the problem, but also create a national consensus behind it.
A vast number of Americans who oppose legalization and fear new waves of immigration would change their minds if we could radically reduce new — i.e., future — illegal immigration.
And we can.
First, build a barrier. Call it a wall. Call it a fence. Call it what you will. Add cameras and sensors. Add drones. Beef up the patrols. All that matters is that we regain control of the border.
Fences work. The triple fence outside San Diego led to a 90 percent reduction in infiltration. Israel’s border fence with the West Bank produced a similar decline. Even holier-than-thou Europeans have conceded the point: Hungary, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Austria, Greece, Spain – why, even Norway — have all started building border fences to stem the tide of Middle Eastern refugees.
Then enforce two other measures: a national E-Verify system that makes it just about impossible to work if you are here illegally, and a functioning visa tracking system, since 40% of illegal immigrants are visa overstays.
The wall/fence will, of course, be ugly. So are the concrete barriers to keep truck bombs from driving into the White House. Sometimes function has to supersede form.
And don’t tell me that this is our Berlin Wall. When you build a wall to keep people in, that’s a prison. When you build a wall to keep people out, that’s an expression of sovereignty.
Of course, no barrier will be foolproof. But it doesn’t have to be. It simply has to reduce the river to a manageable trickle. Once we do, everything becomes possible – including dealing with our 11 million illegal immigrants.
So, let’s fix that. Track the visas, do E-Verify, build the damn barrier. It’s ridiculous to say that it can’t be done.
And who would certify that the border is back in our control? I would have a neutral party, perhaps a commission of retired jurists, issue the judgment. Once they do, we legalize the 11 million, granting them the right to stay and work here.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/build-wall

Fact: Dwight D Eisenhower used less than 1000 federal agents to deport 3 million illegal immigrants in just around 9 months timespan! That was tough work, but they did it! And it was also that there were less people back then! Sure, it may be impossible to get rid of 100% of those present illegally! Let’s start with one common sense reform, no benefits for any illegal immigrant! And Krauthammer suggests that all illegals present are legalized, something which Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz would strongly disagree with. This isn’t a black and white issue though, it is an issue with a huge spectrum, with many dimensions and factors! We’re not talking a 1 dimensional spectrum, 2D (x,y), or even 3D (x,y,z), or even 4D (x,y,z,þ), but many more imaginary dimensions (I call it imaginary as we can’t really imagine, picture, or design something that has more than 3 dimensions) and factors! I say if you want to legalize them, have them go through thorough background check! Very, very thorough, and not just their US criminal records but also for the ones in every other country they have been at, to ensure nobody with criminal record is legalized! And even many of those with no criminal record has the potential to do something bad or become bad in the future. Have all of them take sanity test for the sake of the US’s safety! And should the Americans pay for their background checks and sanity test? Hecks no! They should pay for it themselves! We gotta ensure we don’t let anyone bad or dangerous stay, and ensure we can get as close as possible as 100% deportation of those kind of people! This used to be a very safe country, and people deserve to be able to live in safe communities! America first! And like the Guatemalan lady said in the other video, many Central American and South American countries have tons of natural resources! They should take their country back and reform their government so they can make great use of their natural resources and make their country move forward! Here in the US, it was those living here that made it great! The same thing should be done in other countries! Yes, with that, it will make all of the Americas very attractive to the Middle Easterners and those living in Africa! They also have their natural resources! They should look at Dubai and how China (although not so much true today anymore for China) and especially Japan and South Korea moved forward! It’s a no brainer that capitalism, free market, and the use of natural resources gets the country to move forward!
Okay, if we build a wall to Mexico, why don’t we build a wall for Canada as well? I’m completely open to it, but I feel northern boarders should be locked off too.
A wise man… who also happens to be Jewish.
As the son of a LEGAl imigrant from Burma, i say Build. The. Wall. There is no other alternate way. In fact; Trump already built the wall in 2016. The people who come here need to LOVE the United States, and embrace our values. Imigrants need to embrace our values, and not hate us.
All societies need to keep criminals and drugs out !!!!
But demorats want them in.
Why build a wall when a bad ass electric fence would be way more entertaining 😂
Sure would like to see a vid explaining the impact of remittances from migrants.
Ted Kennedy and his ilk lied…………………
What we have going on at the southern border is a plague of locusts coming across our border and consuming the hard-working taxpayers of America’s taxes! What does a plague of locusts do? What they do, is consume everything in its path, and destroy everything in its path at the same time🤯🤯🤯😠😤😡🤬🇺🇸🤔🇺🇸🤔🤔🤔
Our generosity is being abused to the point of death. Yes build a wall, and at a minimum stop progressive leftist cultists from fighting deportation of criminal illegal aliens, comiting assaults of our citizens. One crime and your out.
Use legal document if you want to enter any country! That's the solution!
The problem with illegal immigration is they make the legal immigrants feel unfair
Make that 30 million illegal aliens.
With all due respect to the late Krauthammer, the border needs to be secured FIRST, to ensure no more illegals enter the country.
Once that is done, then we must begin deportations, starting with the most egregious criminals, and no exceptions.
Furthermore, there is no way that it has remained consistently at 11 million for the last fifteen years. There are certainly far more than that, especially since 2021.
You had me until legalization of those already here. Not just "no", "hell no". I'll listen to arguments on a case-by-case basis, but allowing them to stay is still rewarding them for breaking the law whether they're granted citizenship or not.
Leftists: “Racist!” 🤦♂️
Walls are meaningless if the gate is wide open.
With all the Trillions of Dollars 💸 our criminal politicians have flushed down the toilet to "care for" illegal aliens, WE COULD HAVE BUILT TEN WALLS !!!!!!!!
Let’s have open borders.
1) it helps the economy this is a fact please don’t be stupid
2) the problems it causes can be easily solved these problems are
A) welfare gets messed up you can solve this by getting rid of welfare
B) housing prices go up. You can solve this by deregulating the housing market
3) it is undoubtedly the moral thing to do
If anyone has any disagreements with this I will gladly talk about this to them as long as you understand the very basics of capitalist economics
And before anyone on the left gets mad at me I am a communist. (If we have a chat about open borders I will not be talking about this because I find 99/100 times people who hate communism don’t know what it is)
Sorry son, we are no longer one nation, we are a nation with an oppressive bureaucracy that hates anyone who loves freedom.
Build the wall and make it lethal.