China Is Exploiting Biden’s Weakness | James Carafano on Holding China Accountable for COVID
Heritage’s James Carafano joined Fox Business, Friday, June 18, to talk about the latest on China, the Biden administration’s weak approach to holding China accountable for the coronavirus outbreak, and why we need strong policies to hold China accountable.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT7rN17g6-A
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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When a fraud is implanted by the Dems, Americans and the world has no respect for this dementia minded, fraud in Chief. 🖕Biden
WHO now says that actual death count is 3 times more than what was reported around the world. It's above 9 million! The rest of the world should sue China for $10T.
wtf, it is all anti-China bs speculation
I think we all know by now Covid19 originated from a CCP laboratory at this point. Everyone is just staring at thier naval and admiring the problem at this point.
Any lab leak theory will be mostly based on genetic evidence, which doesn't tell us whether it was intentional or its origins. The US makes itself look suspicious by 'pointing it's finger in every other direction' than a bioweapon. The Chinese strategy is effective because the possibility of a bioweapon resonates with people. And the US is providing China the space to shape the bioweapon narrative.
China caused this plandemic…and now is getting thrown under the bus by those that were complicit. May God bless us all, Amen 😇
The WHO Helped the CCP Cover
this up in the 1st place. Also, China's President's WIFE (Literally)
Works for the WHO!
Does Joe have the Nards to Actually Fight Back?
IF we participated in gain of function research we the ppl want to know!
I'm afraid the Biden's ties to China are more consequential than those to America. They're compromised.. it's plain to see.
The world is poised to take advantage of this asterisk presidency.
This is like Trumps mishandling with Russia.
Like a school yard disagreement. If China "F'd" up, then they need to be held accountable…PERIOD! Problem is, Biden is so weak, he's not going to pressure China to do anything real.
Doing nothing is not a policy. The Biden regime has no foreign policy format in place and our opponents know that and will take the lead with Biden then having to play catch up. Russia and China realize that they now have the Biden regime in a reactive mode and these two adversaries will play Biden like a kid's kazoo and watch the puppet Biden dance to their tune.