Cost of Death Tax to Small Business Owners: Grande Harvest Wines owner Bruce Nevins
Grande Harvest Wines owner Bruce Nevins discusses the costs, time, and stress the estate tax, also called the death tax, places on his business, and the effect it will have on his family after he dies.
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He is wrong. the estate tax in 2011 is only on estates over 5 million. Plus there are special exemptions for farms.
It's still at 5 million, 35% We're still fucked.
Nothing can make them follow the Constitution. Our nations history has made this painfully clear. Our Republic was an excellent improvement. Now it's time to go one step further. Voluntarism, Antistatism, Free Market Anarchy, Anarcho-capitalism, whatever you want to call it. There is no reason to give one group of people the legal ability to initiate force against others within a geographic region. That is all the state is. We don't need it anymore. It's time for a new renaissance.
Disgusting just disgusting. I am sick of politicians lining their own pockets and taxing everyone to death. How about we do what is right, institute flat tax, and no death tax. Make this a LAW, for the love of Gd. We need this to be a law, so government would not oversteps its boundaries. It also seems that we need a law for government, that say that they need to follow the law (constitution) . Sounds ridiculous but it Is true. A law to make them follow law
The death tax is disgusting