Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say? | 5 Minute Video
Climate change is an urgent topic of discussion among politicians, journalists and celebrities…but what do scientists say about climate change? Does the data validate those who say humans are causing the earth to catastrophically warm? Richard Lindzen, an MIT atmospheric physicist and one of the world’s leading climatologists, summarizes the science behind climate change.
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I’m an atmospheric physicist. I’ve published more than 200 scientific papers. For 30 years I taught at MIT, during which time the climate has changed remarkably little. But the cry of “global warming” has grown ever more shrill. In fact, it seems that the less the climate changes, the louder the voices of the climate alarmists get. So, let’s clear the air and create a more accurate picture of where we really stand on the issue of global warming or, as it is now called—“climate change.”
There are basically three groups of people dealing with this issue. Groups one and two are scientists. Group three consists mostly, at its core, of politicians, environmentalists and the media.
Group one is associated with the scientific part of the United Nation’s International Panel on Climate Change or IPCC (Working Group 1). These are scientists who mostly believe that recent climate change is primarily due to man’s burning of fossil fuels—oil, coal and natural gas. This releases C02, carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere and, they believe, this might eventually dangerously heat the planet.
Group two is made up of scientists who don’t see this as an especially serious problem. This is the group I belong to. We’re usually referred to as skeptics.
We note that there are many reasons why the climate changes—the sun, clouds, oceans, the orbital variations of the earth, as well as a myriad of other inputs. None of these is fully understood, and there is no evidence that CO2 emissions are the dominant factor.
But actually there is much agreement between both groups of scientists. The following are such points of agreement:
1) The climate is always changing.
2) CO2 is a greenhouse gas without which life on earth is not possible, but adding it to the atmosphere should lead to some warming.
3) Atmospheric levels of CO2 have been increasing since the end of the Little Ice Age in the 19th century.
4) Over this period (the past two centuries), the global mean temperature has increased slightly and erratically by about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit or one degree Celsius; but only since the 1960’s have man’s greenhouse emissions been sufficient to play a role.
5) Given the complexity of climate, no confident prediction about future global mean temperature or its impact can be made. The IPCC acknowledged in its own 2007 report that “The long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible.”
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/climate-change-what-do-scientists-say

I wonder what all the bombs around the world are affecting?
Note: this guy receives large sums of money from Peabody energy to say what he says.
Donkey, STFU, collect your check and go away.
The C02 charts, ice core samples and most important OUR VISIBLY EVER INCREASING WEATHER disasters are proof, even to the most mentally challenged.
Please provide your papers and research BEFORE you get on your box, donkey.
All about manipulating the useful idiots to make money and power…PERIOD !!
By far the most wisdom and common sense ever offered on the subject!
The long term prediction for any society that overextends their available resources is failure.
Scientists do not believe, rather there is over 98% agreement. This was first argued and put forth beginning about 1860s and has continued since then. The IPCC cannot fully predict because of the variability due to how things will pan out from our actions or lack there of. The projections are based on past data and current actions, this however does not invalidate and unfortunately for this guy, he reminds me of the Senator who brings to the floor a snowball and says, “What global change.”
An old democrat adage: "Never let a crisis go to waste." Even if you have to create that crisis.
Still waiting for the tide to come in and swallow coastal cities.
Kind of an interesting fact that carbon dioxide was attributed to plant growth when I was at school. This was considered a very important factor….makes me struggle to get on board with this theory of destruction
Once it is a religion facts don't matter… Just ask St. Greta…
whats up with the hunga tunga eruption alone putting 10-15% of atmospheric water vaopr in the air which is a greenhouse gas?
Solar flares have been increasing over the past few decades and should peak in 2026. Maybe this is heating up the earth temperature more than a cow farting in Kansas or my ford on the way to work.
Throwing taxpayer money at the sun to stop the solar flares is scam. Follow the money and see who is getting filthy rich off your taxpayer dollars.
You for sure dont speak for 100.000+ international scientists who oppose your opinion
The lie the left is pushing is Man-made Global Warming(AGW). Period. Everyone agrees the climate changes. Let's at least attach the right language to their lies and stop letting them insult us and call us names like Climate Deniers, whatever the hell that means. It's just an insult, an attempt to make us look stupid. Man I truly hate idiot liars and liberals.
Aircraft emissions are never mentioned.
This sounds like "A small minority of scientists is not convinced that human-made climate change is real, so let's not stop destroying our environment."
