Cuts We Can’t Afford
During the foreign policy debate, President Obama surprised the audience with the statement that sequestration “will not happen.” Either this was a gaffe or he pulled off the next deft move in the political/legislative sequestration battle. Find out why these cuts would be devastating to our military:
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Wars we don't need? How about ask Obama about Libya and Pakistan, and more… He's killing hundreds of innocent children and people with his drone strikes.
some where Lindsey Graham is having a bitch fit over defense cuts
It was Obama's plan to have sequestration originally so Romney was right
Go to factcheck(dot)org
We live in the age of information, Obama has a serious problem because he is playing old political games when the truth is just a click away
Yeah cuz we all know about all the trouble going on in the ocean right? We don't need ships like sitting ducks anyway. Don't complain about the economy when Romney is going to spend all those billions on the military and for wars we don't need.
"Some animals have physical mutations… so because of this it's not ok for humans to have a sexual preference I think is weird because if it's real it should have died out as the human species evolved further because only a man and woman can reproduce."
I'll use a hermaphrodite as a physical example. They are 100% fully functional in day to day life. They may even be better at your job than you! You may consider it unnatural. Which gender do they date? What problem is this causing YOU?
Romney & Ryan’s domestic plan:
1) Give a $250,000 tax cut to the rich with a $2000 tax raise on the middle-class
2) Deny health insurance to children with preexisting conditions
3) Deny women contraceptives through their employer-provided health insurance
4) Return Wall Street to business-as-usual, which had caused the Great Recession
5) Turn Medicare into Vouchercare
6) Kill alternative-energy
7) End the Dream Act
8) Cut aid to veterans and college students
as a Canadian, i only pray obama get re-elected
you first bro. Can I get your social security too?
lol please cut the military. The title to this video is misleading…
I shoudn't have been surprised this is from heritage foundation
This is a mess. Repubs haven't been begging him to come to the table…yeah, I believe that. NExt, sequestration was the HOUSE'S idea, not his! Further, we need to lessen our military budget because we need to lean out our army. We spend way more than our allies COMBINED in defense neway, if it needs to be, go right ahead with sequestration
Total piece of bullshit. The military was included in the sequestration just as entitlements were. Defense was put on the table to force Republicans to negotiate just as entitlements were to force Democrats. Having skin in the game, both sides were meant to have to come to a compromise, which didn't happen of course, thus the fiscal cliff.
Obama is absolutely right. Sequestration will not happen. If compromise is impossible, then both sides will come together to rid sequestration altogether.
One of the few enumerated powers and responsibilities of the federal government is to provide for the common defense. We're spending more money on means-tested welfare programs and entitlements than we spend for national defense. When are our leaders going to wake up and realize that we need a strong military to project American power abroad?!
Let's try some freaking isolationism for once. Think of how enormous of a wall we could have built with that much money, saved from military funerals alone.
Everyone watch the documentary "The World without US". You can watch it on Netflix. It is an eye opening education on why the US has bases all over the world, the history behind this and what it means for the countries we help protect.
And BTW, we have MORE bayonets today than in 1916 400K vs 700K.
We agree that we have come far in world peace. However, you will have to admit that if we pull back to within our borders, that a vacuum will be created. Who, or what, will fill that vacuum? The U.N.? Europe? Think of the world powers capable of coming to the aid of a country that is on the verge of being taken over or coerced into giving up something that it should not have to give up, e.g., territory, mineral rights. Will the U.N. step in? And for us to step in, do we not need forward bases?
WHO cares? Screw the military.
In that case, I demand that Obama release his school records, his immigration forms and everything else he has put a lid on.
Hay obama you ever hear the say you point your fingure at some one you have three pointing back at you.Every thing Obama accuses Romney do Obamanation you do the same thing.Problem with you Obama you blame every one else for your BULL SHIT SCREW UPS
Yeah and a dog turns in to a cat
We are not the global police and this is not what we are doing. We are securing the petrol dollar and keeping our currency afloat with military force while strategically placing bases to keep all threats in check. Its no coincidence we have encircled Iran and China. China may be a threat because of its numbers alone but its numbers are not effective when they have to fight a multifront war. We are positioned to invade Iran from all directions. Think about it. /watch?v=i5N_huInM0k&lc
Sad how we're on the top of the food chain and our main killer is non other but us. We should be focusing on something bigger more important than just us.