Bureaucracy Got in the Way of Approving Regeneron Antibody Treatment | Dr. Kevin Pham
Dr. Kevin Pham joined The Lars Larson Show on November 23, 2020, to discuss the Regeneron antibody treatment and why we’re seeing a COVID-19 spike.
Kevin Pham, a medical doctor, is a visiting policy analyst at the Heritage Foundation and a contributor to The Daily Signal.
Check out his work here: https://www.dailysignal.com/author/kpham/
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I am a subscriber and usually enjoy your videos. However this one is terribly one sided about the virus and the vaccine . Terrible
Let's all take a vaccine that will change our dna.
Heads of nations should get a handle on runaway medical bureaucrats. They know that treatments are safer than vaccines, but somehow they prefer the latter. There's something sinister behind their preference. I will take HCQ in a heartbeat than vaccine anytime, as many have done. Don't I get a choice anymore what I do to my body? And they are supposed to be guardians of our health!
I rather have that than a vaccine.
Must be it’s better and safer than the vaccine!
Listen to Robert Kennedy Jr. About COvid and vaccines WORD !