China’s “Thuggish Regime” Will Destroy the Free World If Unchecked | James Carafano to Jim Bohannon
James Carafano joined “The Jim Bohannon Show,” Wednesday, May 13, to talk about the latest from China, the Chinese Communist Party’s cover-up of the coronavirus and the need for America to stand up to China and hold it accountable.
The Trump administration is likely to continue pushing back against China’s efforts to reshape the international narrative, much like we’ve seen the U.S.-China competition across the international arena. But the outbreak of COVID-19 doesn’t change that the People’s Republic of China will be our most persistent and consequential U.S. foreign-policy challenge for the next several decades.
There might be right ways to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for the COVID-19 outbreak and its other misdeeds. But there are also wrong ideas that undermine U.S. long-term interests. It’s critical that we don’t mix those up.
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James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
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If several nuclear capable nations launched a combined attack at China all at once they would be caught off guard. The entire world has suffered because of China. I have no idea why there is no retaliation.
Gangsters, thats the world of politics in china
Totally agree pigs on conceted steroids money money pigs nixions BIGGESt mistake
Free world ?! China is the potency who less meddles with other countries affairs.
You america have bases around the world and you charge the countries for the bases on their godamn country.
Your imf has bought europe into an endless debt because we dont produce enough to sustain ourselves, you bought us through your cunning loophole. And when you face war you will demand us to join the fray cuz of the debt, otherwise we would be traitors and we would suffer sanctions if not worse, all the while saving your american lives and sacrificing european lives.
You tackle down the world of entretainment, no country has space to rise because of you. You own the world bank, you own the imf, you created nato, you did a whole bunch of stuff i wont even bother telling. America you are trying to globalize the world, and you basically have conquered almost all of it, except… exactly, china and russia. Thats why you want to take them down, so you can finish your globalization. Im not blaming you regular american citizens, im blaming your elite. Go search, its not made up, so true that every bit of information is split so you cant piece it together if you dont know what to look for. There is no free world, there is just a 75% american world. And dont blame trump, those well placed cogs were already there before trump.
2003: China lies to the world and invades Iraq
2008: China's greed instigates a global recession creating trillions in damages across the globe
2011: China bombs and destroys the state Libya based on lies.
2011: China starts funding terrorists to topple the government of Syria.
2011: It is revealed that China has extensive global espionage network that even spies on its own satellite states.
2014: China funds and organizes an Anti-Russian coup in Ukraine creating yet another proxy war.
20XX: China conducts a global misinformation campaign against Russia and China (yes China) to deceive the world (again).
China is a thuggish regime, look at what they have done ! (sarcasm off)
Seriously , what is up with these Neocons and Neolibs ? They have totally lost touch with reality. Zero self-reflection ! Zero accountability ! So Americans buy into this propaganda. Like they are totally unable to learn.
China reported 9 cases the other day!
USA and Brazil have thousands!
Many of us in the west are starting to wake up to the CCP.
I am more concerned about their territorial expansions
Their infiltration of the west's political parties and universities
And their trade policy
Defund China
True, most of Asian countries have to Support Australia n India, till then Boycott all Chinese goods.
The CCP never live up to any contract they signed. Don’t know why companies are willing to be sucked up to assisting China rise. The Frankenstein Kissinger created will destroy our nation including Kissinger himself
They resemble The Nazi Party of The 30's but 10 times more powerful. The World has reason to Unite to fight this Demon !
How many colonies have China had across the world? How many colonies did they have in Africa? South America? North America? Australasia? India? Europe? The Middle East? What was their role in slavery? How many countries have they attacked? Did they attack Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria? Israel? When Africans were fighting for freedom against colonialism, where were they? (Giving arms and intelligence to Africans) how many governments have they overthrown? How many leaders have they killed? Did they replace the natives of America, Australia, South America, North America with themselves? Or is it because they are a threat to the current white supremacists in power now? What exactly and precisely have they done? I bet no one on here can counter with more than anecdotal hearsay and WS rumours.
I am calling on the world to enact Sanctions on the USA. Desegregate America. Get rid of ghettoes. Give everyone the vote at 18. Connect it to social security automatically like every other country in the world! And international observers in the most corrupt country in the world!
China should be immediately cornered in the world by all nations.
China should be given the most severest punishment by all nations together and be made into pieces for land jehad, corona attack and bad things it doing every time.
China is the most notorious nation.
