Cops Are the Good Guys | 5 Minute Video
Are cops perfect? Of course not. And no one should expect them to be. But every single day, under the most difficult conditions, the police protect us from the bad guys. In other words, they do their job and they do it well. Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke makes it very clear: cops are not the problem.
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For over 39 years, I was a police officer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For 15 of those years, I was the Sheriff of Milwaukee County. I’ve done everything you can do as cop—from walking the beat, to investigating murder, to running the agency. I’ve met a lot of cops—of every race, ethnicity and background.
Here’s what I can tell you:
Cops are not perfect.
That’s not a news flash. But this might be: They don’t have to be perfect. They have to be excellent.
And most officers reach excellence every single day, and often under very difficult circumstances—circumstances you can’t imagine, and wouldn’t want to if you could.
Perfection is an unattainable goal. Cops are ordinary human beings. Like everyone else—lawyers, surgeons and baseball players—they make mistakes. But no profession works harder to correct its mistakes. You can mark social progress by the improvements made by police departments over the last 50 years. Today, police are more professional, better educated, and better trained than at any time in their history.
You wouldn’t know it, though, if you listened to self-serving, self-righteous politicians and activists. In their version of history, the police are the villains of the story, not its heroes. Like everything else this crowd does, they’ve got it all backwards.
The police aren’t the problem. The politicians and activists are.
The police didn’t create the failed urban policies that have locked people into generational poverty.
The police aren’t responsible for fatherless homes, failing schools, and bad lifestyle choices.
And they sure as hell aren’t responsible for the lack of respect shown to police officers. It is this lack of respect for authority, fostered over decades by the progressive left and its fear-the-police narrative, that has led to the needless deaths of so many young black men.
When Officer Darren Wilson told Michael Brown to get out of the middle of the street in Ferguson, Missouri, did Brown comply? No. When officers in Baltimore told Freddie Gray to stop resisting arrest, did he comply? No. When officers in New York City told Eric Garner to stop resisting arrest, did he comply? No.
Here’s a useful tip—if you want avoid a bad outcome with a police officer, follow this simple rule:
When a cop gives you a lawful command, obey it—even if you disagree. Whatever problem you are experiencing is not going to be settled on the street. People with complaints need to use the process established for that purpose. Though cops don’t have the final say, they do in that moment. How you react can be a matter of life or death.
But the idea that a law-abiding citizen has to fear the police is a terrible and destructive lie. Let’s get some perspective.
In 2014, 990 people were killed in police use-of-force incidents. Does that sound like a lot? Did you know that, according to a Johns Hopkins study, that same year, medical errors killed 250,000 people? Yet activists aren’t marching in the streets, demanding that the medical profession be reformed. Why not?
Why is it that the people who protect you from the bad guys—and I’ve seen these bad guys close up—are the subject of distrust and anger?
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/cops-are-good-guys

Cops are good guys, but entire channels can be sustained on this platform from police misconduct.
Which is it?
American policing for sure is not good. Consitutional rights violated frequently, with bogus charges and detainments/arrests, and only charged with resisting arrest, only to be dropped after you went to jail.
And if it is just a couple bad apples, why are there often 4-5 police officers on the scene just watching it all happen?
Is that why every lawyer says don't talk to the police, and that if you are guilty, get a lawyer, but if you are innocent, especially get a lawyer?
A police officer can cost a city millions in a lawsuit and won't even be fired for it.
Case closed.
My dad is a cop. I don’t know what he does in his job, but he still is. I love the police, they protect us from the evil guys.
"the idea that a law abiding citzen has to fear the police is a terrible and destructive lie" lmao THAT is a terrible and destructive lie, wtf you talking about lmaaaaoooooo. They may not shot you in the street but they'll sure as hell try and convict you for something they know you didn't do and then rape you in the police car and claim it was just legal "consensual sex while handcuffed under arrest in a police car".
And of george floyd or breanna taylor? Police also have no evidence of decreasing crime, If you care about crime or taxation you'd want the police off the streets.
"Just obey." So cops are dictators on a power trip? Knew that already.
cops are evil
boys are girls
men are villains
motherhood is misery
a stay at home mom is shameful
free speech is bad
increasing taxation is good
sterilizing children is ethical
the system must save us from the system
racism is wrong, unless its to white people
These are just a handful of the myriad insanities the left clamors about every single day
Yes they are.
You idiots will comment "context??" under a video of a 9-year-old autistic girl getting stomped to death by 5 officers.
At first I was suprised this was led by a cop but then I remembered its the same group that loves to investigate themselves and find no weongdoing.
Prageru; keeping racists racist, and stupid people stupid.
Law enforcement are just human. When I make a mistake weather on purpose or by accident I am held responsible. If law enforcement make a mistake weather by accident or on purpose they are for the most part not held accountable. If there is any accountability the tax payer is the one to pay. If the person who did this video thinks otherwise they are part of the problem. Law enforcement needs to know and enforce the law correctly. Lack of knowledge about your job is not a reason for poor enforcement and no accountability.
watched this with my jaw dropped. They’re gonna have this kind of garbage in schools for children. Propaganda at its finest. Bootlickers
And I thought that the Union Army had some bad generals!
I just had an excellent interaction with 3 California highway patrol officers. Changed my opinion forever. Cops are heroes.
Well it depends on the country. Police are law enforcement. If the laws they enforce are just, than they are good. If laws are unjust than they are bad.
The media loves to make cops seem like bad guys. Just because some cops are evil doesn't mean they're all evil.
Lack of respect for authority? What makes you an authority? Youre just an asshole with a gun and a badge
Amen, Sheriff! You told the absolute truth, and I respect you for that. Thank you for your service, sir.
This didn't age well….
Business runners who are bias and prefer hiring those sharing the same beliefs as them, run from those people too, not the police
A cop in my area hit his dog with a car, and just hid the dead body behind an electrical box.
Aged bad