Dean Cheng: Media Should Be Skeptical of China’s Reporting of COVID-19
Dean Cheng joined Fox News Rundown: Global Pandemic on April 6, 2020, to talk about the latest on the coronavirus and China’s lies about the virus in China.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/james-carafano-chinas-anti-us-coronavirus-lies-ridiculous-but-it-could-work
Dean Cheng brings detailed knowledge of China’s military and space capabilities to bear as The Heritage Foundation’s research fellow on Chinese political and security affairs. He specializes in China’s military and foreign policy, in particular its relationship with the rest of Asia and with the United States.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/dean-cheng
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Illustration: Getty Images/The Heritage Foundation

Im not suprised how one sided the comments are with how biased the video is
Covid 19 wasn't cause in China but the US . Its man made virus ' with aids SARS Ebola all kinds of plagues put in to this now called coronavirus ' now spreaded across the world people dying with other symptoms of illness. And we are being told its covid we are being told lies about the figures ' waring a face mask doesnt stop you catching covid but simply washing your hands social distancing a big lie how do air pilots social distance how do people being seated on the plane do the same and why the president him self dnt carry out the measures he was seen only last week shaking hands no gloves on with his famous freemason hand shake .
China need pay for the full damages to the human race
China unleast biologic warfare among the world
china need to be punish for his foolish action !!!!
Red Comrade soldier
Dean Cheng: 0:32 "If even 10% of [5 million] people who left Wuhan had the coronavirus, that's 500 million people who would have left the city" – WOW, this man is a genius and I'm glad you made a video with this no name idiot.
trump's scapegoat. and the right are lying sacks of shit. the heritage foundation is full of lies.
China is not a friend to the free nations of the world. China is ruled by an oppressive authoritarian regime that has NEVER hesitated to kill anyone who oppose them. During the Cultural Revolution (which was in reality a civil war among the Chinese Communist Party), over 72 million (some sources claim it is closer to 80 million) Chinese were killed and most of them by deliberate starvation. During the Tienanmen Massacre, over 10,000 unarmed student activist were killed. But according to the Chinese government, only 200 "civilians" died.
500 0000 NOT 5 000 0000
Still a lot but a mistake by the speaker.
Do you think the COVID-19 numbers the Chinese government has been reporting are accurate?
There is no more free press
they must go to jail this government china is pure evil biochemical attack ww3 don't let them conquer the world now they are moving ships to attack moving innocent to kill billions of people
Surely it is best for each country to produce its own pharmaceuticals.
If one country or company wanted to ensure control of the rest of the globe, having the ability to manufacture a disease for example, then be the only country or company with the ability to develop the required cure would ensure that control.
The same is also true regarding oil. minerals, food etc which is why globalisation will prove to be disastrous for the ordinary people of every country
I dream of CCPs collapse
Watch this from Epoch Times
Thank you Mr Cheng. Way more insightful than that fraud Gordon Chang
I don't believe that Chinese officials knew how contagious and dangerous this covid19 was. American leaders saw how dangerous it was, but failed it badly to prevent it from spreading.
They created the damn virus..stop lying to us
The CCP Coronavirus likely escaped from the government run Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Chinese Communist Party fueled this pandemic by intentionally covering up crucial information. The CCP must be held accountable for the lives and livelihoods destroyed. The financial claims against the Chinese regime will be massive.