China Trying to Coerce U.S. Companies, Allies | Dean Cheng on Fox News
Dean Cheng joined Fox News, Wednesday, May 13, to talk about the latest from China, American companies’ efforts to possibly begin moving operations out of China, and the Chinese Communist Party’s efforts to coerce them out of these moves.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwSTIADIS4Y
Dean Cheng brings detailed knowledge of China’s military and space capabilities to bear as The Heritage Foundation’s research fellow on Chinese political and security affairs. He specializes in China’s military and foreign policy, in particular its relationship with the rest of Asia and with the United States.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/dean-cheng
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Chinese Communist Party Peoples Liberation Army = First Order Party from Star Wars
Communist China "Sucker Punched" the USA and World with CCP C19 !
Where is the OutRage ?! ..
Or are the Corp $$ Elite making Soo Much $$ in PRC to Over-Look This ?
Profits over Country ? Where are Corp Loyalties / Morality ?
Corporate Imperialism = Profits OVER Country.
Globalist $$ Goals Vs Nationalist Citizen / Resources Goals.
Trump is the Equalizing Factor toward Nationalistic Self InAlienable Rights / Freedoms
China is past it's peak in what it had to offer to MNCs. It's lost it's sheen, it's promise, it's an epidemics hotbed producing epidemics nearly every decade. During every epidemic this is how the government is going to behave. Coercing even MNCs to remain in that God forsaken country!!
Say no to china. No more chinese products for me. I dont trust them at all.
China is just a distraction… away from the Bolton book and Trumps niece's book. Away from his failure to deal with the virus and distracting you since he can't manage to unite people and country after Floyds incident. Anyone ever tried to swap and change well known subcontractors/contractors in business? Its not easy to just move out and find new ones. Besides Chinese market is way too big to not want a piece of it. When all this is over, we'll be tradiing with them again – rich will get richer, poor just used as tools in this political fare of war.
Considering China's lack of ethics, I suspect that (like their "salter gold" deal) that they are also manufacturing and counterfeiting their own money, our money and other Nations currency.
The original purpose of the C.I.A was to protect the USA against foreign counterfeiting.
During WW2 the Germans did such a good job of counterfeiting that the British could not tell the difference.
I have always owned Samsung phones and make sure they aren't made in China before purchasing them. Knick knacks, etc. are ok with me to be made in China…food, drugs and tech items are a definite no brainer NOT to be.
Germany you should help your friend CCP flooding. They going to protect Germany from America. You should get out from EU you have China!!!
Apple why you leaving. China? They just stealing IPhone don't.you love that?
1. Do not invade for resources —>free Tibet
2. Open economic doors to China result —> debt trap by China
3.trade with China —> stop dumping cheep products in countries
4. Fair trade? Stop currency manipulation
5. China sea does not mean it belongs to China. Same logic if used Indian Ocean belongs to India
6.free trade —> let google, Facebook amazon Lol
7. STOP Being an asshole in your neighborhood and the world.
8. Come clean with the current Chinese flu.
All NON-Chinese companies should exit CHINA as soon as possible.
With economic gloom in China and huge Civil unrest expected to set in, the matters are only going to go from bad to worse.
Before the CHINA's Communist Government confiscates assets and freezes bank accounts of these companies, they should move out.
The cost of shifting will obviously be huge but it would correct the course for future business certainty and stability.
These companies were attracted to China by low cost of manufacture. But the question still persits:
1. Have these companies really saved on cost ?
2. Did they compromise on their patented technology and know how ?
3. Did they compromise on human values and human rights ?
4. Did the Companies over look the fact that China is a Communist country which has in the past nationalized private industry.
5. Did they over look that China has a atrocious Human Rights record with risk of another revolution?
The biggest set back is that Apple and all Global companies offered technology on a silver platter to steal and copy. Or else, how do you explain China's exponential growth in such a short time when other countries took more than a century.
The decision to move to CHINA was faulty in the first place. Many followed like the heard mentality.
They should make the factory in Kashmir
Boycott China product, it’s a evil product luring all people around the world n use it profit to dominant around the world…#boycottchina #notochinaproduct.
China already told Chinese not to buy Apple
Apple moving 20% out of China is a good start but it is only a measly start. Apple needs to eventually cut all ties with every and any country that is out to destroy democracy globally, free speech and does NOT guarantee individual rights to all their citizens. None of which China under the CCP does.
No company should move to Vietnam Singapore Indonesia as CCP or PRC company use to reroute Chinese commodity through these country just by relabelling their product
Apple was originally came from Southern China. The truth! Beware of the curse!
Stick APPLE where the sun don't shine along with it's two dozen strange symbols.
Chixit better happen sooner rather than later. Because if they send a virus to kill you they are not your friend
Fucking korupt liars you work all together
Holding minim 100.ooo of kids under hall America under bunkers
Viol them Scared them drinking them blood selling them organs Even Beyonce it was catch with you lots of stars every month meet this kids in bunkers with trump with obama and His wife wich is a MAN and hall others reach idiots
Also media all you been by with money from the biginning until deaf
I will never buy another Apple Product
All those countries were STUPID to put manufacturing in China to begin with.
Apple shouldn’t worry about losing Chinese business the Chinese was all along going to squeeze them out with their tech anyways
Africa too is the best option to established your companies here and those saying the leadership here are corrupt are ignoring the fact that the world are corrupt as well.
#bycott China
#Make in India
India got lucky here haan
Pull out of CHINA NOW
I hope India gets a lot of business. I remember 44 years ago bought an Indian saddle and it was really good. They can make anything. I hope businesses give them a go. I would love to see their poor people out of poverty.
Ha ha! F U CHINA. I won’t be buying ANYTHING made in China.
India is not even a little bit afraid of China. India has a hardened military and similar citizen count. Chinese military is a bunch of only children with zero fighting experience.
iPhone assembled in China… Not buying…..
So does that mean we don’t need H1B1 employees anymore
You are debating whether you should choose human life, or cash money. Be honest, you can't decide. One is precious, and the other is EVIL.
So billionaires will lose money? That breaks my heart.
trump end the relationship with china. wipe the debt clean
What's the point of unfriending someone if your still gonna practice their bad habits?…
I haven't bought anything from china if possible for a long time. It is almost always sub standard products plus i have always thought that the only good communist is dead ones.
China is going down back to where they were 60 years ago.
Never trust communists.
hmmm guess moving back to the USA would be out of the question
Buy made in anywhere but COVID spreading China.
Why isn't Tim Cook bringing apple back to America where it started? Oh, his pocket.
China isn't leading — it's cowering and afraid. Here's why: https://youtu.be/OOzopBUVnxU