Can You Pass the Objective / Subjective Truth Test?
For more information, read So the Next Generation Will Know: Training Young Christians in a Challenging World (https://amzn.to/2CftJza)
Quick Shot: “There are no objective truths”
In this episode of the Cold-Case Christianity Podcast, J. Warner Wallace makes a case for the evidential nature of Christian truth claims. He then reviews the nature of objective and subjective truth claims and offers a brief test to see if you can distinguish the differences. Can you pass the test? (For more information, visit www.ColdCaseChristianity.com)
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Good video 👍
I was with you until the “christianity is the only true religion” question. My issue is the word religion. Religion as we know it today is a manmade concept. The word religion is not once found in the bible as there is no hebrew word that translates to religion. So to say it is the true religion when there is no mention of the religion of Christianity in the bible is indeed subjective. The word religion itself is subjective, as I believe wholeheartedly in the bible but i reject man’s religion. Man has confused the bible for alot of people through religion as evidenced by the many different so-called religions all under the umbrella of Christianity. If Jesus comes back tomorrow and gives a sermon, how many christian “religions” would fight back against this? How many would stick to their “religion” instead of to Jesus himself.
Let me say i do understand what you are saying and i do understand and believe that at the core of Christianity, whether through catholicism or lutheran or baptist, the truth about Jesus can be found. And in comparison to any other known religions, i dont see any other that gets closer to the truth. But religion itself, as opposed to a man focusing on the bible itself, has led many men astray due to its own self-preservation. A christian religion can lead a man to believe he is saved by and needs the religion itself and not Jesus. A christian religion could even give false teachings about what it means to follow Jesus or false teachings in general about the bible. Neither of which can be used as an excuse for man if he fails to “know” and “be known” by Jesus Himself.
What about if you substituted Christianity for Bible? Now that i would support 100%. How about:
Only the bible shows man the truth about the only way to God, through his Son and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Regardless, i thank you for this video and appreciate your break down on subjective and objective truth. By no means am i trying say you’re wrong, just trying to give a nuance that i think gets missed. Thank you sir and God bless.