China Wants to Take Down the U.S. to Accomplish Its Goals | Heritage Highlights
A review of Heritage Foundation TV interviews from the week of May 3, 2020, on Coronavirus topics that include the China, voter fraud, economic impact of coronavirus, state bailouts, and Venezuela.
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I have seen similar patterns in all history. Many countries have gone through the same process, either by design or otherwise. They are given a push to excel in economy and be on top of the world, until a time they are taken down and crashes head down. Boom and bust method. I have seen this too many times. Many once a rich nation are now becoming beggars. I know all along this will happen to China, it is just a matter of when. Now I see it.
China set out this virus killing 1000's of American men and woman. And what is done about it nothing but talk about selling soybeans to china WTF
American citizens are dead. And you wont to keep jerking around the pole with these cheese heads in the ccp…. wow
Makes a body wonder if the ccp is not gotten inbed'en in this government here. Somethings going on. I'm sure the American people would like to see justice done and china held responsible for there actions even if it is just the country boycotting china and cutting ties from them
Stop talking and start taking action against China and make them pay
Again, incompetent government and ignorant citizens. This country is in doom!!!!!!!