Coronavirus Tyranny: Deep State War on Faith, Family & Freedom
In this virtual speech to the Eagle Forum of California, international journalist Alex Newman breaks down how the Deep State is using coronavirus hysteria to wage war on faith, family, freedom, the economy, Trump, and more.
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If you look at the scriptures, the mark of the beast won’t come until the Christians have been taken up in the rapture. The Bibles printed before 1600, actually use the word “departure” where Paul says in 2Thessalonians 2:1-3 the “falling away will come first” and the Greek word for that is the verb tense of “departure.” The Anti-Christ won’t be revealed until the “restrainer” is taken out of the way. We are restraining as the Holy Spirit resides within all of US! Never to leave us or forsake us! So look up! Our redemption draws nigh! 🙏😇🙏
Devin Nunes in California is AWESOME
I shared this video to several friends and they watched it but I don't see the number of views going up. YouTube is not very honest.
28 minutes, to this nwo clown I say, it would be safer for you shmuleys to knock on rural doors in winter and tell them they can't burn wood.
That's one of your crazy agenda 21 ideas isn't it ?
haven't been to church since I was 12