Also, a fourth group, that of lobbyists, is completely ignored in this video.
If you want to know about global warming ask Lot from sodom and Gomorrah.If you want to learn about the water rising ask Noah .
There are, in fact, many many scientists, who do share this man's views … Yet, as usually the case, those that look/think outside of the box; Are Silenced!!
Depends which scientists are telling the story… and who is paying them.
An honest scientist would say there is no problem with the climate.
There is no climate change it’s garbage!!!
When a goverment doesn't know what a woman or a man is , I seriously don't believe they understand what they are talking about .
we are heading into a mini ice age like the maunder minimum the sceptics can rubbish me as much as they like but the climate will show us the truth we only have to watch the results in the next few years
Consensus is not science. What is the benchmark from which a one or 1 and 1/2 degree increase is projected? Temperatures vary throughout the world throughout the year, so from where in the globe was this"normal temperature"derived from?
Isn't the percentage they cite at around 75% regarding scientists finding results in favor of whoever funds them?
Climate change is a scam created by the elites to control the stupid.
I disagree with one thing. You said that the environmentalists have a near religious devotion. No, is IS a religious devotion.
This man speaks for himself (and his involved lobbies), 100.000+ international scientists all over the world have signed a charter to make a warning. This mans opinion stands oposite to these 100.000+ scientists. And his dtatements dont match reality. Average global temperature has risen allrrady above 1,5°C … oillobbist
There no such thing money is climate change
Great message, but not getting thru, even youtube still places the disclaimer about climate change…in essence, filling fhe jug with more kool aid!
I agree, it's not as dangerous as the fear-mongering politicians and their propagandists claim; however, wouldn't it be nice to breath clean air again? esp. in areas prone to atmospheric inversions (-cough- LA) where car exhaust can be directly related to spikes in respiratory illness.
First, Dennis Prager is so brilliant to created his online university. This video is so spot-on the truth. This message is rampant throughout the conservative media, but non-existent in the majority left wing media. Which only points to how dishonest the Left is. The Left is not driven by truth; nor to discover and know the truth. It's only driven by ideology, power and control which of course leads to money and wealth and more power. But it's a very immoral process because all this is aquired thru lies; and corrupts and destroys everything it engages; children, economies. education, science and society at large.
I can solve climate change simple get rid of democrats that would take care of there delusional voice about climate change only to srip more of Americans money for them to steal
I don’t trust any of them !! Just look at their actions, that’s all you need to know!! Who’s making money? There is no such thing as climate change!!! It’s the biggest scam ever!!
Universities fire any professors who disagree with this fake climate change.
1000 fois merci! Québec
Viewing in 2024. I was surprised to see this MESSAGE from PRAGER U still available. A view and a like.
The climate is always changing its called seasons
Thank you for your comments. Reason is always good to hear from.
Well, one thing's for absolute certain. Richard Lindzen is definitely no relation to the Swede's Thunbergs. Good onya Richard. Thanks.
Climate Change.
Spoiler Alert! It’s been going on since this little , third Rock from the Sun started turning and probably go on long after another failed evolutional mis-adventure called Humanity, has long gone and been forgotten.
So quit fretting, there’s zip we can do to stop any and all “Climate Change “, poor little , hysterical St. Greta.
This guy is nonsense
What climate problem?
It a tax on people
Of the two scientific groups (#s 1 & 2) , about how many scientists are in each group? About equal, or are there many more in one group than in the other?
According to "Scientists"…. we no longer exist. We ALL died 10 years ago
The climate alarmist are pushing solar and wind power, and yet the solar power plants are cutting down millions of acres of trees, which convert
CO2 into oxygen, to build power plants all in the name of green energy.
This tells me that it is NOT about the climate at all, but about MONEY MONEY MONEY.
I've taken to enjoying burning more fuel just to add misery to Greta Thunberg's sad existence.
I believe that global warming is due to tripling the human population of this planet. The solution is not to increase housing and cities that control the ad money the money. The simple answer is to encourage people to become sterilized permanently.Especially those that militantly insist upon agriculture ( that they have never participated in), get rid of the cows that produce gas. Millions of city dwellers that consume and produce nothing of sustainable value, also give off C02. I have learned that ( as ludicrous as it is) that the greenhouse gases given off by cities, cannot be measured.🤔😏 Handy isn’t it.! Thousands of buildings, industries, humans, pets, automobiles and machinery cannot be measured ……, but cows can.