Dean Cheng: China Was “Openly Lying” About Coronavirus Numbers
Dean Cheng joined Sinclair Broadcasting Group, Wednesday, April 1, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus, China’s lies about the virus in China, and China’s responsibility in the outbreak moving around the globe.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/james-carafano-chinas-anti-us-coronavirus-lies-ridiculous-but-it-could-work
Dean Cheng brings detailed knowledge of China’s military and space capabilities to bear as The Heritage Foundation’s research fellow on Chinese political and security affairs. He specializes in China’s military and foreign policy, in particular its relationship with the rest of Asia and with the United States.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/dean-cheng
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Its not about lives its about china taking control over everything. Look at Australia its completely dependent on China. And still you buy you made in china stuff
Americans claimed 5g cause the covid a lie.
https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/21/politics/coronavirus-lab-theory-yan-bannon-invs/index.html — virologist lied
Fake news
https://youtu.be/9-bXzCpRoNI watch this and you will be surprised
I’m half Chinese and Half Vietnamese I was born in the U.S. and I also reborn as a Christian Again that believe in Jesus Christ 🙏🏼 but don’t get me wrong I hate China so much 😡 they lie about everything because China doesn’t care about how many people lives are dying every single day cause of COVID-19 😢 China doesn’t know how to handle the “ Truth” 😡
Tell me something new. That's not news, they are facts.
Fake news
someone nuke china
You are all cheated
a review of China's number.. that's a laugh.. why not shoot for landing on the sun.
China is a son of a bitch
After they silenced the guy who recognised that this could be a pandemic, causing him to die, they then lied about their figures to make out that he was wrong, costing even more lives. Who's going to believe their figures at only 80k cases? probably nearer a million.
I just wondering did we ask American take responsibility for H1N1 or AIDS? Anyway,whatever you said.
Weve all seen the videos of appartment doors being welded shut. 1000s of people crammed into hospitals. People dropping dead on their streets. The coffins stacked to ceiling and thousands of urns of of ashes on palettes. There is absolutley no way china only has 80,000 cases. It is mathematically impossible. The entire world has been struck with this disease. They where ground zero and everyone has millions of more cases?
Absolutely NO. Chinas leaders has lied already many times about the pandemic. What does everyone do when they are in a bad lie? They lie some more, but this is just ridiculous if they think anyone believes this lie. These are people's moms and dads, and children and grandparents. How can anyone be soo inhumane? And towards their own people!
No shit, really ?!?! The Chinese Communist Party lying ?!?! More interested in their economy than the people ?!?!
a huge wave of brainwashed Chinese are found in commentary.
Covid19 was a collaborated work of US, China and few other countries. All these countries should be brought to justice. But NO! How would they? They are cooking up even more potent viruses than Covid19.
Communist china lied, innocent people died.
Dean Cheng you are the lying fuck that spread fake news around.
My left ear enjoyed this
China claims 4,634 dead. They have not shown a single death in over 3 weeks. Lies Lies Lies.
As many as 400,000 are dead. China is never to be trusted ever!
China just want their so call “glory” taht is why they lied.They just don’t want America to be greater than them.
Stop lying please
Why no outrage about China reporting single didgit numbers daily? Is the American media bought by China?
Liars pointing fingers at liars …when to truth gets warped as a political football? F#ck em ALL!