Businesses Should be Open to the Public: Jessica Anderson
Jessica Anderson, executive director of Heritage Action for America, joined One America News and highlighted the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission’s recommendations to expeditiously move toward recovery, begin reopening businesses, and apply stay at home orders on a targeted basis.
You can read all of the commission’s recommendations here:https://www.coronaviruscommission.com/recommendations
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“The petition is very clear. It asks for governors to open and it asks that each of us, as Americans, take a certain level of personal responsibility amidst this crisis that we do our part. If we are in a vulnerable population, or otherwise, to make sure that we’re not getting others sick.”
Why the emphasis on vulnerable populations needing to not make others sick? Shouldn’t they be the protected, not the ones to protect the rest of the population? Sure we should all do what we can, but the vulnerable populations are not where I would first choose to throw responsibility.
Jessica Anderson is an idiot and has no idea about Public Health policy. Trumptards like here are more interested in fearmongering that trying to understand science. Feel free to listen to her but stay out of my state where we have a handle on the virus because our governor is not a tRump lapdog but a real leader.
Vote the ignorant Governors out. What is Michigan thinking.
I stand this petition! Reopen now!
They are purposefully bankrupting their own states to get bought up by the secret european cartel from jeckle island. Fact. Read agenda 21. Even reopening at 30% capacities are also causing bankruptcies as this is not a tolerable profit margin which will manifest on profit and loss reporting this quarter. they should be thrown out of office before it is to late. – Real Neo
Good, it's about time. Where can I sign this petition?I am in Maine.
The Heritage Foundation’s president is a pandering liberal. Unsubscribed!
Reopen now!