Come Back California
Pastor Jack Hibbs reminds us of the historical origins of California, how God governs in the affairs of men, and hosts California Governor Candidate John Cox. We are reminded how important it is to vote our biblical values for the purposes of protecting our freedoms in Christ.
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Jack Hibbs, make sure John Cox and appoints and puts Travis Allen to become our next lieutenant governor for the benefit of all Californians. There are two Democratic candidates running for lieutenant governor of California. No Christian will vote for any of these two Democrats for our next lieutenant governor since they never stand for righteousness at all!!!!
John Cox for Governor…If you VOTE Newsome California is DOOMED.!
Disregarding my strong prejudice against Johns good looks and aggressive persona…I listen to the narrative. It is ringing true to my godly ears.John evokes the country memory of fathers, the original spirit that caused so many to invest their energies and ambitions to make a solid life in California, land of promises. I am considering this candidate as I search on for America again.
So sad that pastor Jack chose to share his pulpit with a catholic. Far too MAGA
As a former Chicagoan I don't know if I could vote for a White Sox fan, lol. But I don't live in California.
I'm in Colorado, but have been closely watching what has been going on in California. I have heard that illegals can get a drivers license and with that comes an option to register to vote. If that's true then we should all pray that God intervenes in this election and Godly people get voted into office. My heart aches for the people of California. Also, I can see the Democrats wanting to do the same thing to CO that has been done there.
Pray, pray, pray! And be sure to vote! God bless California!
I know God is in control. It would be an awesome testimony to Him when He gives California back to those who are called by His name and humble themselves.
California is gone forever it will stay far left.
FYI in California you can vote early and absentee. http://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/absentee-and-early-voting.aspx
The smart ones r outnumbered
Just a question, isn't Mr Cox anti Trump?
Excellent service Pastor Jack.
Oft times one can only look up when they are at their lowest …. It's time, California. LOOK UP!! Shalom and Maranatha!!
Newsome is pushing for Agenda 21. He wants all of us to live in trailer parks. I just heard it in his interview
Blessings Jack and family in Jesus. We are praying for you and all you are enduring in California. Especially with a state leadership who has lost the ability to reason. It's starting here in Washington State as well. I miss Calvary Chapel though but these are the days of yes trials and spiritual persecution, but even more the time when The Son's hand is on the door waiting for the Father to say "Go get Your Bride"! Much love in Jesus Christ Jack, Maranatha, we watchmen in Washington State. 🦁✝️🐑👑💖
GREAT interview I am not from California nor live in California but I will be praying for John Cox to win as the Governor. I wish a man like you would run against the Chicago machine we too are in a very bad place. I pray that God will raise up new leadership in IL. May God you John and your campaign.
Wow yall John Cox is awesome! I would definitely vote for him if I lived in California.
I was talking to some liberals yesterday who don't believe Ford's alleged four witnesses that SHE came up with refused to collaborate her story. I don't watch CNN or MSNBC but they must be putting out a false narrative to keep these lies going.
I am a citizen of your neighbour to the north and everything that you talked about south of you is coming here too! Our government is destroying our country!
Pray for our country and paster's in the US. Wake up and stand up for godly people. We need to elect Godly men and women to serve our country. I'm so proud of Jack Hibbs for standing up for GOD.
Is anyone else not able to see comments? It shows there’s 12 comments but they are not visible on my end.
This is great information, Pastor Jack! Please keep us informed. Thank you!
All too often I/we have heard it said, "Separation of church and state" by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to a friend. When in fact what needs to be heard is: The church is to define the state under God with liberty and justice. Great message pastor Jack.
We are praying and voting too
This is great…I'm listening as a lifetime resident of Calif born/raised in Los Angeles. I would love to see rent become more stablized…its way too high. I've always been paying out half my income since I was in my 20's…I'm now in my 50's still raising a child. So sad people & married people all struggle here.
God BLESS you Pastor Jack! Amen
Very good! Amen! ♥
Vote COX for Governor if you want California back! 🙏🏽🇺🇸
Remember Lot's wife.
Do you know that you're saved? Salvation is not by what you do. It is what Jesus Christ did for you. You are saved by God's Grace through your faith. Faith and belief in the Gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV). Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried and he rose again on the third day according to the scriptures. Trust in the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ (God the Son) (Rom. 3:25 KJV). The Rapture is very near. Are you ready?
Jack, there is only one Father. I sure that was just a mistake. Just wanted to point that out. God Bless you Jack, you are one of my favorites.
This is where I say first right? Go me….