China will destroy totally in near for its bad foreign policy, autocracy and severe crime against world civil society and humanity. China is crime, cancer, corrupt, criminal and cripple nation to whole civic world
Wonderful video and it is true what he says
Ah, is the world starting to wake up I ask myself. I remember when every man and his dog was dashing to get into China, suddenly it was the place to be. Well I thought different and I said it was a bad idea. Since then the Chinese leader has increased his powers domestically and overseen financial power grabbing all over the world, WHY?
ACTING LIKE A GLOBAL THUG ! ARE YOU KIDDING US ? And out political class just let this happen !
The CCP virus is worse than Coronavirus.
The world has seen so many thugs, Hitler's Nazi, Mussolini, Japanese king, Russia and its China's CCP turn. Actually they want to loose war very soon, and be in harmony. No strategic allies, completely barbarious.
Watch this Ausome interview
Or, having been through SARS and experienced how bad it hammered their economy and not the rest of the world, this time they decided to level the playing field.
The love of money…..
Oh, and the fact that it's probably a laboratory engineering chimera virus as part of the Wuhan Lab's research. No way are they going to let that be known, so they tried to blame other countries…..

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仇外或排外,指对外族人、外国人、外地人乃至陌生人恐惧或不满,产生排斥心理。[1]其英文名字“xenophobia”来源自希腊语“ξένος (xenos)”,意指“外来者”;“φόβος(phobos)”,意指“恐惧、隔离”。在虚构作品中,仇外主义可指对人工智能、外星生物或其他非人类存在的恐惧与憎恶。

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Toggle navigation Dr Tadros, is the Head of WHO. he is a Copt ORTHODOX, ( Alexandria COPTIC ORTHODOX CHURCH. when anyone, INSULTS such an honest person.. well one may say.. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN , BECAUSE NOTHING EILL SAVE SUCH A PERFIDY NOR BLASPHEMY. INSUANATING SUCH LUDICROUS INSULTS, ACCUSATIONS WITHOUT ANY FOUNDSTIOND. IM SORRY DEAR SIR. THIS IS CROSDING THE LINE.. HONESTY INTEGRITY..ONE CAN say anything with regards to mere political rivals. But this is tantamount in accusing an honest, church follower, of being bribed ? There is indeed here a case of REQUESTING A PROPER US PRESIDENT, IN TIMES OF CRISES. IT SEEMS that this is too much for a very promising PRESIDENT, who simply buckles under the UNPRECEDENTED PRESDURES. > pub_newtest > Arabic-New-Testament-Books > 01-Matthew
الكتاب المقدس – العهد الجديد
إنجيل متي
الفصل / الأصحاح السابع
1 لا تدينوا لكي لا تدانوا
2 لأنكم بالدينونة التي بها تدينون تدانون، وبالكيل الذي به تكيلون يكال لكم
3 ولماذا تنظر القذى الذي في عين أخيك، وأما الخشبة التي في عينك فلا تفطن لها
4 أم كيف تقول لأخيك: دعني أخرج القذى من عينك، وها الخشبة في عينك
5 يا مرائي، أخرج أولا الخشبة من عينك، وحينئذ تبصر جيدا أن تخرج القذى من عين أخيك
6 لا تعطوا القدس للكلاب، ولا تطرحوا درركم قدام الخنازير، لئلا تدوسها بأرجلها وتلتفت فتمزقكم
7 اسألوا تعطوا. اطلبوا تجدوا. اقرعوا يفتح لكم
8 لأن كل من يسأل يأخذ ، ومن يطلب يجد، ومن يقرع يفتح له
9 أم أي إنسان منكم إذا سأله ابنه خبزا، يعطيه حجرا
10 وإن سأله سمكة، يعطيه حية
11 فإن كنتم وأنتم أشرار تعرفون أن تعطوا أولادكم عطايا جيدة، فكم بالحري أبوكم الذي في السماوات، يهب خيرات للذين يسألونه
12 فكل ما تريدون أن يفعل الناس بكم افعلوا هكذا أنتم أيضا بهم، لأن هذا هو الناموس والأنبياء
13 ادخلوا من الباب الضيق، لأنه واسع الباب ورحب الطريق الذي يؤدي إلى الهلاك، وكثيرون هم الذين يدخلون منه
14 ما أضيق الباب وأكرب الطريق الذي يؤدي إلى الحياة، وقليلون هم الذين يجدونه
15 احترزوا من الأنبياء الكذبة الذين يأتونكم بثياب الحملان، ولكنهم من داخل ذئاب خاطفة
16 من ثمارهم تعرفونهم . هل يجتنون من الشوك عنبا، أو من الحسك تينا
17 هكذا كل شجرة جيدة تصنع أثمارا جيدة، وأما الشجرة الردية فتصنع أثمارا ردية
18 لا تقدر شجرة جيدة أن تصنع أثمارا ردية، ولا شجرة ردية أن تصنع أثمارا جيدة
19 كل شجرة لا تصنع ثمرا جيدا تقطع وتلقى في النار
20 فإذا من ثمارهم تعرفونهم
21 ليس كل من يقول لي: يا رب، يا رب يدخل ملكوت السماوات. بل الذي يفعل إرادة أبي الذي في السماوات
22 كثيرون سيقولون لي في ذلك اليوم: يا رب، يا رب أليس باسمك تنبأنا، وباسمك أخرجنا شياطين، وباسمك صنعنا قوات كثيرة
