Plots To Change America Heritage Charging Up Hills to Investigate Biden Regime, Enablers | Mike Howell on Fox News The Heritage FoundationJanuary 21, 2022 Heritage’s Mike Howell joined Fox News, Friday, Jan. 21, to talk about Heritage’s new Conservative Oversight Project, ho... 2722600
Election Integrity Democrats Want to Make It Easier to Cheat in Elections | Hans von Spakovsky on Fox News The Heritage FoundationJanuary 17, 2022 Hans von Spakovsky joined Fox News on January 16, 2022, to discuss the Left’s push for voter legislation that would make our e... 2115900
Election Integrity The Left’s Claims of Voter Suppression Are Based on Lies | Hans von Spakovsky on Newsmax The Heritage FoundationJanuary 4, 2022 Hans von Spakovsky joined Newsmax on January 4, 2022, to discuss the Left’s push for voter legislation that would make our ele... 1013000
Plots To Change America Sebastian Gorka’s Fight Against Communism: The Story Behind it All The Heritage FoundationJanuary 3, 2022 During an event at The Heritage Foundation, Sebastian Gorka explained an intimate encounter with the brutality and cruelty of commun... 816000
Immigration “They’re Not Being Honest” | Chad Wolf Blasts Biden Border Crisis The Heritage FoundationDecember 30, 2021 Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News, Thursday, December 30, to talk about the Biden border crisis, the Biden administ... 86200
Election Integrity Make It Easier to Vote, Harder to Cheat | Kevin Roberts on Election Integrity The Heritage FoundationDecember 16, 2021 Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts joined Newsmax, Wednesday, December 15, to talk about the latest on election integrity,... 513300
Plots To Change America Everything She Saw During China’s Cultural Revolution is Happening in the U.S. The Heritage FoundationDecember 14, 2021 #MaoZedong #China #CCP #Communism #CulturalRevolution She started seeing the signs years ago: Children in the U.S. don’t know about... 4221300
Plots To Change America Who Were the Victims of Communism? Professor Alan Kors Explains The Heritage FoundationDecember 13, 2021 Sobering remarks from Alan Charles Kors marking the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Soviet Union—reflecting on the millions of p... 2116200
Plots To Change America Communism’s Dark Tyranny: The 30th Anniversary of the Collapse of the Soviet Union The Heritage FoundationDecember 9, 2021 Join us as leading experts discuss why the Soviet Union was evil, why it collapsed, and yet why the allure of socialism persists tod... 2020600