Explore how particular instructions in Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) assists students establish and practice psychological and social proficiencies. Established in collaboration with the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), this video comes from a series that supplies useful applications for teachers pursuing premium, schoolwide SEL.
About This Series
” CASEL Indicators of Schoolwide SEL” is given you by the Broadcast Educational Media Commission, the Ohio Department of Education, Public Media Connect (CET, ThinkTV, WPTO), and the Montgomery County Education Service. For extra info about Social Emotional Learning in Ohio, take a look at ODE’s site at
About the Multimedia Grant
The Multimedia Grant task has a long history of supporting training initiatives for Ohioans. This task is a joint effort among the Broadcast Educational Media Commission (BEMC), the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), and Ohio’s Public Television Stations.
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