Can a Desert Nation Solve the World’s Water Shortage? | 5 Minute Video
From California to Africa, we are facing a global water shortage. But one tiny country, in the middle of a desert, has found remarkable solutions. Which country? And can we replicate its success? Businessman and New York Times bestselling author Seth Siegel explains.
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Is the world going into a water crisis? It certainly seems that way.
The U.S. government predicts that by 2025, 60 percent of the world’s landmass, and 40 of our 50 U.S. states will experience water shortages— some of them extreme.
The U.S. intelligence community sees worldwide water shortages as a major national security risk. Water scarcity helped trigger the Syrian civil war and has been a key reason why Africans have migrated in large numbers to Europe. More of this can be expected.
But there is cause for optimism. And it comes from a very unlikely place—a country in the middle of a desert.
That country is Israel.
Compelled by necessity and powered by remarkable technological innovations, Israel has become the world’s water superpower. By reusing waste water, by making desalination affordable, by rethinking irrigation, and by developing an array of sophisticated water conservation techniques, Israel not only has a sufficiency of water, but an abundance of it.
What Israel has done, other nations can do, too, including its Mideast neighbors. And while it’s a lot to hope for, cooperation on water issues could become the basis for cooperation on other issues as well.
For Israel, an obsession with water is not new. The word “water” appears 600 times in the Hebrew Bible. For over 2,000 years daily prayers for rain in the land of Israel have been a part of traditional Jewish ritual. For the founders of the modern State of Israel, water was not only a daily concern, but a paramount question of future survival. Vast quantities of water would be needed for the millions of immigrants who would make their way to the new country. Without plenty of water, economic growth would be impossible.
But where was the water going to come from? It was a daunting challenge, but one which Israel overcame.
Today, while other nations, even ones with far more natural water resources, struggle with water management, Israel has a surplus of useable water. The desert, as Israel’s founders dreamed, is blooming.
Not only does the country supply its own population with an array of fruits and vegetables, but it exports billions of dollars worth of produce to nations around the world.
So, how does a small country with little annual rainfall, with only one freshwater lake, and with no major rivers do this?
It begins with a nothing-wasted attitude that extends from the government to private industry to farming to consumers. Israel charges its citizens the market price for water—no subsidies. You can have as much water as you want, but you have to pay for it. And when you pay for something, you tend to be more careful with how you use it.
To view the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/can-desert-nation-solve-worlds-water-shortage

We need more water consciousness in the USA.
The drip irrigation is israels pride. Its easy to lay and relocate and makes watering plants easier. It is everywhere from massive farms to small personal gardens.
Also, as a sidenote, dont drink straight from the kimeret, the said freshwater lake in israel. It was a bad idea.
The techniques deployed by Israel are a huge fix to the problem, but so is bio char. The two should be working hand-in-hand, organic fertilizers biochar, and these water techniques can help solve all of this.
Factory farming of animals for dairy milk and meat causes this
Amazing Israel.
There's no water shortage, we just aren't utilizing the most current desalinization system developed recently because scarcity is the primary driver of economic growth. Picked a great system to defend!
This is nuts
Add organically activated “bio char “and you have a win-win that’s almost unstoppable
Excellent, now they just have to find a solution to the apartheid they impose on Palestine.
Answer climate change.
Awesome! What did you expect from God's chosen people?!
You forgot that Israel don't supply the West Bank and Gaza Strip with anywhere near enough water, and they don't even let West Bank Palestinians collect their own rainwater, plus they destroy Palestinian water supplies and don't maintain water pipes in the West Bank properly if at all! They only serve themselves, so that's why I dislike Israel, after all their only justification for this greed and stealing is that "If I don't steal it, someone else is gonna steal it." Yaakov Fauci
Get more crop per drop with SWRT subsurface membrane technology! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OQzWfGOYn4&t=1s
Sewage water is dirty and contaminated. The crop that grows on dirty contaminated seweage water must be unhealthy.
Israel is not desertified wtf
There is plenty of water, just manage it properly. Build desalination plants and irrigation infrastructure throughout the country. Plant trees, even in deserts and prairies. One big green lush country.
California could learn from Israel
Pretty impressive. Not sure why treating sewage is so impressive though, I thought all sewage was treated. We have treatment plants all over the UK. The sewage also goes to fertiliser.
Isn’t it weird we don’t hear about Israel from anywhere else? Meanwhile France if all countries is praised for their fizzy water in documentaries 😑🖕
Plz add Israel steals water from Jordan and Syria. One of many Israeli traits.
Among brutal murders, theft of land israel is not entitled to, a genocide against the palestinian people, daily abuses, shameful use of power against civilians and unforgivable deeds of violence , israel is developing great technologies to save water….too bad the palestinian people can't benefit from it…. ASK ILLEGAL SETTLERS HOW THEIR SWIMMING POOLS ARE and if they are enjoying them since they have plenty of water…..