China Has Lied, Cheated and Stolen to Get to the Top | James Carafano on America’s Voice
James Carafano joined America’s Voice News, Wednesday, May 13, to talk about the latest from China, the need to hold China accountable, and the top three things America must do to hold China accountable and protect America’s own interests.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FaXAur_Lc4A
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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how stupid is FOR USA having any relationship with CANCER corrupt communist China
please USA please MEXICO please Australia please Canada please people that have dignity VOICOT 100%OF everything CHINESE immediate including any CHINESE products that are made in MEXICO or Canada or Australia or any other country ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CANCER corrupt communist China
China tells his people not to buy any American products, wheel America wath is supposed for all of us to do? YES VOICOT 100%OF EVERYTHING CHINESE IMMEDIATE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CANCER CORRUPT COMMUNIST CHINA
Who are used to lying accuse China of lying.Good strategy. Sanction everyone but no vaccine.
Y'all mad
And they stole pur poe supply. Premeditated murderers.
The CCP Chinese created the coronavirus, and they are responsible for all the deaths, and economic loss around the world.. Let’s band all Chinese products.. and let’s support Australia … Wumao CCP Chinese coronavirus..!
The Chinese CCP started the coronavirus, they lied, and a lot of people died..
Fuck China
Why not just clearly and honestly label everything that is sold with a 'Made in ……' tag and let thinking people and Governments make up their own minds.
That way you don't have a campaign of official 'anti' causing retaliation from the other side.
If people don't take the hint and buy from friendly democratic Countries, then they deserve the future they help create.
'Like minded' Countries can trade between themselves firstly, return 'Manufacturing at home' to a national priority for essentials and holiday at home and in Countries that reflect democratic values.
So have you, the American's have cheated and stolen from every corner of the world.
Your national debt is owing how much? Whom are you kidding.
Watch this … great interview
You just found this out that China lies and cheats? You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for being conned so easily and thoroughly.
Well thats what rising powers do, I dont see anyone bat an eye when US bullies its way to the top.
Of course they could destroy the free world they dominate the market based on their ability to manufacture a lot of the West’s goods. We want to use them and make their communist govt change too? One way is making ourselves more self-sustainable again, but that probably won’t happen. Send/create work in more friendly nations? The unchecked alliance from our elite with China, probably mostly caused by profit focused rather than thinking much about the long term effects. A good wake up call. Always takes a tragic event to wake us up.
Heart of Kentucky. Forget the WHO. Let them be in a state of oblivion. Katie.
If you want to control the WHO give the money to individual directors instead of organization.
They have to pay for all lives lost..that's right investigate them. They must be investigated and they need to cooperate. They are at fault..
Boycott chinese goods, enough of bullying n strong arm Tactics by China.
I don't think it would be exaggerating to say China are the most prolific cheaters the modern world has seen.
Their female swimming team have shoulders as broad as those of most men, their male swimming gold medallist Sun Yang had his blood sample tampered with to avoid it being tested, and the thing I don't understand is how they display no shame over it. Their national average IQ is also heavily falsified, as they somehow have a special arrangement in which only data from schools at two Chinese cities (one of the cities is Shanghai but I can't remember the other one) is collected which happen to have a budget four times bigger than that for ordinary schools. No other country gets this treatment from the testing authority. The national motto for China seems to be "fake it till you make it".
China is @sshoe
When America was great back in the 1980s and 1990s. We did More business with Japan and Europe anyways. Fuck China lets do business with other Free Countries that actually make good quality shit and are not Communists. Just saying
US elites, big corporate, lelftis politicians, media indirect assist China Rises.. US enemies within weakened US, only US is last nation stands,all other US allies already falling into China influence, US loose the free world will loose to totalitarian..
China products are actually good so I think we will be doing business but China made a deal with us when they knew they had this outbreak and that’s why trump isn’t happy about China right now or he would’ve not made it that’s why China waited
We should care about the people but we will be more strick and aware of outbreaks and we may ban travel from China probably
China has BILION and HALF people
Id sugest you try POLITENESS
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Great news! Hold China accountable. Very well said, every single word Mr. Carafano and Trump is the one American Citizen that has what it takes to to this. And America and the world needs Trump to lead this blockage. I don’t see no Democrat presidential candidate doing it#TrumpBansChinaNow
Can China feed it's 1.5bilion people without the world? We don't need them. They need us.
CHINA's COVER-UP: purged doctors, gagged scientists, tried to stop press coverage, corruption, and denials all led to a full-on pandemic and economic cratering. Gee….just like Trump.
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Communist China is like the former Soviet-union on steroids.
Do you think China's regime could destroy the free world if left unchecked?