Caller Questioning the Stimulus Bill
Washington Journal gets a call from an everyday American, questioning the Stimulus Bill
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Washington Journal gets a call from an everyday American, questioning the Stimulus Bill
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Cool, it failed.
NO see all of those existed before government… Government took over control of them by force.
There is no free enterprise system without a government created infrastructure: Roads, ports, schools, colleges, police, etc.
Instead of tossing away hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq, we could have been modernizing our electrical grid.
Income tax is theft. There is no law. How can you prove that there is no law? You can't point at something that is not there.
Please provide exact page and paragraph. And will cross reference. If you are proven to be correct I will admit that I was wrong. This is something I wish politician will do, admit when they make mistakes.
You mean the one that he DID show evidence of by putting the entire bill up on his site?
shit does american know that??? damn they didn't put this on the Law book…Oh well I suggest you tell Bible Editors 2010 to put that text in the book…Someone will read it…Don't have to prove it cause it will be in the bible..
I guess he didn't think about investing in hybrid cars and more fuel effecient vehicles,and most cell phones are manufactured overseas. Those things were considered pork(wasteful spending) in throughout the stimulus debate.
You mean the one Hannity got you to believe were in the bill , the same one that Greta Van Susteren ask him to show evidence of?
I've never been more proud to be a Kentuckian.
Well done caller
Not to mention those great frisbee golf courses that are getting a couple million bucks, right?
Taxation is theft!!!!!
And all he's thinking is: "Aw, how quaint. Can't wait to tell my friends about this tonight while we're drinking our $30 cocktails".
Corporate tax cuts will create far more jobs and wealth for this country than any new government program. Every job government creates destroys multiple jobs in the private sector because the government jobs are less productive and cost more in benefits than private jobs. Furthermore, government jobs don't follow the needs of consumers like this caller. They follow the whims of politicians. If you want the needs of the people to be met, then give us the freedom to do it ourselves!
Corporte tax cuts. THe rest of that crap isn't in the Constitution.