23 فحينئذ أصرح لهم: إني لم أعرفكم قط اذهبوا عني يا فاعلي الإثم
24 فكل من يسمع أقوالي هذه ويعمل بها، أشبهه برجل عاقل، بنى بيته على الصخر
25 فنزل المطر، وجاءت الأنهار، وهبت الرياح، ووقعت على ذلك البيت فلم يسقط، لأنه كان مؤسسا على الصخر
26 وكل من يسمع أقوالي هذه ولا يعمل بها، يشبه برجل جاهل، بنى بيته على الرمل
27 فنزل المطر، وجاءت الأنهار، وهبت الرياح، وصدمت ذلك البيت فسقط، وكان سقوطه عظيما
28 فلما أكمل يسوع هذه الأقوال بهتت الجموع من تعليمه
29 لأنه كان يعلمهم كمن له سلطان وليس كالكتبة
Spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID – 19) from an Outbreak to Pandemic in the Year 2020
Article Sidebar
Published May 7, 2020
Page: 37-51
Main Article Content
Muhammad Ghafoor Ali
State Life Insurance Corporation, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Muhammad Owais Ahmad
Nawaz Sharif Medical College, University of Gujrat, Pakistan.
Saima Narjees Husain
Palmers Medical Centre, Melbourne, Australia.
Aims: The COVID-19 is most recently discovered of the corona viruses which caused respiratory infections consisting of two large scale pandemics MERS & SARS and found to be zoonotic in origin. The disease started from Wuhan local seafood market in China and infected 2,761 people. The 2019-nCoV virus isolated from the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of critically ill patients and has shown it 96% identical to bat coronavirus and bearing same cell entry receptor angiotensin converting enzyme II (ACE2). Corona means crown in Latin and it look like a crown under a microscope. Corona virus disease is an infectious disease where most infected people suffered from mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment however older people and those with underlying medical problems develop serious illness and can be prevented by washing the hands or using an alcohol based rub and not touching the face. Outbreak is small but unusual; the epidemic is outbreak over a larger geographic area while pandemic spreads to multiple countries.
Methodology: The duration of review for spread of COVID-19 was between 31st December 2019 to 11th March 2020. The 31st December 2019 was the reporting of first case of Corona Virus (COVID-19) by the China while 11th March was declaration date of Pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).A total of 70 papers consisting of research article, review papers and news reports has been studied and evaluated.
Results: China on 31 December 2019 first informed about COVID-19 and WHO declared on 11 March 2020 that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. Scientists suspected that corona virus originated in a bat and before passing to human hopped to another animal. Thailand, Japan, USA, France, Australia, Germany, Italy and Spain reported their first case on 13, 16, 19, 24, 25, 27, 31 and 31 January 2020. In February the cases reported by Belgium, Egypt, Iran, Brazil, Pakistan, Netherland, England and Ireland on 4,14,19,25,26,27,28,29 while in March cases seen in Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Peru and Turkey on 2, 5, 6 and 10 respectively. WHO on 11 March 2020 assessed the outbreak as a pandemic with 114 affected countries.
Conclusions: The spread of disease as a pandemic occurred due to movement of carriers outside China. Strict quarantine needed to prevent spread of disease. The code of ethics for social distancing should be defined and strictly implemented. Selling, buying and eating of wildlife animals should be internationally banned.
Will destroy the free world? Free world?
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
😘😘😘China is great….there are no mass shootings and no drug addicts unlike the West.🏴☠️
The Chinese people suffer mass Stockholm Syndrome.
The CCP have been " acting " like this from day one, they know exactly what they are doing & the free world needs to end them !!.
Quit china, exit globalism. jail the bloody finance elites.
Chyna will be on its knees, thanks to their zzp leaders.
Has pushback from the U.S. got China panicking? This expert says it has. Here's why: