Christopher Caldwell | The European Model – Sweden
The idea of socialism is ancient. Organized socialist movements took form in Europe in the nineteenth century, and socialism emerged as a dominant political ideology in many places around the world by the twentieth century. This second CCA of the 2019-2020 academic year, co-sponsored by the Ludwig von Mises Lecture Series, will consider socialism, its practice over time, and its resurgence today.
Christopher Caldwell is a contributing editor at the Claremont Review of Books and a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. A graduate of Harvard College, his essays, columns, and reviews appear in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times Book Review, the Spectator, Financial Times, the Claremont Review of Books, and numerous other publications. He is the author of Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West and The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties (forthcoming January 2020).

It wasn’t socialism that ruined Sweden but capitalism. You opened the borders. Never do that to non-Europeans especially I mean with are you doing
What a joke. Sweden isn't a socialist country. There is no Swedish socialism. What he means is the Nordic Social Welfare Model. But he is to opinionated to give it a clear review.
I was looking for christopher cantwell…
Sweden has had freedom of the press since 1766 (1)
Socialism is to Europe what the Lamborghini is the self made multi millionaire.
It’s the unnecessary luxury to can have after you achieved capitalist success.
Notice how Bernie and the Socialists here don’t point to socialist policies in 3rd world nations
Didn't seem to answer much
Thank you Hillsdale for this program. Excellent!
Baseball knowledge….boom!
Ask yourself who would China rather see be President of the United States Trump or Biden, the answer of course is Biden. Then ask yourself why? If you don't know the answer to that question you must be brain dead or living under a rock. There's an old saying never underestimate your enemy, China has a lot of money and a lot of resources and I think they will use every last ounce of their strength to do whatever is necessary to overtake and dominate the United States as quickly as possible. This is a time in history that is really a crossroads ask yourself comparing this to World War II do you want a Richard Chamberlain or a Winston Churchill Type person leading our beloved United States. If you don't know who those people are Google it, it's an eye-opener. Even if you don't like everything about President Trump remember another old saying – nice guys finish last!! I want America to finish first!. Get out of the everyone should get a trophy mentality and see the world for the way that it really is!!! Trump 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Methinks you’re making socialism sound…..’hey not so bad’! that’s what this sounds like
wow, this dude's a model?!!
With all respect to Mr. Christopher Caldwell and his vision on Sweden Socialism. Please don't forget that his Sweden ideas of socialistic societies is still based on philosophy of Karl Marks (May 5 1818). Karl Marks and I have one thing in common: we both are Jewish men. Everything else about us is so different. Let say there is about 200 hundred years between us. Just that, two centuries between todays science knowledge base in social behavior would fundamentally change the way of Marks thinking. If Mr. Marks would have been equipped with today's knowledge about social society, he would become a strong critique of Mr. Bernie Senders (D) presidential contestant 2020 and, would fundamentally develop his new understanding of a complex mechanism and Marks' own critique of his historical work named Kapital. I am sure our democrat Mr. Bernie Senders with his biggest cookie and chocolate chips knows about that, however, he doesn't tell it to his young electorate that the society will never extend to them with motherly-like love and promise to feed them forever. He even didn't tell to his beautiful follower Ocasio Cortez that today's K. Marks would reject himself, his own social theory and become the biggest opponent to Burnie Sanders 2020 election. When it comes to Mr. Christopher Caldwell, he also, just like Bernie, doesn't say that Sweden socialism has already been denied by the people of Sweden.
sweden gave its govt to the women and they destroyed it
Vitally important to learn real facts about Socialism. Best teacher about socialism study the history of Sweden period 1884 until 1984
Interesting information but he's a terrible public speaker. It's difficult to listen to.
The Swedes could not fathom that immigrants would not share their work ethic and profound feeling of obligation to the honor system. The Swedes got a wakeup call. Now their culture will soon be subsumed.
The Swedes, quintessential Protestants.
Alex berenson | marijuana, mental health, violence
Why are the comments off? Wouldn’t want any kind of open discussion about your propaganda now would we?
Seriously what problem could possibly arise from having comments on? There’s no reason there’s no justification.
It’s sad
America's public schools are abominable.
America's public school teachers are despicable.
As Jerriel O Miller notes, an excellent talk by Mr. Caldwell; I was also struck by the quality of the questions in the Q&A, but then, it is Hillsdale.
I disagree with the speaker on entrepreneurialism in Sweden during the 1970s, which was grounded to a halt by the socialist government various socialist policies. The socialism at that time did not encourage entrepreneurial until the free European single market of the 90's, because the government sector virtually took over all economic activity with High TAXES and high social insurance. Many companies shut down or transfer their company abroad. IKEA headquarters left to go to Switzerland. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sweden-ikea/ikea-founder-to-return-home-40-years-after-fleeing-swedish-taxes-idUSBRE95P1BQ20130626
Most people own wages paid 85% marginal tax and most was not highly paid. Companies enforced costs by governments makes things a lost making process. The Other policy of transferring the company stock to the employees was consider nuts by Communist Yugoslavia.
ABBA, Ingmar Bergman, and Bjorn Borg ended up leaving Sweden because of the high taxes.
I must comment again. I have never in my more than 60-year life heard i single people in my country referred Sweden as a socialitic state. Never! The Social Democrat Party has always kept it's gards up and cling to be in power. And, yes, I think the people in Sweden in a way have been brainwashed, but you must concider the great success of the economy after WWII, one of the richest in the world with only seven million people.
Do you think a socialist country can manage that, in that case – give me an example. But today it's totally something else, Sweden, I agree is, in heavy decline.
You don't get it. Sweden has never been a socialistic country! It's core is the capitalistic way to look att the economy. I think you misunderstand the name, Socialdemokraterna, The Social Democrat Party, it's more like a liberal party with profound roots in the working class, but they have always turn their back on any communist party.
The party has always been keen on helping the big companys but less towards small firms. Big has been the cornerstone for the party but aim has always been to support capitalism.
For me to learn that, as you claims, been living i a socialist state, that is unheared for me. Since I was borned 1957, what are you talking of. I can also add that I am an rightwing nationalist, those that makes it clearer, no such party as Socialdemokraterna for me – never. But your notion is wrong from the start!
Chris Caldwell is able to take a view on Europe as an outsider and then share his expert observations. As a Dutchman who lived in Sweden for a few years, I've found his writings incredibly insightful.
One major identifiable difference between Marxist/socialist/democratic socialist/communist/progressive/post modern leftist ideology and the right wing, to a large and noticeable degree, is that the left [in all its forms] is intolerant of and antithetical to the authority of the Christian God. Hitler, who was a national socialist, thought Jesus was weak.
The far right are identified, for the most part, as authoritarian Christian evangelicals and not nazis as is often falsely espoused.
Sweden abandoned its Catholic roots long ago when the English/Swedish Plantagenet family split from Rome in the 16th century.
Great 10000 foot view of Swedish society from 1930-now
The primary animating factors of Socialism are: Envy, Fraud, Force & Theft.
Just how stupid is this guy?
Please…the best Swedesh socialism is about…is hiding taxes on the mass and protect the 29 families with free-cards….so calculated per year workers pay 94% and small business 111% .. then ofcourse +2 million origin Swede´s have moved out since 1970. Remainers.they now have a lot of dept and are forced by a crazy fast growing secret police and administration… to stay on that slaveboat feed immigrants while loosing all type of there own wellfare.and legal certainty. By the way..Sweden is not a real democracy like Switzerland…its partiel representativ…so in real terms..population have never had a choise until now when DIEM25 have found out that EU is prepared for to easy change to real democracy constitution…like the Swiss have
The hard work ethic of the European population in this country work everyday of life. Other cultures do not work like that so are a drain
No, the ethnic Swedish population is not stable, it is below replacement level. This lecture fails to note how childbirth is strongly inverse to female empowerment as a general rule. Sweden is not being overrun by immigrants as much as dying from the cancer of feminism, with secularism adding to this. Having castrated their men, the dying lonely wombs are importing barbaric men who are not so easily tamed. I'm not saying what this man says is wrong, but it has a huge blindspot. I have noted that most lectures at Hillsdale avoid hurting their own bottom line by pointing out that college encourages women not to have children when they biologically can.
We true conservatives will outbreed you.
We in Sweden took not part of WW1, but in many other countries it was the same. The true difference was WW2. All countries took part in that except Sweden.
We still feel ashame in Sweden because we helped Hitler 1939-1943 and then changed side when they started to loose the war.
In all nordic countries it was the same. No real nationalist party in till 1995. And in no country did we have a true right wing party. Those who say they are right wing in Scandinavia… they are not right and loves a big state, high taxes, high regulation, welfare, free stuff.
Norway have had 1/10 of our immigration in Sweden!!!! Same with Denmark and Finland.
Denmark does NOT have draconian laws. All countries in the north are the least rasist in the world according to all studies.
As an anti socialist even I know it's WORKERS owning the means of production, not The Government…. but yes, this normally results in The State owning much or everything on behalf on The Workers….. The State is not The Government… A government is part of The State if one exists.
A bit tiresome to hear another american misunderstanding Sweden. Sweden has never been socialist, on the contaray. Today it’s more deregulated than most countries, has more start-ups, more export industries and well educated people than most countries. The ’socialistic’ part is rethoric and involve free education, health care and a tax based unemployment security net.
With a declining deficit at about 30 % of gdp the state finances are in excellent shape.
No doubt immigration is problematic with crimilanilty and unemployment but to put it in perspective, the murder rate is unchanged since decades with minor fluctuations and at about a fith compared to the US.
And if the US did not destroy societies in Irak, Syria and Libya, there would not have been exceptional refugee influxes to Europe and Sweden.
Think of Norway as the little brother and Denmark as the Big brother who gets along rly well. Then look at Sweden, the immoral jealuos cusin who resents the older brother and thinks of the little brother as a slave colony…
Spain also sold iron ore to Germany; you don't see them grovelling.
Sweden had NO CHOICE..They tried Socialism and it didnt work.. Ended up with Healthcare & Pensions for all but sold all else, transportation, utilities back to the private sector.. Labor & management agreed to $$ terms and the govt has NO CONTROL over pension payments..Its invested and retirees get $$$ based on how it performs.. Goes down and they get a cut..Goes up they can get more… It helps they are a homogeneous society and everyone works.
Swedish culture seems similar to Japanese culture.
America since the… sexties? BLUSH 😛
I hate Swedish socialism, but wait… did you just say that Swedes didn't have contacts with Roman culture, that they were primitive and uncultured (??!!), then that Poles had those contacts, and then you immediately arrive in XIX century?? Well, Scandinavia is the motherland of Goths, who obviously had a lot to do with Roman Empire and other Nordic and Germanic tribes, like Geats (perhaps those Goths, who stayed in Scandinavia) and Swedes, who also had at least something to do wit it. Varangians, who recruited from Swedes and other tribes, turned Rhos and Rus ppl and had extensive contacts with Byzantium and central Europe. Western Christianity was introduced into Sweden in 829. What about Kalmar Union? What about John III Vasa marrying Catherine Jagellonica of Poland, what about Sigismund III Vasa, king of Poland and Sweden? What about Swedish Empire?? I don't hate Swedes so much to say they were primitive and uncultured, I just hate Socialism. It's because (among other things) I think that Socialism in a long run makes ppl forget their roots and history and thus makes them uncultured and barbaric. You could as well say that Poles didn't have any contacts with Roman culture, because Romans never conquered lands by the Vistula river.
There wasn't persecution of Jews in 1968 in Poland! It was kinda Polish-specific version of Revolution '68 in which the western neo-Marxist, Trotskyist and Maoist currents weren't exactly able to penetrate the iron curtain (yet). It manifested with Chamy-Żydy (Tykes vs. Judeo-Commies) split within the PZPR (PUWP) itself. Chamy were the Commies of Polish ethnicity and Judeo-Commies were Bolshevik Jews of NKVD origin. In result the Commie Jews were expelled from Poland, mostly without any hurt and with all property. They were even granted their travel tickets, preferably to Israel. After 1945 these Bolshevik Jews occupied 50%-100% of directorial positions in Communist apparatus, depending on office and 30-40% of positions overall. They were (and are) responsible for tens of thousands of victims of introducing Communism in Poland. E.g. Stefan Michnik [ wikipedia.org/wiki/Stefan_Michnik ], brother of Adam Michnik (actually Aaron Szechter) – editor-in-chief of famous Polish Gazeta Wyborcza (Electorial Newspaper), who is well heard in the West and always tells you stories about inherent Polish antisemitism and fascism. Both half-brothers inherit from pre-war KPP (Communist Party of Poland) ideology. Thank you for Tehran, Yalta and Potsdam!
Sweden 1960… fabulous economy… Sweden 1979… terrible economy.. what happened in that time frame? People thought the economy would support socialist goals, it didn't, 10% of the population fled with everything not nailed down. With a very weakened situation Sweden became a follower, instead of a leader- followed the E.U. disaster, the Merkel/Muslim importation… now 15% of the women in Sweden fear to go out at night.Financial strength and independence are tied hand to hand… loss of one, leads to another.
Imo, even a single muslim immigrant js a huge mistake.
But then, I am a racist!!!!
Absolutely stellar analysis in many but not all points my opinion. I have heard it called a Market (capitalist) economy which fueled the extended welfare programs. I hope, they will be able to turn around the migration problem both there and in Europe.
I also hope Mr Caldwell will join those sounding the alarm about Islamization of the west as planned by Islamic countries.
He is in my opinion partially blind in his assessment of the Islamic intent and trouble going on in Sweden and other countries currently. From memory – up to 100 grenade explosions this year and other explosions, in Sweden. Violent No-Go Zones with video of Police cars riddled with automatic weapons fire. Women only Rock or Music concerts because of the amount of Sexual assaults and a major musician refusing to play those concerts so as not to be a part of the venue enabling the assaults.
It is bad – very , very bad. "Too late" actually means a Sharia country, not simply loss of culture – rather loss of everything good.
I wiish Mr. Caldwell had the opportunity to discuss the immigration and refugee crisis of 2015 and how it brought about drastic changes in the law, and how present migration laws require economic self sufficiency on petitioner to reunite families and how families are keep separated outside of Sweden if economic sufficiency is not established. This fact never quoted by leftists in the US that denounce ICE as barbaric.