“Christ” Is Not a Name • The Anointed Ep. 1
The title most often applied to Jesus is “the anointed one”—that’s what the Greek word “christ” means! But what is the practice of anointing? What does it signify, and who gets anointed? The practice of anointing people with oil is a theme we can trace throughout the entire story of the Bible. In this episode, Tim and Jon start a brand new theme study all about anointing.
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im just thinking of a play on words how aointed sounds like annoying. The annoying one is the aointed one, sometimes when i'm super annoying its my best way to show love to people, being annoying/silly to show love.
Eternal (timeless) Gratitude.
Thank You.💐
may we follow in your footsteps Lord through the power of your Holy Spirit!
Jon, I love your openness, honesty. So enjoyable to listen to the both of you.
So all who are born of the spirit are "christs" because we are a nation of kings and priests and prophets. No longer relegated to just one. The anointing of oil represents being born of the word and spirit. If you are born from above you ARE a christ. The church has changed the meaning over the centuries to be just for Jesus but thats not true. Every power and honor given to him has been given to all the firstborn of the spirit.
Yeshua, The Messiah, is YHVH. My Lord, and my God. Praise His Holy Name!🙌🏻✝️📖💖🌹🙏🏻
Why were there no last names in the Bible?
not sold on this whole oil business. i too have never experienced it in my church
I feel like the soundtrack is better than this movie. Jennifer Hudson sings more confidently and everyone else is more on rhythm.
I don't know about you but I have never heard Tim talk about Yahweh as "Jeshovah" is this name right for God or it's proudly for the Jehovah's witnesses???
My husband was very sick with COVID and we feared he was dying. I anointed him with oil and prayed for him. Next morning everything had changed and he was healed. God is our healer. Oil represents the Holy Spirit.
I wish brothers and sisters who go to South African 12 Apostolic Churches can see this. There is a deceptive teaching in those churches. They say Jesus and Christ are two different entities🥲🥲
Elijah did, in a way, anoint Elisha- with his cloak/ cape.
Yeshua Hamashiach
The ROCK 🪨of our Salvation!
❤ thank you for your podcast. God bless.
Hosts of Heaven, I call on you to anoint me with the healing love of God in Jesus name.
Thank you Father!
Beautiful, really grateful for this podcast. God bless you, glorious is Him! Looking forward to listen to what God guides me from the rest of the episodes! 🙏❤️🔥🙏
Hearing the Jacob and the rock story I can’t help but see allusions to Peter and the papacy.
You know what, I don't mind the ads at all as long as y'all keep giving these words of wisdom 🔥🔥🔥
Jehu is my top 3
this was amazing!!!! soooooo thankful for this ministry!
I love this series, and have shared it with several family members and friends. It's meaningful to us. Thank you!
In stead of pod casting this can you eraser board this teaching so we lambs can take or write down notes and search these things to be true?
I knew about the Holy Water, and that in the word the woman 'anointed the Lord's feet' and Judas was mad….
I had my church come to do that also to cast out demons from my home same time, …
5hoiyht it 2as water not oil.
But it Worjed about casting out the house but God allowed the illmess to stay, but he gave me the Promise of Lazarus w it will honor the kingdom of God, my illness, (I'm assuming)
But I should have died at 30 and will be by the Grace of The Lord 54!!! 💖🙏🏼☺️
Father is truly in Control 🙏🏼🌞💘🙌🏻💯✨🛐🕊️💕💕💕💕
I think it's funny how people try to blend Apostles with the religion of Catholicism. Apostolic is monotheistic and Catholicism is polytheistic. Two totally opposite religion or relationship with the term "God" or "gods" Know the difference with the first couple of the ten commandments (the original text). And if you are honest with yourself then the confusion will clear up.
But the recipe for this oil is fantastic!
You forgot the leper! The leper was anointed with the same anointing as the king and the priest in his/her time of cleansing after they were healed. That is super profound in itself.
When you realize a name reflects the Character of Something or Some One and with a Person if the Character does not Reflect the Person it is Void of Meaning and Power. Example = There is no other Character = Name under Heaven wherein we may be saved & Whoso ever calls on the Character = name Savior will be saved. As with the Character of some one who is Anointed with the Spirit of Holiness they will Manifest the Character of Gods Holy Spirit. What are the 6 manifestations of the Spirit of the LORD? Isaiah 11:1-4 The Spirit of the LORD of Divine Wisdom and Understanding, Counsel and Power, and Knowledge and Fear. These are the 7 Spirits that stand before the Throne of God that give's illumination to the Soul = Mind and Christ Consciousness. Revelation 1:4 & 3:1 Gods Character of Divine Love and the Fruits of Sacrificial Love is how you know who has and who has not been Anointed. Going one step deeper into the English Word Christ from the Hebrew Mah-She-AKH = Messiah into the Egyptian word KRST or Karast you find the origin of Anointing a Person for the purpose of Healing and or Resurrection as in a Mummy. Could it also be we get our English Word Massage Masseuse a Female who Anoints with a Special Oil from the Egyptians? The Hebrew Word for Oil as the Symbol for the Holy Spirit is She-Men and is a Feminine Noun along with the Hebrew word Ruach = Spirit which is a Feminine Noun as well. Spiritual reading, writing and arithmetic; Make sure what has been written as you Read Adds Up before you Come to a Conclusion as to the complete truth as to what is revealed in the writing. Every Person who is Anointed is in reality a Christ; Not The Christ but A Christ who is Following in the Steps of THE SON OF GOD. 1st John; 4:1-6 Every Spirit that Confesses that Jesus Christ IS come in the Flesh IS of God. Question who's Flesh? MY FLESH By Way of the Christ Conscious Anointing. Colossians 1:26-27 Christ Jesus in you the Hope of Glory. You Messages are great. Blessing and Peace be with you AMEN
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